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U.S. doesn't expect Pakistan to reopen Afghan war supply routes soon

Pakistan's stand is very courageous against such overwhelming odds. Kudos to Kayani on this one.
1. No CSF reimbursements since 2010
2. No cessation of drone strikes
3. No apology
4. No indication of greater market access to the US
5. No indication of any 'strategic cooperation' on issues such as civilian nuclear energy
6. No involvement in the Afghan 'endgame'

Pray tell what advantages Pakistan is to accrue by succmbing to the US at this point over the issue of apology, drone strikes ,NATO supplies etc.

You may find it instructive to consider all the six points you mention above from USA's point of view, and for each, please list as to what you think should be the reasons USA should agree to any of them?

It is not a matter of succumbing. Pakistan does need to move forward with effective policies that have a realistic chance of protecting and indeed furthering its national interests, given the present morass its past policies have sunk it deep into. Merely parroting demands and feebly publicizing a feigned sense of outrage will get it nothing.
You may find it instructive to consider all the six points you mention above from USA's point of view, and for each, please list as to what you think should be the reasons USA should agree to any of them?

It is not a matter of succumbing. Pakistan does need to move forward with effective policies that have a realistic chance of protecting and indeed furthering its national interests, given the present morass its past policies have sunk it deep into. Merely parroting demands and feebly publicizing a feigned sense of outrage will get it nothing.
Again, how will any of Pakistan's interests be advanced by succumbing to the imperial hubris of the US at this point in time?

You can spout all the 'motivational speaker/consultant' rhetoric about 'effective policies with a realistic chance ... you want, but you know as well as I do that Pakistan has next to nothing to gain by accepting the irrational, illegal and unethical US demands.
............. Pakistan has next to nothing to gain by accepting the irrational, illegal and unethical US demands.

Nothing to gain, and everything to lose as well. What a sad and sorry position to be in, wouldn't you agree? Unless of course, Pakistan changes its policies.

BTW, I am not "spouting" any "motivational speaker/consultant rhetoric" and will continue to ignore such personal attacks as these.
I will however continue to politely convey my views as long as allowed.
Nothing to gain, and everything to lose as well. What a sad and sorry position to be in, wouldn't you agree? Unless of course, Pakistan changes its policies.
Nothing to gain and everything to lose regardless of whether Pakistan succumbs to irrational US demands or not.

What will make a difference are changes in domestic policies - groveling in front of the US, as you would have Pakistan do, does not appear to offer Pakistan any tangible benefit.
BTW, I am not "spouting" any "motivational speaker/consultant rhetoric"

Of course you are , 'implement policies that are effective and have a realistic chance of furthering its interests .." - you could slap that line onto any presentation to a corporate boardroom or government panel ...
Pakistan has adopted the right policy so far by telling the US to go jump in a lake. Pakistan's first obligation is to protect its own national interest and it needs to stand up to the US bullying.
What does Pakistan offer in return that would make an apology possible?

It is unlikely that either would budge. In Pakistan, the image of their generals is getting tarnished due to "softness" and in USA Obama is having a really bad image due to his decisions so far. Neither would back down.
It is unlikely that either would budge. In Pakistan, the image of their generals is getting tarnished due to "softness" and in USA Obama is having a really bad image due to his decisions so far. Neither would back down.

I would bet one side backing down. Guess which side?
It shows how obama is desperate for election and can do anything to deceive all world
Like fake osama operation
Terrorisism in fata and border area through drone strikes
Sending cia agents and killing innocent people insie pakistan
Staging trial for khalid sheikh mohammad
Keeping war live which they already lost
Its only for sake of obama election, pakistan should stand firm and now dictate rather than work as under paid slave
I agree its refreshing that Pakistan is standing up for itself. Funny its taken Americans and some who expected Pakistan to cave in after 30 days 5 months to realise lol

The longer it takes, the harder the crash is going to be, I fear.
The longer it takes, the harder the crash is going to be, I fear.

Cheng mate on this matter I must point out your powers of prediction have not been that hot lol

I would bet one side backing down. Guess which side?

As I said remember 30 days?? You would be better of donating your money to the forum than gambling
Cheng mate on this matter I must point out your powers of prediction have not been that hot lol

Agreed! :D

All I say for now is that it ain't over till the fat lady signs! ;)

As I said remember 30 days??

The timescale might be wrong for the reopening of the supply routes, but the side backing down is likely not the USA. Still.
Agreed! :D

All I say for now is that it ain't over till the fat lady signs! ;)

:rofl: The fact that Pakistan is not caving in as expected by some in 30 days in itself is something that Americans and their promoters will have to take into account in their dealings with Pakistan in the future. Of course they may be opened up again but on unexpected terms for the Americans in that originally they thought that they would be reopened within weeks rather than months

Agreed! :D

All I say for now is that it ain't over till the fat lady signs! ;)

The timescale might be wrong for the reopening of the supply routes, but the side backing down is likely not the USA. Still.

As I said the mere fact that they are not reopened after 5 months is in itself a victory even if they reopened on American terms tomorrow. Five months is not American terms lol
:rofl: The fact that Pakistan is not caving in as expected by some in 30 days in itself is something that Americans and their promoters will have to take into account in their dealings with Pakistan in the future. Of course they may be opened up again but on unexpected terms for the Americans in that originally they thought that they would be reopened within weeks rather than months

Pakistan is not caving because its military leadership wields power over civilian one and acts rather, in a relatively patriotic way.. Had it not been so, supplies would not have been blocked in the first place.

I know many people will raise objection about drones. But the location of the drone attacks must be considered. Drone attacks at present are happening in practically :"no man's lands" , zones where the military has little control overall.
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