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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

What I don't understand is why they insist on placing the main arrays below the bridge. That only causes the superstructure to be taller, reducing the stability of their ship. Wouldn't it be a lot better if they elevated the array above the bridge, giving the radar an elevated position and lowering the center of gravity?

It's been said by slayerhuahua that the ship will have more than 96 cell VLS, but less than 128 than originally predicted. I wonder if they will have a common VLS system between 055 and 057.
Guys, please confirm there is a rumour saying china got the technology of USS Zumwalt. China will built at least 10 of them.
You are confirmed.

Thanks to stolen technology from Yankee's Zumwalt ---- China made a state-of-art livestock carrier----, the animal are really happier through the long lonely journey to cross oceans.


If it's not 128 VLS, then it's a waste of time.

Wait to see, but even it is not 128, then wait for the Type 055A.

I too agree. 055 will be bloody expensive and its not going to build like 2 dozens of them. So why not try to pack as much fire power and usefulness to maximise those limited 055.

According to General Yin Zhuo, the Type 055 is not that expensive, it will be built in larger number than the Type 052D.
According to the relative of a PLA naval engineer, the 055 will have 128 cells according to last year status of the design.
it is speculated, most likely to be 112 (i 'guessed')
Wait to see, but even it is not 128, then wait for the Type 055A.

According to General Yin Zhuo, the Type 055 is not that expensive, it will be built in larger number than the Type 052D.

never taking those generals or experts, from TV, words seriously, most of them dont know lots of things```

the real deals are those who often popped up on defense forums irregularly, and gave vague infos about certain area of achievement, that you need to develop a special reading techniques in order to squeeze out fruitful juice out of them``

so there is no confirmed cost and how many 055 we gonna have```but based on the available figures, it is not going to be cheap as you imagined
--few hints: 1. a complete Type-730 CIWS costs 180 million RMB,;
2. Nanjing instidution quoted AESA 346 for close to 1 Billion RMB per unit`` when the boss asked, they pissed but the institution wont compromise quality for price, so at the end day the Navy accepted it!
I too agree. 055 will be bloody expensive and its not going to build like 2 dozens of them. So why not try to pack as much fire power and usefulness to maximise those limited 055.

having more missiles doesnt equal to fire power, its 21st century not like the years of World Wars, where the seas were ruled by titans with massive tubes and 'ejaculating' at each other
having more missiles doesnt equal to fire power, its 21st century not like the years of World Wars, where the seas were ruled by titans with massive tubes and 'ejaculating' at each other

Quantity always matters, anytime, anywhere.

The side has the system with proper balancing of quality and quantity will win.
Just look at India, they were not ready to build an advanced DDG, now they chose to rush, then Kolkata is not even deployed after more than a decade of struggle.
Two Kolkata class ships will be inducted this year and the last one will be inducted next year.

Btw this project has been officially confirmed or this is all fanboy stuff??
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