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U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

We have yet to make it official...But when we do...Better petition that Heavenly father for assistance.

You better create a petition to nudge your Heavenly Uncle Sam to speed up on the process and not u-turn on the statement. We don't have all day.
You better create a petition to nudge your Heavenly Uncle Sam to speed up on the process and not u-turn on the statement. We don't have all day.

I'm still waiting for them to back up their "cyber attacks are an act of war" statement. :P
Come now kids. Leave aside the pi$$ing contest and post logic. Fact is that the chances of a modern day China and US engaging in war is slim to nil.

Firstly let's compare the political scenario vis a vis' the Chinese political leadership in the 50's and 60's to the US political leadership then. In a democratic leadership under the US, the Secretary of Defence was dismissed for suggesting that China should be nuked for interfering in the Korean war. Politically that would have been devastating for the US leadership. In the 50's and 60's China was a backward nation trying to find its place in the world. Now in the 21st century the scenario has changed. The US leadership still has to answer to the Senate and Congress etc. The Chinese leadership is no longer just the leaders of China. They are asserting their leadership role not only in Asia but also internationally. Globally they make every attempt to show that they are a responsible Socialist government.

Economically the Chinese and the US have evolved since the 50's and 60's. The scenario is very dissimilar from the US-Japanese economic scenario in the 20's and 30's. Unlike then, there is a economic inter-dependence between the US and China. This also distinguishes the current US-Chinese relationship from the former US-Soviet relationship. There is no fight for economic colonies or for a display of who has the biggest gun. The current impasses which have arisen between the US and China is over insignificant issues. Both countries in dealing with each other realise their economic inter-dependence and tend to limit their words when aggrieved over the other's conduct eg China and the Vietnam issue and the US when it comes to China's attempt to assert some form of authority in the Asian seas.

There is a conflict but a totally new form of conflict. It is not a conflict for resources or asserting some form of ideology. It is a conflict between economically inter-dependent giants. Nukes, ICBMs , aircraft carriers etc play minor roles in this conflict. So are countries such as India and Pakistan. Sorry India and Pakistan, but you are totally insignificant and trying to weigh your importance to this new world game is kinda funny. This conflict is about debt management and the ownership of debt and the management of debt. The US is not a manufacturing giant. It has no problem with China taking the lead in that role. The US is a commodity agent. The prime asset of the United States is no longer the oilfields of Dallas or the car manufacturing plants in Detroit. It is the DOW Jones. Countries such as China are major factors in the DOW Jones reaching incredible peaks. Some may regard this as a new form of colonialism where the colonial master uses the markets of every stable nation to reach a financial high. Many others may regard this strategy as that of a financial genius. China requires a strong DOW to ensure that it has stable markets for its exports. The US requires the Chinese to remain a strong manufacturer to ensure that the DOW remains on a high. Invasion of countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan would only take place where a country (even a backyard caveman controlled country such as Afghanistan) would threaten the stability of the DOW even for a few days. Saddam's threat to control the price of oil would have devastated the markets and it is no secret that his intention to invade Kuwait lingered on even after he was repulsed by Bush Snr.

And amidst all this countries such as India and Pakistan continue to play the outdated game of tank against tank and gun against gun. But then again the armaments industry needs consumers and old airplanes and outdated helicopters need to be sold to a specific target market. With Central Africa in turmoil and practically bankrupt, what better destination than South Asia for the armaments industry.
wage war? with india? why would we want to attack our future possession? once the US hand you over to us you will become greater tibet and you will be apart of the 1 billion+ strong labor force for the new world empire.

21st century in the making

these greater tibetans should know their place

First try taking over Taiwan or Spartley Islands which you claim as yours then think of taking over others.. BTW, weren't US the ones who saved your a$$es from Japanese? If they had not all you Han Chinese would have been butchered or made slaves by Japan and Japanese would have gotten a 1 billion+ strong cheap salves and large country to rule over and had that happened they would have really loved it.. But that didn't happened and you should Thank US for it rather than try picking fight with them..
You better create a petition to nudge your Heavenly Uncle Sam to speed up on the process and not u-turn on the statement. We don't have all day.
But we do. We will flip a few switches and sever China's cyber connections to the world. Then it will be 'Bombs Awaaaayyyy...'
But we do. We will flip a few switches and sever China's cyber connections to the world. Then it will be 'Bombs Awaaaayyyy...'

