Trump has to make sure the relationship between USA and China is so bad so that Sleepy Joe Biden will find it very difficult to turn to the only nation in the world that can really help USA.
Trump knew that back in 2008, it was China that came and rescue USA from its recession.
Now it is Russia turn and so Trump USA fabricate lies against Russia.
Mike Pompeo is claiming that Russia is responsible for launching its cyber attacks against USA in recent days.
It is Trump's last 30 days and USA is heading for the hyperinflation and the Great Depression.
That is why Bitcoin is breaking its record and USA has just branded Vietnam, Switzerland and has in recent days also added India and Taiwan in its monitoring list. Where is China?
Washington has everything under control in that scenario because they own bitcoin. Bitcoin was started by Washington. The alternative dollar, the "new gold" was started by the cia. US has been hyperinflating for decades, hyperinflate to new bubbles. This time if the dollar collapses, investors are going to be told to dump dollars and buy bitcoins, which would go to over 1 million USD to 1 BTC. This would enrich Washington to the tune of 10s of trillions in old dollars. USA would be richer than China could be in 50 years of growth.
Great Depression is what they want because Washington wants a new global economy, without China. So the current global economy benefits China, Washington has been trying to crash that.
Why do you think the coup is happening in Washington. trump is the leader of the cia Qanon, cia bitcoin. cia neo-nazis. biden is a return to normal.
Even without a Versailles treaty to loot China of trillions. bitcoin to over 1 million and perhaps over 10-100M US dollars would be the wealth transfer from China to the US, US could literally buy the whole country of China with their bitcoins. Better for China to mine the rest of bitcoins, and to not accept bitcoins when they reach 10-100M US dollars. Close your economy from being bought by that ponzi scheme of bitcoin.
China has to be much smarter than Washington's schemes and plans.
Think of bitcoin as Tesla stock. That there are only 21 million shares and Elon Musk bought 2 million shares at 5 cents 10 years ago. And friends of Elon Musk own 5 million shares. China is supportive of Tesla Stock replacing the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. lol. Those insiders would get rich be worth several hundred trillion US dollars in todays value. They could buy up China and make Chinese slaves if you accept Tesla stock as money. Think of everybody in the world being foolish and demanding 21 million shares of Tesla stock as the main world currency, there is not enough supply to meet demand, value of bitcoin would go to 100 million us dollars to meet demand of most transactions on earth. Yuan would be near worthless. Bitcoin is the impoverishment of the world and idiots are cheering for cia bitcoins.
Libertarians planned for gold and silver to replace the dollar, for gold to go to 100000 or more an ounce because gold would be the main currency transaction of the world. That would collapse the dollar and make those who kept old money gold rich. bitcoin is the US-planned
replacement of gold, which every country has some amount of gold. Cia bitcoins, the cia has 1 million or more botcoins and Washington probably owns another 5 million bitcoins. These were bought when bitcoin was pennies. bitcoin is bad for everybody, except Washington and supporters.
Sane people want bitcoin to crash, and for China to hold bitcoin.