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U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes

Good...Then you can place yourself among those who are brainwashed into believing that AIPAC and the 'Zionist media' control US.

Uh huh.

AIPAC is rated the second most power lobby in the US by American analysts. No mullahs involved here.

And empirical evidence supports that conclusion. As stated earlier, all of America's misadventures in the Middle East were for Israel's benefit. Not one single American engagement was in America's national interests.

A little less Faux News. A little more independent thinking...

"A forthcoming edition of Fortune magazine ranks the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as the second most powerful interest group in Washington...The pro-Israel lobby, which the magazine called 'calculatedly quiet,' has for years been successful in encouraging members of Congress and the administration to support U.S. foreign aid to Israel and other issues related to the U.S.-Israel relationship."—Daniel Kurtzman, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, December 1997.
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Saddam was paying the surviving family surviving members of suicide bombers and no one sane expect those monies to be kept out of the hands of Hamas or Hezbollah. For years the US have suspected that some of our aid money for the Palestinians thru UNRWA have been diverted to fund these campaigns. Enough of them were stolen by the Arafat family so they could live in luxury in Paris. Still...In no way does that mean the US overthrew Saddam Hussein for the ridiculous reason you implied. Now who is guilty of the same sin you accuse US?

So the US invaded a sovereign country because Saddam was doing shoddy bookkeeeping? :rofl:

But I thought it was Weapons of Mass Delusion -- oh wait, that's an American speciality.
All I can say is Ummm F**k Conservatives, Liberals, and Corporate Media... -_-"
So the US invaded a sovereign country because Saddam was doing shoddy bookkeeeping?
That is why so many of your petty despots over there start worrying about what could really pizzed US off.


But I thought it was Weapons of Mass Delusion -- oh wait, that's an American speciality.
The only Weapons of Mass Delusion here is the supposedly oh-so-mighty Zionists that supposedly responsible for AIDS, illegal drugs, tsunamis, 9/11, etc...etc...And we know who specializes in that, do we?

That is why so many of your petty despots over there start worrying about what could really pizzed US off.

Glad we got that straight. The US story keeps shifting so much. First it was the Kuwait, then WMD, then the KUrds. Now we find out it was shoddy bookkeeping all along...

Conan the Accountant strikes again! :rofl:

The only Weapons of Mass Delusion here is the supposedly oh-so-mighty Zionists that supposedly responsible for AIDS, illegal drugs, tsunamis, 9/11, etc...etc...And we know who specializes in that, do we?

Not sure where you got tsunamis and AIDS. I thought that was a plot by white America to kill off blacks. ;)

In any case, the empirical evidence and Jewish analysts support the assessment of AIPAC's control of US Middle East policies.

As for Zionist media and anti-Muslim slant in the American media, I already gave some links to studies which show this bias.

Analysis of Coverage of Israel/Palestine in Media

Media has anti-Muslim bias, claims report | Media | MediaGuardian

Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing - washingtonpost.com
Conservative and liberal experts said Americans' attitudes about Islam are fueled in part by political statements and media reports that focus almost solely on the actions of Muslim extremists.
Glad we got that straight. The US story keeps shifting so much. First it was the Kuwait, then WMD, then the KUrds. Now we find out it was shoddy bookkeeping all along...

Conan the Accountant strikes again!
Good...Now go tell those guys to keep their books regarding our bribes to them straight, they cannot manage their oil wealth, they cannot even properly hide uranium and they cannot get along, after all, we do not want the media to be any more bias with their ineptitude at accounting, do we?


Not sure where you got tsunamis and AIDS. I thought that was a plot by white America to kill off blacks. ;)

In any case, the empirical evidence and Jewish analysts support the assessment of AIPAC's control of US Middle East policies.

As for Zionist media and anti-Muslim slant in the American media, I already gave some links to studies which show this bias.

Analysis of Coverage of Israel/Palestine in Media

Media has anti-Muslim bias, claims report | Media | MediaGuardian

Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing - washingtonpost.com
Conservative and liberal experts said Americans' attitudes about Islam are fueled in part by political statements and media reports that focus almost solely on the actions of Muslim extremists.
Right...As if we should take those seriously...

Sikhs and Hindus accuse BBC of pro-Muslim bias - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent
Hindu and Sikh leaders have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain's Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions.

A breakdown of programming from the BBC's Religion and Ethics department, seen by The Independent, reveals that since 2001, the BBC made 41 faith programmes on Islam, compared with just five on Hinduism and one on Sikhism.

Critics say the disproportionate amount of programming is part of an apparent bias within the BBC towards Islam since the attacks of 11 September 2001, which has placed an often uncomfortable media spotlight on Britain's Muslims.
That took barely 15secs to find.
The only Weapons of Mass Delusion here is the supposedly oh-so-mighty Zionists that supposedly responsible for AIDS, illegal drugs, tsunamis, 9/11, etc...etc...And we know who specializes in that, do we?

About US invasion of iraq. Some american members here claim that US attacked(preemptive) iraq so that iraq could not attack US in the future.

Let suppose for a moment that iraq could have made nukes by 2010 if it was not invaded( again this is an assumption).Lets exclude the other ME countries with which the iraq had border conflicts and assume that only US and iraq had beef with each other.

Well, i have a question. You guys hated the "God Less" communists and they had thousands of nukes. Why did they not attack you? Its simple, MAD doctrine.

