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U.S. To Beef Up Pakistani Weapons

TexasJohn said:
There is a whole thread on just that on tank.net. Take a look.

I remember back in the 80s, when LTV was working on the fire control system of the Bradleys, right here in town. It really sucked back then and it's not all that good now. Take out the old bugs, put in the new!!

Arent they talking abt the strkyer?
TexasJohn said:
Pretty much the same beast, bro!

But they are the ones doing most of the fighting, the Abraham only gets in on the action in set pieces like Fallujah (whihc is rare) the Humvees have a worse record than the Bradley's and the Russian BMP-1 has ripped apart in the Arab-Israeli wars and the russian assault on Grozny.

I doubt the BMP-2 is better than the Bradley which doesnt leave much really except to say that the entire concept of IFV might be flawed.
sigatoka said:
But they are the ones doing most of the fighting, the Abraham only gets in on the action in set pieces like Fallujah (whihc is rare) the Humvees have a worse record than the Bradley's and the Russian BMP-1 has ripped apart in the Arab-Israeli wars and the russian assault on Grozny.

I doubt the BMP-2 is better than the Bradley which doesnt leave much really except to say that the entire concept of IFV might be flawed.

Yes they are the ones doing most of the fighting. The M1A1/2 is not suitable for some of the narrow streets. Interesting sidetrack on the Humvees - now that they are up armored, all that extra weight causes them to tip over easy. As an off-roader myself, I tknow what they are talking about. Our performance out there is not spectacular by any means.

That's what "wrong war, wrong time, wrong place is all about". I do support our troops - 2 nephews, 5 friends. I would like to see them all home safe back in the neighborhood.:army:
Officer of Engineers said:

There is no way the Stryker and the Bradley are the same beast. None. Zero. Nadda. Zilch.

Indeed , the Stryker kicks ***. The Carlisle PA army base is the first such unit to be armed with these Strykers here in the US. "texas """"john"""" is wrong in comparing the two.
RAPTOR said:
Indeed , the Stryker kicks ***. The Carlisle PA army base is the first such unit to be armed with these Strykers here in the US. "texas """"john"""" is wrong in comparing the two.

I stand corrected - I read some more on it today. It was late last night!!
RAPTOR said:
Indeed , the Stryker kicks ***. The Carlisle PA army base is the first such unit to be armed with these Strykers here in the US. "texas """"john"""" is wrong in comparing the two.

Raptor - I don't understand what you meant by """""john""""". Care to explain that? Then let's get back on topic!
RAPTOR said:
Indeed , the Stryker kicks ***. The Carlisle PA army base is the first such unit to be armed with these Strykers here in the US. "texas """"john"""" is wrong in comparing the two.

The Stryker is more lightly armoured than the Bradley, and it seems its tyres get blown off quite easily in RPG attacks, or so many people say on other sites. This immobalisation causes danger to the troops inside the vehicle.
The people manning the Stryker Brigades got nothing but good things to say about the vehicle. I've got a Major who returned from Iraq who couldn't say enough of that piece of kit.
Officer of Engineers said:
The people manning the Stryker Brigades got nothing but good things to say about the vehicle. I've got a Major who returned from Iraq who couldn't say enough of that piece of kit.

Ditto. !!:thumbsup:

I just dont know where that other guy got his unique info on the Stryker from....
Thats a beautiful Pirahna MOO, but it would be helpful if you could post a few pics of the STRYKER.

It is in interest of the U.S to equip Pakistan conventionally so it doesn't have to use its nuclear arsenal. ;)

with what 30 years old ships and 15 new planes, and then tell india that they will give them better f16 then pakistan, i could have understood if the ships were 18 to 20 years old an. an the f 16 were brand new about 80 plus spares an parts to sustain for another 20 years. they give us their **** stuff and invade our country secretly by making bases in the country spread terrorism by just filling few notes into our famous politican accounts, we are fighting the war for these f...kers none of the other countries soldiers are dying, we are killing our own people and they give india nuclear technology, help them with space program what ****.

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