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U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

Yes, land attack cruise missiles always have longer ranges than antiship missiles except the DF-21. Speaking of which, account for that yet?
Yes, our SM-3 will deal with them.

But we can use our own land attack cruise missiles and destroy US bases throughout the Pacific.
You wish. We have far more experience at using these weapons than China does. We know how to either defeat or reduce their effectiveness.

P3/P8 are armed with anti-sub weapons. They're slow and unmaneuverable: easy food for fighters and interceptors.
Provided China can find them first. And provided the PLAN survive the USN, which I doubt.
The US takes up too much of the world's resources. Disproportionately much. There is a solution. The end of the US as a nation state will solve all problems. The sacrifice of 300 million people will let the world's 3 billion poor live.
Good luck in trying to commit genocide. China can do it to smaller groups like the Tibetans but not against US.
Good luck in trying to commit genocide. China can do it to smaller groups like the Tibetans but not against US.

lol beat you cant beat 50,000illequipped taliban combined with nato and you think you can defeat 150,00,000 chinese military ??? My advice US PLEASE DONT COMMIT SUICIDE
lol beat you cant beat 50,000illequipped taliban combined with nato and you think you can defeat 150,00,000 chinese military ??? My advice US PLEASE DONT COMMIT SUICIDE
But we did beat the Taliban. We are in Afghaninstan. We replaced the Taliban with a different government. Show me any other country that can do the same.
But we did beat the Taliban. We are in Afghaninstan. We replaced the Taliban with a different government. Show me any other country that can do the same.

Lolx, now this is damn easy to defeat U.S just kill obama and claim your victory!!! :victory:
LOL i dont think you control afghanistan at all USSR managed to put a puppet govt there too as you did.90% is controlled by taliban and only kabul is controlled by US.and what about korea and vietnam i think you won both those wars tooo? hahaha
LOL i dont think you control afghanistan at all USSR managed to put a puppet govt there too as you did.90% is controlled by taliban and only kabul is controlled by US.and what about korea and vietnam i think you won both those wars tooo? hahaha
Controlling a territory is a different issue than defeating the previous authority in the territory. We spectacularly accomplished the latter. Then we did the same for Iraq.
okay so then according to your theory you won libya war too because you recognise the rebels as ligit govt there.my friend calling cat an elephant wont make it an elephant.and you didnt defeat them at all in the first place because they operate from kanadahar and helmand not from kabul.and you only control kabul the rest 90% is controlled by taliban if you dont believe it then count the body bags coming to US every week you will find its increasing every year sucessfully if that whats you call victory then congradulations to you
Yes, our SM-3 will deal with them.

You wish. We have far more experience at using these weapons than China does. We know how to either defeat or reduce their effectiveness.

Provided China can find them first. And provided the PLAN survive the USN, which I doubt.

Ground based radar and AWACs can find those hulking, giant pieces of slow moving metal.

SM-3 isn't a 100% interception system. Just 10% failure can result in a military defeat for the US.

The US cannot win. If it tries to attack China it will suffer hyperinflation and the replacement of the Washington-Wall Street regime with a new, much smaller US.
Ground based radar and AWACs can find those hulking, giant pieces of slow moving metal.
And those radar systems are vulnerable to our measures. Do I need to outline them for you?

SM-3 isn't a 100% interception system. Just 10% failure can result in a military defeat for the US.
And neither is the DF-21 is a %100 successful system. The moment any ballistic missile is launched, it will be detected, and from that moment on, every US ships will take evasive maneuvers, foiling any programmed coordinates that each DF-21 may have. Sorry, buddy, but even at merely 20 kts, an aircraft carrier will displaced several square km. Then countermeasures will be deployed the moment the warhead is detected over the horizon. The warhead will have next to zero target resolutions. Your fellow conscript rejects over at your other playgrounds will buy your crap. Not here.

The US cannot win. If it tries to attack China it will suffer hyperinflation and the replacement of the Washington-Wall Street regime with a new, much smaller US.
Bunk. We WILL win. The defeat of China will be meaningless for global economics. The defeat of China will mean smaller Asian countries can breath much easier. It will also enable the Koreans to unite their country again.
lol how are you going to detect a launch of DF21 when your sattilites are shot downby satillite killer missiles by china ?????by magic i guess
and how will your navy survive if your carriers are sunk by carrier killer missiles 2000 miles away?
and defeat of US will liberate the whole of south american nations
lol how are you going to detect a launch of DF21 when your sattilites are shot downby satillite killer missiles by china ?????by magic i guess
and how will your navy survive if your carriers are sunk by carrier killer missiles 2000 miles away?
and defeat of US will liberate the whole of south american nations
How? If there is a shooting war between US and China, we will strike at those detection systems before our carriers are within range of the DF-21. Or if they are already in the region, China had better hit them in a surprise attack, that is assuming the DF-21 works as advertised. I can tell already that you are out of your league here about this subject. Join the military and do some time to enlightened yourself.
how are you going to detect their detection systems when your satilites are shot down???? then comes destroying part of it
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