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U.S Army Chief: “Iran attack option on the table”

It's nothing short of utter stupidity when people act like Iran will attack Israel or US. Really? Iran wants a suicide? God damn western governments and their propaganda, and moreover moronic western people for supporting this bullshit and value everything from your government at face value and not doing any critical thinking..
I don't understand why saudi arabia is supporting USA on Iran. Even asking for sanctions.
"I dont think US will take any action unilaterally..."

The U.S. will do what's necessary to assure its interests and those of its regional friends. Our interests aren't met by an Iranian nuke.

As to means, neither our airforce nor navy are overstretched by any definition.

Should we decide to take down the Iranian capability, it will be done via a sustained air campaign lasting however long is necessary to get Iran to submit to full dismantlement of their present capabilities and indefinite monitoring until satisfied with a posture of cooperation and compliance.

Most here haven't followed closely the path this has gone since 2003, are ill-informed on the particulars, and know nothing about our capabilities and determination to exert our will. The Iranian government isn't going to be allowed to establish itself as a regional nuclear-capable hegemon over the gulf.

We will kick down their IADS (integrated air-defense system), open ingress and egress air corridors over Iranian airspace, keep those corridors open as long as necessary and bring our heavy dump-trucks at will.

We will destroy the Iranian Air Force, its naval facilities, the IRGC-related facilities while likely preserving the Iranian army. We will bomb every known or suspected nuclear-related facility until they're gone. If necessary, we'll take out the nat'l communications and electrical grids.

Our troops world-wide will go to a very high state of anti-terror alert. So too our embassies and other related national facilities. We will, in short, do our best to limit Iran's ability to react assymetrically.

We will preserve to the best of our ability Iran's oil producing apparatus. We will, to the best of our ability, attempt to avoid civilian casualties.

Most of all, we won't give a good God damn what AhsanR thinks to achieve such. Iran has built its current duplicitous ambitions on the back of assistance provided for years by the IAEA because they are signatories to the NPT. Surreptiously pursuing a nuke IS NOT part of that agenda and doing so means that they're slimey worms who's word IS NOT THEIR bond to the rest of mankind. We won't permit them to single-handedly destroy that non-proliferation regime that's had too much success providing safe nuclear energy to the world.

Iran has been offered inducements beyond reason. They will face sanctions beyond belief. If that doesn't work and there's a clear and present danger, all hell shall rain upon their heads and there's NOTHING Russia nor China will do about it.

@ S-2 you are delusional mate. If america has balls why doesn't it attack iran now. You can merely handle iraq and afghanistan, against unorganised parties (taliban etc)

You think the revolutionary guards and the armed forces of iran are a bunch of clowns, i don't think so.

You economy would suffer to a greater extent, allowing china to become the next superpower quicker. Hamas, Hizbullah do they ring a bell

Keep dreaming amigo, adios.
If U.S. attacks Iran, then U.S. should not expect any help from Pakistan in that war. Pakistan will not help the American war against Iran. Pakistanis have to live along side Iranians forever. Iran is one of the friendly neighbours Pakistan has.

Pakistan is helping U.S. with the Afghan war, but Pakistan will not help U.S. in any Iranian war, we will not let U.S. use our territory to attack Iran, but I guess they can always use Afghanistan's territory to attack Iran.
"If america has balls why doesn't it attack iran now."

Patient forebearance, my mindless persian toadie.:agree:

Cajones to fight we have in abundance and have demonstrated such where we've seen need.

"You think the revolutionary guards and the armed forces of iran are a bunch of clowns, i don't think so."

Never said that, did I? Don't create strawmen arguments. You think that pontification on a virtual soapbox while failing to sustain your argument is debating though.

The U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy have a demonstrated capability to open up closed airspace (see Desert Storm) and keep the Straits of Hormuz open (see Operation Preying Mantis).

"Hamas, Hizbullah do they ring a bell..."

Take that up with the Israelis. My suspicion is that they'd be quite eager to have another go. Hubris in that respect shall be the Party of God's regret.

Most here haven't followed closely the path this has gone since 2003, are ill-informed on the particulars, and know nothing about our capabilities and determination to exert our will.
Do not know about your personal experiences with the ME, but from my own TDYs: Saudis, Egyptians and Turks, even though they may understand the technological gap between US and the rest, they have even more difficulties understanding how we employ the products. In casual conversations, I had to explain to them that a newly promoted general or admiral does not guarantee new ideas, tactics or strategies, but a new weapon will always offer options and possibilities that depends on the creative minds of these admirals and generals to be effective. The projection of their limited thinking onto our doctrines regarding employment, even when it is the same weapons system, was inevitable. I see the same 'It is impossible' throughout the ranks. I got the same from our pilots, behind Debrief closed doors, of course. I had to revise my training syllabus to target their senior NCOs instead of junior ones whereas our Airman 1st Class and Senior Airman were autonomous on their systems with little supervision from our Staffs. Our Techs and Masters were pretty much 'pencil pushers'. Desert Storm was more of a shocker to them than it was to us.
There's a fan-boy fascination with hardware here and elsewhere that defies understanding how such is integrated into doctrine. Then there's the failure to understand how rigorous we train and test systems, doctrine and both married together that defines operational parameters.

"...a new weapon will always offer options and possibilities that depends on the creative minds of these admirals and generals to be effective. The projection of their limited thinking onto our doctrines regarding employment, even when it is the same weapons system, was inevitable."

