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No I do not.

Please explain.

P.S. I have been waiting to be challenged by you on this.

P.P.S. I hope you realize that all that I say of India and Hinduism, is doubly true for Persia and Zoroastrianism.

In fact its the elephant in the room.

You hide your hatred for Islam better than most others in this forum, I will give you that. However you can mourn the loss of Persia to Islam all you want Doc but the fact remains that your ancestors RAN when the time came to stand up and resist. That is why the Persians of today do not even want to recognize your kind. As for the Persians that did stay they did not fall to Islam overnight as it took nearly 300 years before Islam became the dominant religion of Persia.
I suppose by now I should have become inured to the nightmare visions of the Hindutvavadi lobby and its propagandists, but this thread stands out for the amount of bilge spouted.

Joe, it is funny because yesterday you uncharacteristically called for burning the old testament which was a shock to say the least. As for Black Widow he has made his views clears countless times on this forum and despite him refusing to come straight out and say he is talking about Muslims, that much is certain.
Joe, it is funny because yesterday you uncharacteristically called for burning the old testament which was a shock to say the least. As for Black Widow he has made his views clears countless times on this forum and despite him refusing to come straight out and say he is talking about Muslims, that much is certain.

I am sorry but I didn't understand what you are driving at. Let me explain, to make it clear that this is not a peevish response to a seeming criticism.

I would like to burn all religious texts and scriptures, which, in my personal opinion, would make the world a better place. Faith and a belief in the divine are not the same as organised religion, which has not brought a single benefit to humanity but instead has placed a huge burden on it: a burden of misplaced and unnecessary guilt, a burden of misplaced obedience to small men jumped up above their station, a burden of blood, a burden of hatred of others not of the same persuasion, a burden of enslavement for the sake of faith, in short, too many to mention or to list down. I am not sure why calling for burning down the Old Testament should look odd, given this credo.

As for bigots and full-time propagandists for the Hindutvavadis, there are four queen bees (Rig Vedic, KS, Voldemort, and Black Widow) and innumerable worker bees, the entire collection of whom are shockingly illiterate and ill-informed. And who also make it a point to put forward their borrowed thoughts in opposition to tried and tested themes of history. Nobody in that younger lot has the brains of a wood-louse.........

That is what I stand for, and I still don't understand what you said in the first post.
I never said the tools in India and central asia were 100% the same. I said some thing like the chariot were introduced to India by the Aryans.

And I did provide evidence for the Aryans. The biggest evidence being linguistic. Aryans are the reason we have Sanskrit based north India and Dravidian based south India. and further proof of the invasion is that in Pakistan we have a small population that speak a Dravidian language. This means that at one point most of south Asia was Dravidian speaking, but once the Aryans invaded, they pushed them to south India. They were, however unable to extinguish a small pocket of Dravidian speakers in Pakistan tho.

And hey man, if it helps you preserve your identity and culture then feel free to believe what every you want.
Just don't expect the rest of us to partake in your delusions.

bold part- coz u have accepted this fact that dravidians were the true residents of indus valley and historians like developereo hv thanked ur post

so sir from now on refrain urself frm sayin that pakistanis are the descendents of indus valley civilization:cheesy:
I am sorry but I didn't understand what you are driving at. Let me explain, to make it clear that this is not a peevish response to a seeming criticism.

I would like to burn all religious texts and scriptures, which, in my personal opinion, would make the world a better place. Faith and a belief in the divine are not the same as organised religion, which has not brought a single benefit to humanity but instead has placed a huge burden on it: a burden of misplaced and unnecessary guilt, a burden of misplaced obedience to small men jumped up above their station, a burden of blood, a burden of hatred of others not of the same persuasion, a burden of enslavement for the sake of faith, in short, too many to mention or to list down. I am not sure why calling for burning down the Old Testament should look odd, given this credo.