So if both of you( US and USSR) did not attack each other even when both of you had all these nukes(and reasons like opposite ideologies) then what makes you think that iraq will attack you with nukes considering the fact that they will have only a few nukes and you can rain down hundreds on them. Obviously they would also fear the destruction and will not use the WMDs against you and rather be in a state of cold war.

Accept the facts, Bush was there for OIL and nothing else. He did not have any GOD given right to "liberate" the people of other countries.It was never about nukes.

Its all about interests, you guys supported them when your interests were aligned with them and attacked them when it was not.
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Right. And how many Sikh/Hindu countries have the West invaded?

Empirical evidence, boss, empirical evidence...

And the results reflect the effort.

I don't think any Hindu or Sikh country poses a similar threat to ...Western Countries...its all about which religion...which country ...which leadership.......is most powerfull......

There is a head on battle..between...religions.....and no one wants the other side to win.....

Soon you will see...A Buddhist country added to their list.....China...
Right. And how many Sikh/Hindu countries have the West invaded?

Empirical evidence, boss, empirical evidence...

Make sure to keep the sand out of your ears...

And the results reflect the effort.
Which is all that is needed to refute the -- Boo-hoo-hoo...Waaahhh...The 'media' is soooo biased against us muslims...Waaahh

Please do yourself a favor and look deeper, the world is getting tired of your victim mentality. The world does not need to express it but the undercurrents are there.
Which is all that is needed to refute the -- Boo-hoo-hoo...Waaahhh...The 'media' is soooo biased against us muslims...Waaahh

Please do yourself a favor and look deeper, the world is getting tired of your victim mentality. The world does not need to express it but the undercurrents are there.

You refuted nothing.

All you did was bring up one claim by a bunch of malcontents. And an unproven claim at that!

I, on the other hand, provided links of studies and statistical analysis, combined with empirical evidence.

The brain truly is a "use it or lose it" organ. Too much spoonfeeding by Faux News does not bode well for mental health.
About US invasion of iraq. Some american members here claim that US attacked(preemptive) iraq so that iraq could not attack US in the future.
First...I am not aware of any American who so specified his opinion. Please provide verbatim source(s).


Let suppose for a moment that iraq could have made nukes by 2010 if it was not invaded( again this is an assumption).Lets exclude the other ME countries with which the iraq had border conflicts and assume that only US and iraq had beef with each other.

Well, i have a question. You guys hated the "God Less" communists and they had thousands of nukes. Why did they not attack you? Its simple, MAD doctrine.

So if both of you( US and USSR) did not attack each other even when both of you had all these nukes(and reasons like opposite ideologies) then what makes you think that iraq will attack you with nukes considering the fact that they will have only a few nukes and you can rain down hundreds on them. Obviously they would also fear the destruction and will not use the WMDs against you and rather be in a state of cold war.
The military leadership of Imperial Japan was under no illusions about going to war against the US. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto famous quote about the 'sleeping giant' is proof of that. A possibility that no leader would rule out is the use of non-state agents who share the same animosity against him and his country but who genuinely feel they have nothing to lose.

Accept the facts, Bush was there for OIL and nothing else. He did not have any GOD given right to "liberate" the people of other countries.It was never about nukes.
So how much oil did we stole from Iraq? When Iraq was under sanctions, the US was Iraq's largest single buyer. The money was deposited in UN managed escrow account. Three members of the UN Security Council had under the table deals with Saddam thru Iraq's Ministry of Oil. The members are Russia, China and France. Germany also benefited. The Oil-For-Food scandal, which you can look up for yourself, tainted the Office of the UN SecGen itself.

It make no logical sense. If it is about oil, then why should we destroy our source of discounted oil by overthrowing Saddam Hussein? Let the Russians, the Chinese, the French and the Germans deal under the table, we will buy Iraqi oil legitimately. Let Saddam Hussein uses the oil revenues, legal or otherwise, to build his palaces instead of buying food and medicines for his people. What do we care, it is cheaper to buy oil at peace than lose our discounted source by waging war, right?

Its all about interests, you guys supported them when your interests were aligned with them and attacked them when it was not.
Tell that to the GCC members when they supported Saddam Hussein against Iran.

Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC]
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was formed in 1981 to confront their security challenges collectively. The immediate objective was to protect themselves from the threat posed by the Iran-Iraq War and Iranian-inspired activist Islamism (also seen as fundamentalism). In a series of meetings, chiefs of staff and defense ministers of the gulf states developed plans for mutual defense and launched efforts to form a joint command and a joint defense network.
You refuted nothing.

All you did was bring up one claim by a bunch of malcontents. And an unproven claim at that!

I, on the other hand, provided links of studies and statistical analysis, combined with empirical evidence.

The brain truly is a "use it or lose it" organ. Too much spoonfeeding by Faux News does not bode well for mental health.
Yeah...As if opinions can be 'quantified'. Look at your own ummah and quantify those loony conspiracies and see how valid your argument really is. Looks like your mullahs and al-Ja-whatever are no different than Fox News.
Once again, no disagreement.

Glad you agree that Faux News is in the same league as the crazy mullahs.
At least we have more than Fox News whereas you have only the mullahs and al-whatever. You have no idea how sad is it for the ummah that it had to rely upon Western news sources to provide them with the (ridiculous) notion that 'the media' is biased against the muslims. Even when it comes to loony 9/11 conspiracy theories, the muslims latches onto non-muslims sources. You cannot see the contradiction because you are self-blindered by your own victimhood mentality.

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