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U.S Army Chief: “Iran attack option on the table”

War is not just the military, the military is not just the military. A purely military, Iran to the United States did not answer, but other aspects of an answer, maybe.
Can anybody enlighten about Iran's nuclear programme?
In what stage is it rite now?

They have just mastered the ability to enrich to 20%. For purposes of illustration, say you have 3000 units of resources. To enrich to 3.5% it requires 1000 units. To enrich to 20% it requires 2900 units and to enrich to 95% (the amount required for a bomb) you need 3000 units. Basically, if you can enrich to 20% you can easily enrich to 95% in a short amount of time.
They have just mastered the ability to enrich to 20%. For purposes of illustration, say you have 3000 units of resources. To enrich to 3.5% it requires 1000 units. To enrich to 20% it requires 2900 units and to enrich to 95% (the amount required for a bomb) you need 3000 units. Basically, if you can enrich to 20% you can easily enrich to 95% in a short amount of time.

So can we say this year or probably next year Iran will have the nuclear bomb??
Dude, I have just put up a simple question, there was no need for that statement. Booo. :tdown:

This is serious mate. Look at the way Iran's Nuclear whateva is giving wet pants to the Israelis and the Americans.

I hope there is no war right now. Global economic recovery has just started.
"...probably next year Iran will have the nuclear bomb??"

Iran is having technical issues with maintaining it's centrifuge cascades that will impede their progress. Next year is a POSSIBILITY but, for present, the amount of material that they've been able to accumulate is minute. There are related technical issues that remain unclear such as delivery and warhead miniturization.

There is, however, clear intent to pursue such and time appears the only factor that stands in the way of them accomplishing their end goals.

Here is a nice summary of Iran's nuclear program as researched by the New York Times-

Iran's Nuclear Program-NYT

The brief time-line of events this year is followed by an extensive analysis which provides a solid overview.

USA Concerned about Consequences of Attack on Iran's Nuclear Facilities

The chairman of the US military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said on Sunday he was concerned about the consequences of any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities."The outbreak of a conflict will be a big, big, big problem for all of us, and I worry a great deal about the unintended consequences of a strike," Admiral Mullen said.Apart from saying that "it's pretty hard to be specific about" the issue, the top-ranking US military official did not expand on his comments.

Mullen, who was speaking to journalists during a visit to Israel, went on to say however that US President Barack Obama had been "very clear that from a policy standpoint, Iran cannot have a nuclear weapons.""We haven't taken off any option from the table," the admiral said, using diplomatic language for keeping open the possibility of launching military strikes.Mullen is due to hold talks with Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak along with other military officials during his visit to the Jewish state, as part of a tour of the Middle East.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also in the region on Sunday trying to drum up support in the Gulf for imposing tougher sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme.Tehrann, which rejects accusations of seeking to build a nuclear bomb, said on Tuesday it has started the process of producing 20 percent enriched uranium, defying Western threats of fresh sanctions.

ASIAN DEFENCE: USA Concerned about Consequences of Attack on Iran's Nuclear Facilities
Talk of attacks is premature when,

"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also in the region on Sunday trying to drum up support in the Gulf for imposing tougher sanctions against Iran..."

Sanctions really haven't been agreed to much less effected and analyzed. Until such and until we guage Iran's reaction to them as well as their technical progress, we'll all continue pursue a diplomatic resolution that'll work to everybody's satisfaction.

"...probably next year Iran will have the nuclear bomb??"

Iran is having technical issues with maintaining it's centrifuge cascades that will impede their progress. Next year is a POSSIBILITY but, for present, the amount of material that they've been able to accumulate is minute. There are related technical issues that remain unclear such as delivery and warhead miniturization.

There is, however, clear intent to pursue such and time appears the only factor that stands in the way of them accomplishing their end goals.

Here is a nice summary of Iran's nuclear program as researched by the New York Times-

Iran's Nuclear Program-NYT

The brief time-line of events this year is followed by an extensive analysis which provides a solid overview.


Hello Sir,
Sir, Can you tell about the missile which Iran tested? Can it reach US or for that matter Europe?
Sir, With respect to Chief of joint staff statements do you think this will actually happen? And will European countries support this?
Hello Sir,
Sir, Can you tell about the missile which Iran tested? Can it reach US or for that matter Europe?
Sir, With respect to Chief of joint staff statements do you think this will actually happen? And will European countries support this?

You still in a state of trance? :rofl:
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