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Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

OP, stop using state-sponsored propaganda organs like VoA, RoA. You're destroying what little credibility you have.
That's ok mate. I understand, being a Chinese you have to tow the official line and have no other option.

no other option? I can do what all Americans are doing, don't give a F about these minorities. They can live and die as they please.

You know what's funny, the only thing that can actually be measured in absolute terms, health care, income, living conditions and GDP, stuff like that. You guys never seems to post, it's these things that are open to interpretation and rumor based crap that keeps getting posted.

You want to prove India's better, then post articles that says Indian roads are better, not corrupt, no pollution, good jobs, higher income, higher GDP, and stuff like that.

Of course, you are going to have to achieve that first.

BTW, why did I say these things can't be measured, the immigration rate of Chinese to other countries is down and more and a lot of Chinese are actually coming back. As to this pissed about the government, Chinese are like everyone else, you talk about it, end of discussion, you go on with your life. It's not like everyone in India is praying to god each day that their government is the best thing since sliced bread, even though they were elected.
It is quite sad for the Chinese - if they ask for democracy, the Govt. rolls tanks over them; if they pray then they are killed.

Well I guess it's better than India's democracy that people can get away with rape :smokin:

The Xinjaing issue is a mess-up from start, right from Mao's policies of ethnic dilution

At least Xinjiang is much much better than slum India, Xinjiang will be once again the hub of the silkroad. we are about to connect from Kashgar to Gwadar that you Indians are so envy of.


see the video, Pakistan traders came for business opportunity and see how clean compare to your messy slum :lol:
Do point out how and where did I deliberately "leave out" the name the township's Communist party Secretary.?

Why are you so eager to prove that its the Uyghur Muslims who must have done something wrong here. Would you be willing to give this benefit of doubt to others had a similar incident happened in some other country?

P.S: Are you Chinese?

I said "they deliberately leave out the name of the township's Communist party Secretary.", as in the editors of Radio Free Asia.

The police in the Tarim Basin, including Kashgar prefecture, are Uyghur Muslims and so are the Communist Party officials. Your question is phrased very funnily, as if you are insinuating that only the victims were Uyghurs. I believe that whatever doubts there are about the tipoff that led to the raid, the people in the house must have physically rushed the police with the knives and axes. Summary executions on the spot don't tend to be good publicity, in fact its very bad publicity and the police would prefer to make arrests instead of shooting people.

Look at my flag of origin. 98% of Taiwan's population is ethnic Chinese.

As for other countries, your native country doesn't give any benefit of doubt because your AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) allows your security forces to kill people with impunity (and rape too). So no benefit of doubt specifically for India.

Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I understand that in your native country India, your government frequently uses non-locals to fight against the native insurgents, like the 600,000 non-Kashmiri Indian troops who are needed by the Indian government in Kashmir to fight against Kashmiri Muslims, and the Assam rifles in Manipur, consisting of Assamese troops fighting against the local Manipuris. Both the Indian Army in Kashmir and Assam rifles have committed massacres and rape against the locals, protected from prosecution by the AFSPA.

In the Tarim Basin (Southern Xinjiang) most police and the Communist Party officials are local Uyghurs. Most of the police killed in the terrorist attacks in Kashgar and Khotan were Uyghurs. Uyghur language skills are necessary to get a job in the Tarim. The majority of the Tarim Basin's population is Uyghur.
At least Xinjiang is much much better than slum India, Xinjiang will be once again the hub of the silkroad. we are about to connect from Kashgar to Gwadar that you Indians are so envy of.


see the video, Pakistan traders came for business opportunity and see how clean compare to your messy slum :lol:
新疆喀什广州新城商机æ—*限 引外商入驻淘金 - YouTube

So you support ethnic dilution as long as slums are non-existent? :blink:

OMG! what next you support Nanking atrocities as well, just as long as Imperial Japanese troops don't make a messy slum?