And then celebrate and say goodbye to the American economy.
By the looks of things, your Heavenly Uncle Sam is clearly disagreeing with you.
Americans are liars and cowards. When did they ever dare to take on someone even near their own size. In iraq the country had faced years of un sanctions. Afghan had been ravaged by war with the soviets etc, Look at how they with their tale between their legs ran away from vietnam. Simply americans are cowards and would not dare to take china on. I think its a low tolerance thing with americans. They can not take pain and they would start crying very quickly. Look at the way a rag tag group of blokes in pyjamas and obsolete weapons have made them withdraw. The population of afghan is what 10 mill. all i can say is:rofl: to americans taking on china
And then celebrate and say goodbye to the American economy.
By the looks of things, your Heavenly Uncle Sam is clearly disagreeing with you.

They already said good bye to American economy. I live in USA and things are very bad here.. Every family or friend I know have at least 1 member of their family unemployed.. Things are not very good here... I hope they get better... as we live in USA too...
They already said good bye to American economy. I live in USA and things are very bad here.. Every family or friend I know have at least 1 member of their family unemployed.. Things are not very good here... I hope they get better... as we live in USA too...

Hmmm thats sad for you guys but still i think the condition is far better for immigrants from this part of the world as they get satisfied with even little of money due to the exchange rate and inflation here in Pakistan but for the natives it has been lot worse than we can think off
They already said good bye to American economy. I live in USA and things are very bad here.. Every family or friend I know have at least 1 member of their family unemployed.. Things are not very good here... I hope they get better... as we live in USA too...

I guess cutbacks, downgrade, inflation, unemployments and military withdrawal isn't telling enough. I actually welcome the decision of America considering cyber crime an act of war. Their words are empty and is getting cheaper by the day.

The Heavenly Uncle Sam must be firm on his decision and stop being so indecisive. Shame he is not Gambit. :rolleyes:
Come now kids. Leave aside the pi$$ing contest and post logic. Fact is that the chances of a modern day China and US engaging in war is slim to nil.

Firstly let's compare the political scenario vis a vis' the Chinese political leadership in the 50's and 60's to the US political leadership then. In a democratic leadership under the US, the Secretary of Defence was dismissed for suggesting that China should be nuked for interfering in the Korean war. Politically that would have been devastating for the US leadership. In the 50's and 60's China was a backward nation trying to find its place in the world. Now in the 21st century the scenario has changed. The US leadership still has to answer to the Senate and Congress etc. The Chinese leadership is no longer just the leaders of China. They are asserting their leadership role not only in Asia but also internationally. Globally they make every attempt to show that they are a responsible Socialist government.

Economically the Chinese and the US have evolved since the 50's and 60's. The scenario is very dissimilar from the US-Japanese economic scenario in the 20's and 30's. Unlike then, there is a economic inter-dependence between the US and China. This also distinguishes the current US-Chinese relationship from the former US-Soviet relationship. There is no fight for economic colonies or for a display of who has the biggest gun. The current impasses which have arisen between the US and China is over insignificant issues. Both countries in dealing with each other realise their economic inter-dependence and tend to limit their words when aggrieved over the other's conduct eg China and the Vietnam issue and the US when it comes to China's attempt to assert some form of authority in the Asian seas.