Then comes the fun part. Having defined those operational limits IAW written doctrine, we have the intellectual backdrop that provides the latitude for deviation from said doctrine.

Small example-Iraqi artillery commanders during DESERT STORM thought they'd system-analyzed our artillery's technical capabilities. They had. We were largely out-ranged. They thought they'd analyzed our operational norms based upon our written doctrine. They had-based upon "written" doctrine.

What they hadn't accounted for was the intellectual freedom our mastery of both provided. It was only a small, incremental addition to our net effect but the Marine M110 8" (203mm) artillery raids we ran across the berm blew their minds as we later found. They didn't appreciate our ability to displace FORWARD, transfer survey, self-secure, shoot with accuracy and effect upon select targets both appropriate to the munitions and that undiscovered capability.

I can relay experiences off-line about training G.C.C. junior officers at Ft. Sill that illustrated the gap but no doubt you've your own very parallel conclusions.

HAHAAH 100-200 fighter planes will be falling out of sky like mosquitoes ......

S-300 to the rescue
Just political limbo US is still engaged with Taliban in Afghanistan I doubt they would dare try to engage another country
I don't understand the thinking of the Americans here, having a hard time trying to see what offended them so much. The World offered Iran a deal, Iran accepted but with certain conditions of their own (as expected), and the United States threw a fit. Now they're claiming that they could take military action. Where did the negotiations go?

Also, they recently referred to the Iranian regime as a "dictatorship". I'm sorry, was Ahmedinejad not recently elected with a 63% majority, which is a full 10% more than what Obama won with? Any country in the World would find such comments offensive, especially one which is being surrounded by sanctions.

The Iranians will now say, "We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. So screw it, we'll pursue nuclear weapons and force the world to accept it the way North Korea did." If the sanctions fail, what option would the US be left with but to start another war? I don't think the American populace has the stomach for another one, I can certainly say that Canadians will think twice before committing to any such offensive. That said, we know one US ally in that region that is eager to pursue a military end.
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David Albright is worth reading in detail unless you've already made up your mind.

Small example-Iraqi artillery commanders during DESERT STORM thought they'd system-analyzed our artillery's technical capabilities. They had. We were largely out-ranged. They thought they'd analyzed our operational norms based upon our written doctrine. They had-based upon "written" doctrine.
I was never close to either of my two stepbrothers, the oldest of the pair was in nuclear artillery in Baumholder. According to him, an East German defector testified that the Soviet bloc knew of the TI calculator that made possible this capability but they never managed to get the hang of the whole process, even after they bought some legitimately. My guess is that the Soviets managed to know how, they probably never trusted their East German comrades enough to disseminate the knowledge. He also showed me his 'biker gang' jacket as he was a member of the motorcycle club there. I remember it had a huge bomb in the center.

What they hadn't accounted for was the intellectual freedom our mastery of both provided. It was only a small, incremental addition to our net effect but the Marine M110 8" (203mm) artillery raids we ran across the berm blew their minds as we later found. They didn't appreciate our ability to displace FORWARD, transfer survey, self-secure, shoot with accuracy and effect upon select targets both appropriate to the munitions and that undiscovered capability.
Indeed. I taught Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) for a while. We blew the Saudis' minds when we showed them that their F-15's flight control system's push-pull rods could be repaired with broomsticks wrapped in soda cans aluminum. Then when we got into the nitty-gritty of determining broomstick length via wood tensile strength versus 3000lbs of hydraulics pressure and using TI scientific calculators to speed up the process...Whoooppss...Time to redo the training syllabus. When I told them it was not MD, the aircraft's manufacturer, but a bunch of senior F-111 and F-15 NCOs that came up with the idea, it really blew their minds.
I don't understand the thinking of the Americans here, having a hard time trying to see what offended them so much. The World offered Iran a deal, Iran accepted but with certain conditions of their own (as expected), and the United States threw a fit. Now they're claiming that they could take military action. Where did the negotiations go?
Sometimes deals are non-negotiable, especially when they involves mankind's most destructive weapon yet.

Also, they recently referred to the Iranian regime as a "dictatorship". I'm sorry, was Ahmedinejad not recently elected with a 63% majority, which is a full 10% more than what Obama won with? Any country in the World would find such comments offensive, especially one which is being surrounded by sanctions.
Kim Junk Ill was 're-elected'. So was Castro. So was Stalin. So was Mao. It really is insulting to those of us who are living in functional democracies to have this charade of democratic principles thrown in front of us.

The Iranians will now say, "We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. So screw it, we'll pursue nuclear weapons and force the world to accept it the way North Korea did." If the sanctions fail, what option would the US be left with but to start another war? I don't think the American populace has the stomach for another one, I can certainly say that Canadians will think twice before committing to any such offensive. That said, we know one US ally in that region that is eager to pursue a military end.
You mean one US ally that is willing to PUBLICLY acknowledge their support for a US military option against Iran.
If U.S. attacks Iran, then U.S. should not expect any help from Pakistan in that war. Pakistan will not help the American war against Iran. Pakistanis have to live along side Iranians forever. Iran is one of the friendly neighbours Pakistan has.

Pakistan is helping U.S. with the Afghan war, but Pakistan will not help U.S. in any Iranian war, we will not let U.S. use our territory to attack Iran, but I guess they can always use Afghanistan's territory to attack Iran.

Why not US help for Iran ? infact GOP is slave of US , slave have to obey duty for which he get salary.:D
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