No wonder the Uyghur people went off attacking Han residents, considering people like you salivate on thought of extinction of Uyghurs :angry:
So you support ethnic dilution as long as slums are non-existent? :blink:

OMG! what next you support Nanking atrocities as well, just as long as Imperial Japanese troops don't make a messy slum?

Provide a better living means ethnic dilution? what is your Indian IQ?, India slums has made more people die from lack of sanitation: poluted water (see below)...it's worst than performing genecide on it own people, no wonder your formal colonial master liked to let Indians live in slum .


Diarrhoea, parasitic infestation and fecal oral epidemics are due to poor sanitation and no access to basic facilities such as restrooms. In India, 15 hundred thousand children die each day because of diarrhoea and every 15 seconds a child dies because of water related diseases. According to Gethin Chamberlain, nearly 2 million Indian children die under five each day and that is the highest number all over the world. Ways that all of this could be prevented is by aiding them with clean water and providing them access to basic facilities; restrooms being the main one

Health care

According to Gethin Chamberlain, Indian state healthcare was supposed to be opened to all and supply both rich and poor with the necessary healthcare, but to date they have failed to do that. They have not been out to reach the slum areas and get them the healthcare they deserve. Sometimes, people in the slum get sick and start to develop symptoms that later on turn out to be a mortal disease, but the two reasons why they do not go and seek help is because 1. It is considered luxury to them and 2. The medical help is sometimes too far to go and by the time they get there the sick do not always make it (Shireen Miller). Sometimes, the ones who are lucky enough to make it and get medical assistance are not treated properly. They are being vaccinated with used syringes that sometimes have been used more than 10 times on different people with different diseases. This leads them to get more illnesses and exposes them to death much faster. Children sometimes find these syringes when they are playing around and they pick them up and go resell them for 10 cents each, or they use it to drink water. This is something that should not be happening but unfortunately it is, due to the healthcare being unattended and not treating them the right way.

Provide a better living means ethnic dilution? what is your Indian IQ?, India slums has made more people die from lack of sanitation: poluted water (see below)...it's worst than performing genecide on it own people, no wonder your formal colonial master liked to let Indians live in slum .


Still pigheaded about your point eh, good that atleast you showed you true colors and your opinion on Nanking atrocities.
Sentences lacking logical connection, that wasn't far away

Logical connection is that your formal colonial master didn't even bother to perform any genocide in order to control Indian population, you already did a favor to them with your slum and it consequence as I show you the link at post #22:pop:
OP, stop using state-sponsored propaganda organs like VoA, RoA. You're destroying what little credibility you have.

As opposed to Xinhua? Which is not a state sponsored propaganda organ ?:lol:
The Xinjaing issue is a mess-up from start, right from Mao's policies of ethnic dilution

Han Chinese were 4% of Xinjiang's population in 1949, now the Han Chinese are in majority in Xinjiang.

Provide a better living means ethnic dilution? what is your Indian IQ?, India slums has made more people die from lack of sanitation: poluted water (see below)...it's worst than performing genecide on it own people, no wonder your formal colonial master liked to let Indians live in slum .

In China, 'Cancer Villages' a reality of life - CNN.com
That's ok mate. I understand, being a Chinese you have to tow the official line and have no other option.

being an Indian you have no other options but other than inferior complexity and white wannabe mentality, so here you have two 'options'```damn, we Chinese envy you !!
It is quite sad for the Chinese - if they ask for democracy, the Govt. rolls tanks over them; if they pray then they are killed.

its even sader for Indians, if you ask for job, the govt makes you to earn $1.5 perday, if you ask for education, they make you intellectually handicapped, if you ask for food, they make you un-nourished, if you ask for hygiene, they make the whole country a $hit hole, if a woman (from any age) wants a free walk everywhere, the gov will make sure she will get gang r@pped and he criminals wont be charged

and it gets even worse, if you ask for social equality, they slash the caste name on your head, so you can never challenge their divine rull of this feudal country
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