There is a conflict but a totally new form of conflict. It is not a conflict for resources or asserting some form of ideology. It is a conflict between economically inter-dependent giants. Nukes, ICBMs , aircraft carriers etc play minor roles in this conflict. So are countries such as India and Pakistan. Sorry India and Pakistan, but you are totally insignificant and trying to weigh your importance to this new world game is kinda funny. This conflict is about debt management and the ownership of debt and the management of debt. The US is not a manufacturing giant. It has no problem with China taking the lead in that role. The US is a commodity agent. The prime asset of the United States is no longer the oilfields of Dallas or the car manufacturing plants in Detroit. It is the DOW Jones. Countries such as China are major factors in the DOW Jones reaching incredible peaks. Some may regard this as a new form of colonialism where the colonial master uses the markets of every stable nation to reach a financial high. Many others may regard this strategy as that of a financial genius. China requires a strong DOW to ensure that it has stable markets for its exports. The US requires the Chinese to remain a strong manufacturer to ensure that the DOW remains on a high. Invasion of countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan would only take place where a country (even a backyard caveman controlled country such as Afghanistan) would threaten the stability of the DOW even for a few days. Saddam's threat to control the price of oil would have devastated the markets and it is no secret that his intention to invade Kuwait lingered on even after he was repulsed by Bush Snr.

And amidst all this countries such as India and Pakistan continue to play the outdated game of tank against tank and gun against gun. But then again the armaments industry needs consumers and old airplanes and outdated helicopters need to be sold to a specific target market. With Central Africa in turmoil and practically bankrupt, what better destination than South Asia for the armaments industry.

China was not nuked, not because the US feared the political backlash, but because nukes just wouldn't have been militarily effective as a battlefield weapon. If the US nuked Chinese cities and killed civilians, then it would've put itself at risk of Soviet reprisals in Europe or even against the US mainland.

Korean War
Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In October 1951, the US effected Operation Hudson Harbor to establish nuclear weapon-use capability. USAF B-29 bombers practiced individual bombing runs (using dummy nuclear or conventional bombs) from Okinawa to North Korea, coordinated from Yokota Air Base, in east-central Japan. Hudson Harbor tested “actual functioning of all activities which would be involved in an atomic strike, including weapons -assembly and -testing, leading, ground control of bomb aiming”. The bombing run data indicated that atomic bombs would be tactically ineffective against massed infantry, because the “timely identification of large masses of enemy troops was extremely rare.”
China was not nuked, not because the US feared the political backlash, but because nukes just wouldn't have been militarily effective as a battlefield weapon. If the US nuked Chinese cities and killed civilians, then it would've put itself at risk of Soviet reprisals in Europe or even against the US mainland.

Korean War
Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In October 1951, the US effected Operation Hudson Harbor to establish nuclear weapon-use capability. USAF B-29 bombers practiced individual bombing runs (using dummy nuclear or conventional bombs) from Okinawa to North Korea, coordinated from Yokota Air Base, in east-central Japan. Hudson Harbor tested “actual functioning of all activities which would be involved in an atomic strike, including weapons -assembly and -testing, leading, ground control of bomb aiming”. The bombing run data indicated that atomic bombs would be tactically ineffective against massed infantry, because the “timely identification of large masses of enemy troops was extremely rare.”

Korean war became a stalemate because the Soviets were behind NK that time.
First try taking over Taiwan or Spartley Islands which you claim as yours then think of taking over others.. BTW, weren't US the ones who saved your a$$es from Japanese? If they had not all you Han Chinese would have been butchered or made slaves by Japan and Japanese would have gotten a 1 billion+ strong cheap salves and large country to rule over and had that happened they would have really loved it.. But that didn't happened and you should Thank US for it rather than try picking fight with them..

i speak of the future while you speak of the past.

greater tibet is your future. :wave:

why should the dragon dirty his paws when he can ride the indian elephant? if there is any animal that can support the weight of the dragon it is the elephant which will be used to build the new chinese global empire.

"Greater Tibet is the best India since British India"
i speak of the future while you speak of the past.

greater tibet is your future. :wave:

You seems second avatar of Great Baba HongWu, you have already started seeing future... Hope you are doing good with Sudoku...
i speak of the future while you speak of the past.

greater tibet is your future. :wave:

why should the dragon dirty his paws when he can ride the indian elephant? if there is any animal that can support the weight of the dragon it is the elephant which will be used to build the new chinese global empire.

"Greater Tibet is the best India since British India"

God damn.. you are so funny!! :rofl: :rofl:
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