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U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

LOL, let America back up this threat first:

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as acts of war

Hahaha, so apparently America has been subjected to hundreds of "acts of war", every single week. :P

This threat was made months ago, yet America hasn't attacked yet? :azn:

Sort of like how they keep threatening North Korea, while North Korea sinks South Korean ships and bombards South Korean islands. Oh, and develops nukes too...
First, let America back up this threat:

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as acts of war

Hahaha, so apparently America has been subjected to hundreds of "acts of war" every single week. :P

This threat was made months ago, yet America hasn't attacked yet? Sort of like how they keep threatening North Korea, while North Korea sinks South Korean ships and bombards South Korean islands.

Obama means another cyber attack of big scale on pentagon,they will not engage war on few stolen credit cards !
Obama means another cyber attack of big scale on pentagon,they will not engage war on few stolen credit cards !

Check how many times China has been accused of cyber attacks on the Pentagon and the US military. :lol:

How many "acts of war" are they willing to suffer, before they do something about it? Hundreds? Thousands?

The only thing they do, is send Hilary Clinton over, to beg China to continue buying US treasury bonds. :P

And we will of course continue to fund the American consumer, so they can continue to buy more of our products.
the US dont need to fight China directly, they can just tell the indians to do it. indians are always on call for american orders. all the US have to do is give india some nice weapons like a b-2 and the indians will simply go into instance orgasm. and then tell them "we got your back" and the indians are good to go.
the US dont need to fight China directly, they can just tell the indians to do it. indians are always on call for american orders. all the US have to do give india some nice weapons and tell them "we got your back" and the indians are good to go.

Wow so can we presume end of China as a nation...
You had your chance in 1950, against a very weak China. And you still failed. :lol:

Actually Gen.Mac Arthur wanted to nuke China, but President Truman was worried of Soviet response.This deteriorated the relationship b/n the two and he was removed from the position. So if China survived Korean War, you can thank the clearheadness of President Truman.
Wow so can we presume end of China as a nation...

You guys couldn't even respond to the Mumbai attacks, despite constant boasting of "surgical strikes", and your home minister saying that another Mumbai attack will not be tolerated. Yet Mumbai gets hit over and over again, and Indians can't do anything.

Take care of that first, before anyone will believe that you can handle anything else.
Actually Gen.Mac Arthur wanted to nuke China, but President Truman was worried of Soviet response.This deteriorated the relationship b/n the two and he was removed from the position. So if China survived Korean War, you can thank the clearheadness of President Truman.
Instead of thanking USSR and Presidant Truman they thought they won against US...
Wow so can we presume end of China as a nation...

you dont get the joke do you. the US will feed you to us. and we won't just retaliate against you we will invade you and turn india into greater tibet.

then we will strap every indian captive with 10kg of explosives and then push them off of airplanes over all US military bases in the asia pacific.

with over 1 billion+ indians we will have a potential endless supply of human bombs

we should exploit the situation to get state of the art military equipments from USA it is very clear now that India and china cannot get along,we should join the USA camp as we already have very good relations with Israel and there lobby is strongest in USA hence there will be no opposition of arm sales to India !

I agree we should exploit the situation, but needn't join any camp.
Gambit thinks mainland China is an evil empire. lol ^^
I said nothing about China being 'evil'. However, China is a dictatorship and quite a racist country.

Full text of "Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States"
The Emperor of the Qing dynasty salutes the President of the United States of America.

On the 25th day of the 7th moon of the present year, (August 19, 1862,) the President's envoy, Anson Burlingame, presented a letter from the President. On perusing it, we found it to be entirely expressive of sincerity and truth, and a desire for relations of long-continued friendship and peace, at which we were indeed greatly rejoiced; and we have instructed the office managing foreigners to show all proper attention to the envoy, Anson Burlingame.

Having, with reverence, received the commission from Heaven to rule the universe, we regard both the middle empire and the outside countries as constituting one family, without any distinction. And acting sincerely in our mutual intercourse, we must endeavor to extend forbearance to each other. And we wish that our friendly relations with the President may henceforth increase in strength, and may we both enjoy the blessings of peace, the attainments of which undoubtedly will be most gratifying.

The 7th day of the 12th moon in the first year of the reign of Jungchi, (January 22, 1863.)
Received the commission from Heaven itself to rule the universe? Burlingame actually consulted with his peer, Seward, on whether if he read and interpreted the letter correctly. Seward told him that the letter was quite mild in its condescension compared to other missives to the British and the Europeans.

The condescension from the Chinese Emperor to a US President was at the time when the British and the Europeans were already at China's doorsteps and showing how backward China was to the foreigners and that China lost two wars against those foreigners.

Long United, Must Divide: Corruption, Rebellion and the fall of the Han Dynasty (by Moses Kong)
“The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.”
The cycles of unity and division are getting shorter in between. The natives under Imperial China's jackboots are getting restless. A war against US will divide the empire and this time it might be for good despite that commission from Heaven.
You guys couldn't even respond to the Mumbai attacks, despite constant boasting of "surgical strikes", and your home minister saying that another Mumbai attack will not be tolerated.

Take care of that first, before anyone will believe that you can handle anything else.

we did not retaliate because we have lot to loose and pakistan has nothing they will use nukes with no worry(as they have nothing to loose and they cant survive in conventional war)so AFAIK its a wise choice first build our defense strong enough to defend us from nukes and than think about war !
BTW same goes for china u cannot attack us u have lot to loose and don't start with that 1megaton vs 240 megaton crap !
china cant even fight for five minutes if USA attack them with full force !
They can not even fight with Vietanm or India how can they think fight with US.. They can fight with US only in Internet Forums... and they can win too..
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