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U.S. Helps Vietnam Defend Fishermen Who 'Get into Trouble' With China

Not that the US involvement are a bad thing, but I am reserved to this decision. My opinion is, with US involvement, it's only get more complicated.

First of all, no ship should be harassed by any government in the open sea. YES, EEZ is STILL INTERNATIONAL WATER. If you think it's your EEZ, you can board them and turn them around. NOTHING MORE.

Firing a flare and set fire to the ship in international water (AGAIN, EEZ is still international water) is the same as restricting freedom of passage. No country should be allowed to do this, be it Vietnam or China.

With US involvement, it only step up the chaos and increase the risk factor on the "Chance" that all gone wrong. Sure, we need those channel open but you cannot simply depend on the US to check on the PLAN. It's not gonna work.

What SCS need is some sort of Anti-Piracy gang like Gulf of Eden doing now. A multi-national anti-incident patrol. We probably need to see more of the action of Japan, Australia, India and New Zealand more than we need to see more action from the US.
Chaos in SCS(east sea) is not our big problem,but China's economy will suffer a disastrous consequences due to lack of oil and other supply from Middle east and Africa.

Time to teach China a lesson and let the World know that PLA is just a poor tactic-low morale-bad training army.:pop:
What the fcuk is it with Asian countries that they attack fishing vessels of their rival neighbors whenever they have a political problem or squabble?? I mean is this some kind of Asian virus?
Isn't this the same scheme Nixon and Kissinger played back in the 70s? Now only this time, Vietnam is ''China''?
Isn't this the same scheme Nixon and Kissinger played back in the 70s? Now only this time, Vietnam is ''China''?
YEs, this time China is the bad guy.

Good! Our PLA ground forces want to be on the front line against Vietnam. Now we are ready to roll into Hanoi with armored thrusts.
The future battle field is the sea, you idiot. There is no chance for PLA tanks to break through.
if you can't beat them, join them :cheers:

Did you mean you beat China, so you don't join China?

If you've beaten China, then why do you need US help?

See how you undereducated have such a confused logic?


Back to the topic.

From many threads by some Vietnamese in this forum, Vietnam was so brave that it beat back China, kicked out France, and repelled USA.

Now, all of sudden, Vietnam needs US help! :lol:

Since when some brave Vietnamese on this forum turn into such a shame!

YEs, this time China is the bad guy.

Maybe. But if history were really to repeat itself, then that means that the US will also begin to discard its ''allies'' as soon as they can find some lame excuse to do so.
The U.S. was an ally of Vietnam once, during the war...but then the North Vietnamese won. Vietnam went capitalist anyway, it didn't make much difference in the long run. Vietnam and China have waged far more wars than the U.S. and Vietnam throughout history.

Maybe this time...
Can´t wait to see en mass US coast guard ships in the SC Sea. The party can begin. :usflag:

US, Vietnam to develop forces against Chinese ships - China.org.cn

Again, I will have to say, it is counter productive. Now Vietnam have a false hope that it will Have a chance to stand up to those Chinese Boat alone.

Why I am saying this, you see how the South Vietnamese Government failed. We are doing exactly what we are doing during Vietnam war. Just this time, instead of going half arse, we go with our thumb up our arses. USCG is not even regard as an effective fighting force, it's more like a token gesture.

I would say even selling ship cheap to Vietnam is a better option than this. SCS need Asian own force to deal with, our USCG is too far and too little for a continuous operation like this. We end our CG ship now is actually doing more harm than good. In the end, we may not be even able to protect our own interest in Asia.
Did you mean you beat China, so you don't join China?

If you've beaten China, then why do you need US help?

See how you undereducated have such a confused logic?


Back to the topic.

From many threads by some Vietnamese in this forum, Vietnam was so brave that it beat back China, kicked out France, and repelled USA.

Now, all of sudden, Vietnam needs US help! :lol:

Since when some brave Vietnamese on this forum turn into such a shame!

Say whatever u want, the Truth alwyas is:if we dont make friend wt U.S,then coward China will take a chance and bow down to U.S daddy again to gain support like in 1979.

No daddy wanna help u to fight against VN now, keep whinning hoplessly,who cares:pop:
The Chinese coast guard burst a Vietnamese pirate boat.
What's prove them are Vietnamese!? If they are Vietnamese, what's prove them are pirate!? Any official news!? :coffee:

Did you mean you beat China, so you don't join China?

If you've beaten China, then why do you need US help?

See how you undereducated have such a confused logic?


Back to the topic.

From many threads by some Vietnamese in this forum, Vietnam was so brave that it beat back China, kicked out France, and repelled USA.

Now, all of sudden, Vietnam needs US help! :lol:

Since when some brave Vietnamese on this forum turn into such a shame!

We kicked your *** in past, and now we joint with others to kick your *** again, that's funny... lol :pop:
U.S. Helps Vietnam Defend Fishermen Who 'Get into Trouble' With China
Days after sparks flew with China, U.S. Coast Guard official reveals 'uncanny' meeting


The title said China, but in reality, it's insulted Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia government.

Since almost zero Vietnamese fishermen arrested by China and Taiwan, but thousands by Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia, each.

Vietnam is the real troublemaker in the region.
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