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Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

Mmmm, mmmm... Good points, good points...

Does corruption not also play a role in delays?

By the way, could you provide a source on the Kolkata Class undergoing sea trials?

Please dont be fooled by this Indian. He just trying to mask all the deficiency of India heavy red tape and impotent of India shipyard to assemble so many foreign system which proves beyond the scope of what India can handle. What labour law and Trade union are BS.. Many shipyard in India and industries still ignore the right of workers. Law is there but implementing it is another question.

As I say, the heavy delay of Kolkata destroyer has again do with India over optimistic and unrealistic target set. Nothing to do with Trade Union and labour law. Its funny , he thinks that Kolkata delay is becos worker not able to do 24 hours to get the job done. :lol: Dont you know something called shift work? If India military has the will and funds, it can easily arrange shift work , jut like how China come up so fast with 056 corvette and 052C/D destroyer.

Trying to paint China shipyard trying to work its worker to death is just a cheapshot used by inferior Indian who cant match Chinese shipyard sophiscation and Chinese worker efficiency.

Imagine you have import system from 5-6 countries or different companies and try to merge them togther will be an uphill task. That is not a very efficient way to do things.
Please dont be fooled by this Indian. He just trying to mask all the deficiency of India heavy red tape and impotent of India shipyard to assemble so many foreign system which proves beyond the scope of what India can handle. What labour law and Trade union are BS.. Many shipyard in India and industries still ignore the right of workers. Law is there but implementing it is another question.

As I say, the heavy delay of Kolkata destroyer has again do with India over optimistic and unrealistic target set. Nothing to do with Trade Union and labour law. Its funny , he thinks that Kolkata delay is becos worker not able to do 24 hours to get the job done. :lol: Dont you know something called shift work? If India military has the will and funds, it can easily arrange shift work , jut like how China come up so fast with 056 corvette and 052C/D destroyer.

Trying to paint China shipyard trying to work its worker to death is just a cheapshot used by inferior Indian who cant match Chinese shipyard sophiscation and Chinese worker efficiency.

Imagine you have import system from 5-6 countries or different companies and try to merge them togther will be an uphill task. That is not a very efficient way to do things.

I don't think he's blaming Indian bureaucracy for delays. He is, however, blaming democracy and diversity. He's a very original thinker and not very politically correct: for most people would defend democracy and diversity.
yes you are right... Unlike floating casino( So AC carrier),we didn't arrange pink color light setting on the Kolkata class destroyer ........

Kolkata Destroyer built with EU technology with EU defense companies supplying most of its components. Its not hasardous that Kolkata type is similar to Horizon or Fremm or Type 45 destroyer. Same thing regarding Indian ACs, scorpene submarines which are Fench made just like US made M777, US C 17 Globemaster, so there is no need to be proud of foreign military weapons. India could get whatever it needs from the US, EU and Israel regarding military equipment. Mroeso, US and EU are forcing India to buy its latest military hardware like the Rafale, Apache etc in view of countering China. If India was under weapons embargo like China, India would have never been able to build one single warship, nor any submarine only buying Russian coldwar relics and accumulating scat/waste. India the dirtiest country in the world, in Delhi when it rains, roads pavements become muddy. BUildings are dirty, crows flying everywhere, people doing their natural...... on the road. China has perhaps been portrayed as a polluted country, but we cannot notice it when visiting Shenzhen, Shanghai etc. We are proud of China, which despite the current technological and weapons embargoes is able to build decent warships and aircrafts.
Mmmm, mmmm... Good points, good points...

I wonder, if India is so diverse and therefore adverse to centralized command, then why not break up the country into natural constituent parts, like the old days of the Maharajas?

Or alternately, why not reduce the amount of laws and regulations on the books so as to accommodate such diversity?

Lastly, does corruption not also play a role in the delays?

By the way, could you provide a source on the Kolkata Class undergoing sea trials?

Its futile to discuss the nature of india to people with preconcieved notions,going slowly doesn't mean breaking up the country.You just couldn't resists trolling.:disagree:

As for reasons they are-
1]bureaucracy-this is slow to alter as in multi party system and coalition givernments consensus is difficult to achieve.
2]Corruption.Obvious.But this increases costs more than increase time.
3]Land acquisistion and labour laws,regardless of beast's rants..these are problematic in india as opoosition party is always eager to cash in on slightest mistakes and sabotage whole project.
4]Till now we were unable to produce warship grade steel for top end heavy warships,with the beginning of the indigeneous aircraft carrier this dependancy ends as SAIL can now produce warship grade stell even for heaviest ships.
5]We still have to import warship engines and this often causes delays.
6]IN has tendedncy to continously change requirements for the ships and this too leads to delays as new tech takes time to incorporate.
7]Lastly and most importantly our warship building yards till now used old shipbuilding technique ,only now has modular shipbuilding being implemented and will take effect from p-17A class,this will halve building time.

These are major reasons for long buildng time for IN ships.
As for kolkata class no official sources,just know that its to be commisioned in 2014 instead of 2013 to correct some problem that arose in trials.
Latest picture about 052D, posted 6th Aug




Its futile to discuss the nature of india to people with preconcieved notions,going slowly doesn't mean breaking up the country.You just couldn't resists trolling.:disagree:

As for reasons they are-
1]bureaucracy-this is slow to alter as in multi party system and coalition givernments consensus is difficult to achieve.
2]Corruption.Obvious.But this increases costs more than increase time.
3]Land acquisistion and labour laws,regardless of beast's rants..these are problematic in india as opoosition party is always eager to cash in on slightest mistakes and sabotage whole project.
4]Till now we were unable to produce warship grade steel for top end heavy warships,with the beginning of the indigeneous aircraft carrier this dependancy ends as SAIL can now produce warship grade stell even for heaviest ships.
5]We still have to import warship engines and this often causes delays.
6]IN has tendedncy to continously change requirements for the ships and this too leads to delays as new tech takes time to incorporate.
7]Lastly and most importantly our warship building yards till now used old shipbuilding technique ,only now has modular shipbuilding being implemented and will take effect from p-17A class,this will halve building time.