As for bigots and full-time propagandists for the Hindutvavadis, there are four queen bees (Rig Vedic, KS, Voldemort, and o) and innumerable worker bees, the entire collection of whom are shockingly illiterate and ill-informed. And who also make it a point to put forward their borrowed thoughts in opposition to tried and tested themes of history. Nobody in that younger lot has the brains of a wood-louse.........

That is what I stand for, and I still don't understand what you said in the first post.

My first post was not directed at you, you were not meant to understand. I understand now what you meant but I disagree. I believe you do not give Black widow enough credit he is most definitively in the top hierarchy of Hindutvas queen bees. KS tries to act like he is trying to learn but I too recently figured he is among them. They are a deceptive lot. BTW who is o?
Joe u haven't replied to my post.

If u look at it clearly the turning point is India becoming a single political Entity for me. The Republic of India.

Aryans or No Aryans, Muslims or no Muslims this country was always divided may be 354 princely states or some three to four provinces whatever. To become a single country and not just survive but to succeed is the single most turning point in the history of India a cultural country for long but a Republic recently.

i agree with u somewhat

atleast with the arrival of britishers, a sense of unity got instilled in the people

however we abuse them, like they were the only ones who ruled us

but we shud not forget that they did some good too...
Hope you are not offended that you got my approval for that post.
Just one correction tho, there is no such thing as Indo-Aryan
The language the Aryans spoke was proto Indo-European, the offspring of which was Sanskrit in India.

Do you have any idea what is PALI and PRAKRIT ? sanskrit is off spring of these languages and they were used much much earlier than sanskrit . Grandpapa of sanskrit .
I being a Brahmin couldn't stop myself from posting ontopic, it seems that lots of people hate 'me' as in the Brahmin me.

Hey Joe what is your take on this Evil Brahmin exploitation, Bang Galore has given a wonderful post couldn't u put your eloquence in to a post. Let me tell you before hand, i am not that 'emotionally' concerned for the hatred or whatever part but think that the share of responsibility we get in fking up the Indian society is rather large.

Waiting Eagerly, sincerely

Evil Brahmin.

i'am also an evil brahmin

we shud accept it that our ancestors really did some wrong things

but yes for everything blaming brahminism has become a common xcuse!!!
There was nothing what we know today as caste. Caste was according to your job . Scholars made this new foolish idea of making caste as inheritances property.

This is i guess the one big mistake which we still face in everyday life. Caste is only one thing i believe which makes us less united today. I am not talking about cities and towns but rural India where still 55% of Indians reside.
There was nothing what we know today as caste. Caste was according to your job . Scholars made this new foolish idea of making caste as inheritances property.

This is i guess the one big mistake which we still face in everyday life. Caste is only one thing i believe which makes us less united today. I am not talking about cities and towns but rural India where still 55% of Indians reside.

yaa caste at some point of time was indeed based on work

but like all infringements of rules and laws , it became rigid

but will die out with time
Originally Posted by DarkPrince
i am very fair BDsi i can asure u that i am not a dalit convert. i have persian ancestry as well

but that doesnt mean i hate dalits or believe in caste system

one more south asian muslim who want wana be arab or persian .:coffee:

I guess after sometime he will say his ancestor ruled 800 years on Spain :P
Do you have any idea what is PALI and PRAKRIT ? sanskrit is off spring of these languages and they were used much much earlier than sanskrit . Grandpapa of sanskrit .

The correct sequence should be - Indo-Aryan, or Vedic Sanskriit => Classical Sanskrit
=> Prakrit

Yes, Prakrit was used earlier than Classical Sanskrit. But it was itself derived from Vedic Sanskrit.

Pali was a special case of Prakrit, and was used for canonical purposes.
India and Africa were at the same status in the ancient time. This is complete bs that India gained its prime in science and literature rather it was Aryan who brought in some technology and they wrote some epic and thats all about it. But the biggest weakness of the Indian sub continent was that the minority Aryan used to consider locals as Mleccha..
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