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U.S. denies Turkey’s request for combat UAVs


Dec 27, 2009
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The United States has banned a range of advanced weapons for export to Turkey.

Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama has rejected a Turkish request for combat unmanned aerial vehicles as well as advanced munitions. They said the administration’s decision came after consultations with Congress late last year.

“There has been deep suspicion of Turkey in the United States, especially by Congress,” an official said.

So far, the Senate has blocked a Turkish request for the MQ-9 Reaper combat UAV by General Atomics. Ankara first relayed the Reaper request in late 2008, which encountered a cool reception from a Congress wary of Turkish relations with Iran, Middle East Newsline reported.

“There’s an effective arms embargo on some military products,” a Turkish diplomat said. “We don’t envision a significant change with the new Congress.”

Officials said the Turkish arms requests would mark a priority on Ankara’s agenda with Washington in 2011. They said the government of Prime Minister Recep Erdogan was heartened by Obama’s appointment of Francis Ricciardone to the post of ambassador in Ankara, which had been blocked by the previous Congress.

World Tribune
Yep, sadly the jewish lobby/diaspora is extremely powerful in USA. I hope turkish people doesnt stay passive in response. We must operate an even better lobby in the States. It is all about our influence. There are lots of remarkable turkish academicians in US, we just have to turn that into political influence in one way or another!
But Turkey is on the move right now to get its own unmanned drones isn't it? So what would be the point in filling American pockets at this stage when a few more years of waiting could get you your domestic variant.
What Turkish academics are you talking about, funny you....

After the 1950s, a well-skilled and highly educated group immigrated to the United States, the majority being medical doctors, engineers, and scientists. Today, Turkish Americans are visible in virtually every community and walk of life.

And here is a long list of notable turkish-american citizens: List of Turkish Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Btw. jigs isnt that avatar from GITS series, one of my favorite:pop:
Well that is my point, but it seems you are unable to comprehend that. Since in your little world everything is about competition and you perceive the world in a contrast. My point being was that jewish people influences american politics. And to counterbalance that, turkish people need to establish a powerful lobby.

Of course downgrading turks and other nationalities is part of zionist agenda so i don't see the slightest in discussing with you.
Yep, sadly the jewish lobby/diaspora is extremely powerful in USA. I hope turkish people doesnt stay passive in response. We must operate an even better lobby in the States. It is all about our influence. There are lots of remarkable turkish academicians in US, we just have to turn that into political influence in one way or another!
I wish Jewish lobby was 1/10 as powerful as you believe. Most probably its because of Turkish refusal to cooperate with US in Iraq.

P.S. You can order Heron TP by the way. :whistle:
I wish Jewish lobby was 1/10 as powerful as you believe.

That is a good point, since the zionist lobby's greatest strength is to use their "power" for coercing american politicians. I say "power" because it is a limited power. When you look from outside it "controls" the world but in reality it abuses that perception. You only have to look at ADL in the US to understand these kind of politics.

But i am sure that Israel is concerned over Turkey's current role in the ME, more exactly how Turkey via its soft foreign policy influences the whole ME. What the US couldnt do with military, Turkey has accomplished with other means (media, economy etc.) and emerged extremely successful. Neither Israel nor USA can digest this.

Military power does not always necessarily transform into political influence, Iraq is an excellent example. USA and Israel need to understand this. Unless of course there are other agendas involved, which generally drives the whole mechanism.
What exactly Turkey accomplished in the region? beside of course worsening relationship with Israel...
You see, by worsening our relationship with Israel we have won the support of arabs. Honestly, we have gained maybe 10 times by improving our relations with the arabs. Of course our tourism industry has boomed as a result of turkish tv soaps in ME.

We have also improved our ties with Syria, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Kuwait etc. If you are unable to see these developments thats your problem.
Going back to subject matter...
WTF is so sensitive in UAV which US don't want to share with those Islamic states who are being targeted by terrorists... believed to be engineered by US and other new regional players.
What the US couldnt do with military, Turkey has accomplished with other means (media, economy etc.) and emerged extremely successful. Neither Israel nor USA can digest this.
You are watching Erdogans propaganda too much. When you sign 60 bln contract with some Arab country then you can talk.

You see, by worsening our relationship with Israel we have won the support of arabs. Honestly, we have gained maybe 10 times by improving our relations with the arabs. Of course our tourism industry has boomed as a result of turkish tv soaps in ME.

We have also improved our ties with Syria, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Kuwait etc. If you are unable to see these developments thats your problem.
USSR also decided to win the support of Arabs by worsening relationships with Israel. While US stayed with Israel. Where is the USSR now?
what happend to that MALE UAV can they not develop it a bit futher and convert it into a UCAV......that will be the best thing to do....
what happend to that MALE UAV can they not develop it a bit futher and convert it into a UCAV......that will be the best thing to do....

MALE is not the subject matter...

US is willing to sell F-35 to Turkey, while not UAV.
Recently, Turkey had cancelled its UAV deal with Israel, so it is natural to connect such illogical US move to worsening Turkey-Israel ties.
MALE is not the subject matter...

US is willing to sell F-35 to Turkey, while not UAV.
Recently, Turkey had cancelled its UAV deal with Israel, so it is natural to connect such illogical US move to worsening Turkey-Israel ties.

maybee US wants to improve Turkey Israel relationship by forceing turkey to deal with Israel and denying its own tech :tup:

btw i think Israeli UCAVs are just as good as US ones......
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