Things aren't so black and white.
The swine flu 'epidemic' as declared an epidemic by the American 'CDC' when not a single verified case of swine flu was established. 40 million Americans were vaccinated, resulting in 4,000 people suing the government for paralysis.
In Europe a simialar 'epidemic' was declared in around 2010, resulting in at least 800 children getting
Narcolepsy , a desease causing people to fall asleep involuntary. These conditions are permanent.
In India, academics established that about 500,000 children were permanenlty disabled as a result of Bill Gates's Polio vaccine. I believe the same is happenning in Africa now.
When I was at school. no children had any illnesses or allergies. At present, school children have hosts of problems, asthma and ecsema are rife. The autism rate has gone from 1 in 10,000 to to 1 in 36, an epidemic by any standards. The health minister of Vietnam went public in saying that there was no cases of autism in Vietnam whatsoever, until WHO started its vacination programme.
Vaccine companies are indemnified against there products, meaning that if a vaccine damages you you cannot sue them. If I was selling washing machines and said that I want to be indemnified incase your wife gets electrocuted by my washing machine, would you buy it?
Understand clearly that vast amounts of money are at stake, and Pharmaceutical companies are as greedy and ruthless as any other. Bring that fact into the equation if you want to understand the scenario.
As for AIDS or Ebola being natural, I can't make the call. There is a lot of biological 'research' (ie Biological warfare) research going on. Fort Dietricht in America was carrying out a project to 'enhance' corona viruses (weaponise), when scientist complained the research was outsourced to Wuhan. There are large number of laboratories around the world carrying out ' research' for America, some of them im Africa. I am told that the early cases of Ebola were near these establishments, but again I'm not sure.
Currently, in the States, a child is given 72 vaccines. Three in the mother before the child is born, and the rest up to the age of 18 yrs.
Look into it, you wil often find that the 'fools' who question the Pharmaceutical narrative are better informed than those who switch their brains off and follow the narrative.
Many of you have ignored this, if you have a passing interest I suggest you watch this.