the VLS can host any new kits we have in the inventory, from sea to air, from land to under sea and to outer space, but land attack capability ≠ hosting a land cruise missile, or TMD capability ≠ hosting a TMD or NMD capable missile```software, control and command plug-in components and etc``````
p.s if you have a certian range figure regarding a missile from a 'big shrimp'```then just take with a pinch of salt, the real 'insiders' wont give any figures with certain numbers`````for example, last year, a pomegranate shoot a new egg, it flew very far, far, far, far, far, far, far``````and hit the target, this is kind of 'leak' you really should read into, not 'oh, it shoots X/Y/Z kms and hit a target```