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Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

Will we be getting photos at regular intervals of the build of the Type 052D's at Dalian?.........or is the shipyard not easily accessible to people taking pictures, like we have seen at 'JN', 'HD' and 'HP' shipyards!
Will we be getting photos at regular intervals of the build of the Type 052D's at Dalian?.........or is the shipyard not easily accessible to people taking pictures, like we have seen at 'JN', 'HD' and 'HP' shipyards!

The Dalian shipyard is hard to film due the geographic location, so we can only wait until the ship is launched on the water.
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The lead ship of the Type 052D also got its hull number.

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At least 6 type 52D are starting at Jiangnan shipyard, with a further 2 at Dalian, 5 are seen to be finishing up in shipyards and then there's the 172 that will soon enter service.

So we are looking at at least 10-12 of these ships, and then see where to go from there.

江南的船,刷号到授旗服役一般不超过三个月,这是普遍的规律,而172已经刷号,172其实已经基本能用快1年了,一年前就到过舟山,甚至米波雷达都没 装,因为当时钓鱼岛形势非常紧张,只要大盾和防空导弹能用,172甚至米波雷达都不装都要上战场,因为我们的主战舰艇还是太少!在近海,预警和反隐身目 标,可以通过其他平台提供数据,当时真是十万火急!
现代海空装备,研制生产装备周期都是很长的,一条驱逐舰调到顺手好用,从切割钢板到服役,起码四年,所以说我们现在的海空主战装备,必须时刻加班加点的 干,东海南海的战争爆发,也就瞬间的事情,今后三年,是绝对的危险期,现代战争不是当年卫国战争,当年苏联美国生产缝纫机的厂可以很快改产飞机,生产拖拉 机的转产坦克;现代武器系统精密复杂,不是以前的民品厂说转产就能转产的,必须提前装备和储备,
我们未来十年,至少要面对一场高强度的局部战争的危险,因此无论卫星,飞机,战舰,导弹,都必须加强生产和储备,想大战来临再开足马力生产?根本来不及, 不用说隐形飞机,战舰这些超精密设备,就是陆军的现代化主战坦克,目前也不可能像二战一样让你战争临头再加班造,因为现代化陆军装备同样精密复杂,现代战 争已经没有绝对安全的后方的情况下,原料供应会出问题,工厂会被轰炸,完全不能正常生产;而当今的局部战争,正规战阶段基本没有超过1到2个月的,一个月 胜负基本已定,而目前一个月时间,不用说军舰,就是一架战斗机,一辆主战坦克都很难组装起来;
052D最早4条都给南海舰队,说明要新组建一个驱逐舰支队,这个支队就是要首配航母的,航母只有在开阔的南海中南部,西太,印度洋,才能发挥航母的长 处,陆地包裹的黄海和东海,四面临敌,全部在周边的陆地战斗机作战半径内,战时放上航母是添乱,航母这种高价值目标,必将成为敌方蜂拥攻击的对象,一旦被 击中,会对整个战争的战略决心产生影响,因此美帝海军的作战条例,也严禁将航母部署在敌对方陆地作战飞机半径内,平时的航母靠近岸边武力威慑是一回事,真 正开打是另一回事,美帝航母作战群先远离岸边500海里以上,一通战斧打完,对方反击能力被基本压制了,舰载机才会再去洗地,这一套作战模式,我们未来的 航母作战群也会模仿。
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The type 052D seems to be going through a quicker outfitting phase than the 052C's.................i did read a story that their were some teething problems with the improved engines fitted to the latest batch of 052C's hence the long time to entering service...
and i believe the 052D's use the same engines as the improved 052C class, so those problems would of been resolved before the fitting of these engines to the 052D.
But, as the 052D is a new toy for the Chinese navy it appears they are very keen to get them into service a.s.a.p...............the 052C's they are happy with, but it appeared the Chinese navy were not in a hurry to put them into service, in fact 150 and 151 hung around the fleet after completion for quite sometime before they were commissioned.
Anyway the last 2 052C's will go into service this year, with perhaps the first 052D................and the 4th should be launched very soon, and with the other 052D's at 'JN' and 'Dalian'...........then 2014 is the year of the Destroyer for the Chinese Navy.

