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U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

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The article was referring to the immediate aftermath of Mumbai events.
I am personally sick and tired of explaining Pakistan's position. People need to understand that a coin has two sides.
We can only pray for the best but this should not be taken as sign of weakness. What's going to happen will happen..... Alhumdillah we are all ready for any eventuality.
Time for the Govt of Pakistan to show some spine!
These preaching Indians forget about their government's hands in the pogroms against Muslims and other groups in India when talking to others, they climb their high chair and talk down on Pakistan regarding JuD, well let me tell Indians that JuD is 100 times better than their Modi and RSS bajrang daal girl scouts who are only good at beating unarmed innocents, in a real war Pakistan would put mother India's leadership's pajama over their heads and slap them back to the jungles they came from.
first of all, my mistake if u mistook people of india by indian government. All the group whatever it is...runs only with the support of people and money etc. all comes second.
Do u think u need our help to give u proof whats going inside thr camp? If you dont want to look inside and accept the fact...any amount of reason / proof wont help.

What happened during 2001 ...didnt we provide u enough proof and what happened afterwards?
Proofs has been provided to UN for sanction and has been shared with all other countries of concern. Do u think the whole world is just taking whatever we r saying or blaming without proof?
the question here is not about india - pakistan anymore. its about terrorism vs whole world and it includes the people of pakistan who are too moderate or afraid to speak or just too hesitant to go by thr conscience just bcz its not any other country but india?

I know how the people of 2 countries react when the matter comes vs pak / india. My view is...aren't we acting so stupid by indudging in false proud of nationhood. We fight @ siachin where no life survives. we fight for the unmanned area where round the year human survival is difficult.
Yet none of us want to go back ..why? ur counrty is just one step behind bankruptcy , country is facing tremendous problem from all side but still nothing really happening from the people / citizen front. why not people of pakistan stands up against all evils?

coming back to west front....they were opportunistic and they will be like that. its we stupid who fall in trap. I very much respect American bcz they are the most patriotic people in this world. they have no other target except thr country's benefit.
Whats happening in Afganistan , is the problem created by them only and now when they are not capable of handling these with pakistan ..they want india to involve ? ( its just may be one of the possibilities....) i wont be surprised if something comes out towards tht.

neway...the discussion may go on and on. but one thing we shud avoid is STOP BLAMING game and start acting. If GoP acts honestly i dont see why the relation of the two countries wont grow in future.

PS** Please dont start again with where is the proof and all...

It's a nice alibi for the failure to come up with any hard evidence, perhaps you should reform the judicial procedures in India and transform it into a Nazi judicial system.
That will not happen, I am in a group, called "Nationaler Widerstand" and I often beat some Indians. I don't look South Asian you know? I look more like a greek or someone from portugal, you understand?


People like you are the greatest curse of a nation. You are doing to Pakistan what Al Qaeda is doing to the entire Muslim world which happens to be nothing less than villifying the Muslims. Most probably you're another Frankenstein created by the CIA, RAW or MOSSAD. If you love Pakistan then keep your stupid remarks to yourself because they will only make it difficult for us to defend your beloved Pakistan. Can't you see that with this kind of Nazi attitude you're a cause of shame and a burden for Pakistan ? You must not hate people for their look or place of birth for that is in the hands of the Almighty, if you must hate, hate the wickedness in people. Study the principles of Islam and reform yourself so that you can become a pride of your beloved Pakistan. May Allah show you the rightway in life, that is my prayer for you, brother.
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i know very hot disc is going on here...

India media reported that y'days india's air border violation is fake. Pakistan agreed its their mistake...
I am just reporting what ever its said...trying to find proper links for u folks..any news already on that

Read the article that started this topic.
"Also, one of the Pentagon officials confirmed that the United States has intelligence indicating a single Indian aircraft violated Pakistani airspace twice on Saturday. The United States believes the incursion was inadvertent, the official said, adding that there is no information to indicate it was planned."
These preaching Indians forget about their government's hands in the pogroms against Muslims and other groups in India when talking to others, they climb their high chair and talk down on Pakistan regarding JuD, well let me tell Indians that JuD is 100 times better than their Modi and RSS bajrang daal girl scouts who are only good at beating unarmed innocents, in a real war Pakistan would put mother India's leadership's pajama over their heads and slap them back to the jungles they came from.

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it. - George Bernard Shaw :tup:
PK II .. why have your forgotten in year 2001 / 2002 ! Even that time India was claiming otherwise but it's army was moving for a war (of course with the support of the politicians) but due to US pressure with satellite pictures .. the politicians had to move their top notch General (what a morale booster !)

Must7, ofcourse i haven't forgot about that.
But then this would mean India is not a real democracy, because their army is doing this and their government wants that.
They're all the same I guess.

2001/2002 was a heated standoff between both countries, but nobody would really dare to cross the line.
Both countries are smart enough not to be pushed over the line.

By the way, perhaps you should change your name to "Sometimes Neutral", Always Neutral.
I fail to see a clear and neutral view from your posts, and your avatar + name isn't helping either with that.

PKII .. exactly and while media is playing the game of Pakistan should do this & that, but in official circles people don't forget that previously too India had stage managed problems and created war like scenarios in the sub-continent.
People like you are the greatest curse of a nation. You are doing to Pakistan what Al Qaeda is doing to the entire Muslim world which happens to be nothing less than villifying the Muslims. Most probably you're another Frankenstein created by the CIA, RAW or MOSSAD. If you love Pakistan then keep your stupid remarks to yourself because they will only make it difficult for us to defend your beloved Pakistan. Can't you see that with this kind of Nazi attitude you're a cause of shame and a burden for Pakistan ? You must not hate people for their look or place of birth for that is in the hands of the Almighty, if you must hate, hate the wickedness in people. Study the principles of Islam and reform yourself so that you can become a pride of your beloved Pakistan. May Allah show you the rightway in life, that is my prayer for you, brother.

Well said indeed.
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