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U.S. poverty totals hit a 50-year high

it could be fair if you would have NO poor people in your country

so what? you mean that poor people deserve to be poor?
if the rich guy was giving a little bit more tax the guy who is poor would live better. and 5% less for a rich having much less consequence than 5% more for a poor.
don't you agree with this?
In the US, about half -- give or take a few pct points for statistical leeway -- do not pay any income taxes. How much more inequality in tax paying do you want?
So other than Bill Gates, did you notice the fact that most of those top 400 inherited their money?
So what? Did God dropped gold into their ancestors' laps sometime back? Keep in mind that YOU bragged about your parent's wealth as if somehow it is fine for you, a Chinese, to inherit his wealth but for an American it is shameful?
I'll simply ask to this, "So what?"

There is strong insinuation that it is unfair. Why is it unfair? How are those super-rich hurting those below them? Are they stealing the money?

I've read and hear it thousands of times. "No fair, man. Why should HE have all that money, and not me?" and I'll ask "why not? Has Bill Gates come to your house and jacked you up for $$?"

It's simple jealousy.

If you don't understand or want to know what the 08' crisis did to your country and what the event that lead to it, I'm certainly not going to force your opinion. But ask yourself when the government uses tax revenue from everyone in the country to bail out shareholders and banker, only to hear those people complain about moral hazard in helping people with under-water mortgages, what kind of society do you have?

By the way mortgage foreclosures hit a new high this month and the people look to unemplyment benefits also hit a high month on month.
Isn't social mobility the key stone of the American dream? The chip and a chair attitude of the newly landed immigrant building himself into a businessman? Didn't America pride itself on being less caste based than 'old world' Europe?

Social Immobility: Climbing The Economic Ladder Is Harder In The U.S. Than In Most European Countries

Also nothing wrong with this graph right?

lol and meanwhile they're spending trillions on wars and weapons!

what a bunch of spineless zombies these Americans are!!! They're so brainwashed that they go with the flow without even asking why this is happening!
lol and meanwhile they're spending trillions on wars and weapons!
what a bunch of spineless zombies these Americans are!!! They're so brainwashed that they go with the flow without even asking why this is happening!

Not really the war that is solely to blame (though that is a good chunk), it's more Bush's crafted "sunset" taxcuts (initially taxcuts for everyone, in the end 50% of the taxcuts goes to that same old top 1%) and the bank bailouts.

128 billion of government money for AIG, one company, of that the money given to AIG most of it went out again immediately. 18 billion went to Goldman-Sachs, the next two biggest recievers of the government money is Société Générale (French) and Deutsche Bank (German).

See this the sht that apathetic people like Chogy don't care about. It's like they are saying "sure take our money and we'll keep blaming welfare queens and cops on pensions for the budget deficit"
Not really the war that is solely to blame (though that is a good chunk), it's more Bush's crafted "sunset" taxcuts (initially taxcuts for everyone, in the end 50% of the taxcuts goes to that same old top 1%) and the bank bailouts.

128 billion of government money for AIG, one company, 18 billion went to Goldman-Sachs, the next two biggest recievers of the government money is Société Générale (French) and Deutsche Bank (German).

See this the sht that apathetic people like Chogy don't care about. It's like they are saying "sure take our money and we'll keep blaming welfare queens and cops on pensions for the budget deficit"

Bank bailouts had minimal effect on debt. Medicare/Medicaid spending, welfare, military spending, 2005 medicare subscription bill,....
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