Then next year (hopefully) China starts work on its '055' Destroyer/Cruiser.................which should be a real monster!
The type 052D seems to be going through a quicker outfitting phase than the 052C's.................i did read a story that their were some teething problems with the improved engines fitted to the latest batch of 052C's hence the long time to entering service...
and i believe the 052D's use the same engines as the improved 052C class, so those problems would of been resolved before the fitting of these engines to the 052D.
But, as the 052D is a new toy for the Chinese navy it appears they are very keen to get them into service a.s.a.p...............the 052C's they are happy with, but it appeared the Chinese navy were not in a hurry to put them into service, in fact 150 and 151 hung around the fleet after completion for quite sometime before they were commissioned.
Anyway the last 2 052C's will go into service this year, with perhaps the first 052D................and the 4th should be launched very soon, and with the other 052D's at 'JN' and 'Dalian'...........then 2014 is the year of the Destroyer for the Chinese Navy.

Then next year (hopefully) China starts work on its '055' Destroyer/Cruiser.................which should be a real monster!

Type 052C are not massed produced and slow induction becos they are only interim solution compare to Type 052D. PLAN are not very satisfy Type052C.
Type 052D are a big leap becos of the new standard VLS launcher that can fire LACM,long range air defense missile, anti-sub missile and anti- warship missile.
The type 052D seems to be going through a quicker outfitting phase than the 052C's.................i did read a story that their were some teething problems with the improved engines fitted to the latest batch of 052C's hence the long time to entering service...
and i believe the 052D's use the same engines as the improved 052C class, so those problems would of been resolved before the fitting of these engines to the 052D.
But, as the 052D is a new toy for the Chinese navy it appears they are very keen to get them into service a.s.a.p...............the 052C's they are happy with, but it appeared the Chinese navy were not in a hurry to put them into service, in fact 150 and 151 hung around the fleet after completion for quite sometime before they were commissioned.
Anyway the last 2 052C's will go into service this year, with perhaps the first 052D................and the 4th should be launched very soon, and with the other 052D's at 'JN' and 'Dalian'...........then 2014 is the year of the Destroyer for the Chinese Navy.

Then next year (hopefully) China starts work on its '055' Destroyer/Cruiser.................which should be a real monster!

The only reason to build a monster destroyer like Type 055 is to signal the intent to carry out attacks against land-based targets as the Type-052C/D are already sufficient to take care of air-defence.
Type 052C are not massed produced and slow induction becos they are only interim solution compare to Type 052D. PLAN are not very satisfy Type052C.
Type 052D are a big leap becos of the new standard VLS launcher that can fire LACM,long range air defense missile, anti-sub missile and anti- warship missile.

Yes.............i know.........it does make you wonder why then the 4 extra type 052C's were ordered, as the 052D followed immediately. What i'am saying is that if the Navy really wanted they could of waited a couple of years to have built just 052D's only. Maybe as 'JN' shipyard had been out of action for a few years due to its relocation, then the Navy felt it needed to build some Destroyers quickly to build up its fleet numbers, but at the time the 052D wasnt quite ready for production.
Anyway, the 4 new 052C's are obviously a big improvement, and have proved a testing ground for the new engines, and obviously feature enhancements to their electronic warfare systems over the original pair which are close to a decade old now!
Yes.............i know.........it does make you wonder why then the 4 extra type 052C's were ordered, as the 052D followed immediately. What i'am saying is that if the Navy really wanted they could of waited a couple of years to have built just 052D's only. Maybe as 'JN' shipyard had been out of action for a few years due to its relocation, then the Navy felt it needed to build some Destroyers quickly to build up its fleet numbers, but at the time the 052D wasnt quite ready for production.
Anyway, the 4 new 052C's are obviously a big improvement, and have proved a testing ground for the new engines, and obviously feature enhancements to their electronic warfare systems over the original pair which are close to a decade old now!

The 4 extra Type 052D were ordered before the move of the JN shipyard during 2006-2008.
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