These are major reasons for long buildng time for IN ships.
As for kolkata class no official sources,just know that its to be commisioned in 2014 instead of 2013 to correct some problem that arose in trials.

Austerlitz, could you please provide a source, a link, or an article regarding the trials and what problems have been found? I understand there is no 'official' source on this, but how about an unofficial one? Anything?
Austerlitz, could you please provide a source, a link, or an article regarding the trials and what problems have been found? I understand there is no 'official' source on this, but how about an unofficial one? Anything?

Man most of ANY info on this net is available on trishul blog or hearsay from members in BR forums.
But one can rest assured that kolkata is coming in 2014 as otherwise it would mean IN would not induct a major warship for whole of 2014 as shivalik class commisioned and 3rd talwar batch still not officially inked.Also no sub deliveries on the horizon.With IN expanding rapidly thats a big no.
Though kamorta class corvette comissioning is also due.Those are more or less light friagtes at 3000 tons.
Man most of ANY info on this net is available on trishul blog or hearsay from members in BR forums.
But one can rest assured that kolkata is coming in 2014 as otherwise it would mean IN would not induct a major warship for whole of 2014 as shivalik class commisioned and 3rd talwar batch still not officially inked.Also no sub deliveries on the horizon.With IN expanding rapidly thats a big no.
Though kamorta class corvette comissioning is also due.Those are more or less light friagtes at 3000 tons.

I browsed the Trishul blog, pursuing its excellent google powered search engine. I searched up and down, read every entry there is on P15A/Kolkata, no mention was ever made of the trials actually taking place. None whatsoever.

Since you insisted that sea trials of the P15A had taken place, and that some faults were found during these trials which resulted in the commission date being pushed to 2014, I'm asking you to point me to an article that actually verify what you said. So far, I've seen nothing from you.

If the information regarding the trials is truly available on the Trishul blog, then link me to it. Just give me a link.

Easy peasy.
I browsed the Trishul blog, pursuing its excellent google powered search engine. I searched up and down, read every entry there is on P15A/Kolkata, no mention was ever made of the trials actually taking place. None whatsoever.

Since you insisted that sea trials of the P15A had taken place, and that some faults were found during these trials which resulted in the commission date being pushed to 2014, I'm asking you to point me to an article that actually verify what you said. So far, I've seen nothing from you.

If the information regarding the trials is truly available on the Trishul blog, then link me to it. Just give me a link.

Easy peasy.

Man it wasn't said on any artricle in the blog,but in the question answer discussion under each article in some of the articles.If u bother to go through the Comments section of most recent 3 articles ull get it.Alternatively u can just narrate what i said in a comment of ur own and ask verification.
Easy peasy.:)
Man it wasn't said on any artricle in the blog,but in the question answer discussion under each article in some of the articles.If u bother to go through the Comments section of most recent 3 articles ull get it.Alternatively u can just narrate what i said in a comment of ur own and ask verification.
Easy peasy.:)

Ah so basically the trials are just a hearsay, a mere speculation. You've read or heard about it from someone's comment, and based on that, you've been going around telling people that trials have taken place.

Do you even know definitively that the trials have taken place?
Ah so basically the trials are just a hearsay, a mere speculation. You've read or heard about it from someone's comment, and based on that, you've been going around telling people that trials have taken place.

Do you even know definitively that the trials have taken place?

Not someone's say,the blogger's say.And it was you who asked for 'unofficial sources'.
Not someone's say,the blogger's say.And it was you who asked for 'unofficial sources'.

I asked for 'official sources', and after much, much prodding, you admitted that there were none. You instead alluded to some nebulous articles, blogs, and other some such sources, none of which you could provide a link to or a reference of.

By the way, I've done a text search on Trishul for all P15A and Kolkata related entries along with comments going back one year, no one has ever mentioned that trials had actually taken place, only that it was predicated to take place in March, 2013. There was however a user asking the question as to why the trials are not covered in news media, to which the answer was: trials don't attract media attention, which is the international norm. Someone did ask why the commissioning was delayed until 2014, the answer was that the Indian navy lacks a suitable 'heavy torpedo' (wtf?).

Maybe I missed something on Trishul? But I did look pretty hard.

By now, I'm inclined to think that the trials had never taken place, period.

Unless, of course, you have a source pointing to their existence. But I doubt you do.
I asked for 'official sources', and after much, much prodding, you admitted that there were none. You instead alluded to some nebulous articles, blogs, and other some such sources, none of which you could provide a link to or a reference of.

By the way, I've done a text search on Trishul for all P15A and Kolkata related entries along with comments going back one year, no one has ever mentioned that trials had actually taken place, only that it was predicated to take place in March, 2013. There was however a user asking the question as to why the trials are not covered in news media, to which the answer was: trials don't attract media attention, which is the international norm. Someone did ask why the commissioning was delayed until 2014, the answer was that the Indian navy lacks a suitable 'heavy torpedo' (wtf?).

Maybe I missed something on Trishul? But I did look pretty hard.

By now, I'm inclined to think that the trials had never taken place, period.

Unless, of course, you have a source pointing to their existence. But I doubt you do.

Weapon woes put Indian Navy's modernisation programmes on hold | Mail Online
Lower part of article.
Only official source.Others are hearsay from bloggers and BR forumers.Sry but thats all u gotta deal with atm.
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