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Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria

This is another false flag operation by Turkish and their NATO master. Just a day ago Russian FM warned about this very false flag plan. Erdogan is loosing his face and so is Turkey as regional influence. This is last ditch effort using terrorism. Yesterday bombs that killed 31 in Aleppo, Syria has Turkish hand one way or other. If Turkey wants to invite hell at home who can prevent them? But they have been warned (not necessarily by Russians but many other sane voices).

NATO to Stay out of Syrian Conflict | World | RIA Novosti
Russia's isn't going to go balls deep for Assad in the depths of this civil war, that is a dream. Iran might get involved though. It should be noted an emergency NATO meeting has been convened and Turkish armor has been moved up to the border.

Also Turkey is a NATO member, there is your answer.

some times when u push an enemy to wall it will find a a fierce power out of desperation let me tell you this very clearly russia is wounded very heavily it might actually fight this time who knows
I am not a supporter of current regimes in Iran and Syria but I would point out to you about Turkish unlikely invasion of Syria. Turkey couldn't do anything when A 22 day bombardment was taking place in Palestine by Israelis not a single F-16 sortie took place to warn Israelis and here you and inflating a laughable invasion story of Syria. Turkey had no power to stop Israelis you couldn't you were afraid and you are talking of invading Syria. What Syria is doing is not right bombarding border Area but that does not give Turkey the right to invade although Turkey is not in position to invade specially if US-UK can't do it Turkey is unlikely contender.
Where were your Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and top dogs of "Islamic world" when Israel was bombing Gaza? The most ridiculous comment i've seen tonight.

Like I give a phuck about palestinians, they fired upon a Turkish town and killed Turkish citizens for god's sake.

On second thought, Idune gets that prize, well dune azzhole :)

False flag operation my arse, we wanna invade Syria so badly we are killing our own people including childeren, what's more... we have artillery in Syria to do this :)
some times when u push an enemy to wall it will find a a fierce power out of desperation let me tell you this very clearly russia is wounded very heavily it might actually fight this time who knows
Not over asad,
This applies when your national security is at risk not your assets.

Anyway, PDF was down for last couple of hours. Now i pity myself for waiting this long to read above nonesense.
some times when u push an enemy to wall it will find a a fierce power out of desperation let me tell you this very clearly russia is wounded very heavily it might actually fight this time who knows

Russia is hardly wounded and remains a member of the international community with interests in more than the Middle-East. Iran is feeling the pain though.
Seeing reports that IRGC is mobilizing on Iran-Turkish border and Long range missiles are being deployed...
lol fsa fires shell and blame Alassad hahaha
anyways turkey now is crying for nato :coffee:
Yes, I am, that's why I would do whatever it takes to defend my beloved Syrian people from Iranian proxies or shall I say (traitors), Turkey has never been but a reliable friend in this conflict. Being an Arab nationalist doesn't mean to side with a traitor who killed and harmed Arabs more than their enemies.
so you bring NATO into Syria?? lol yes you do love Syrians so much that you want NATO to destroy Syria and kill Syrians...

50k died in Libya under NATO was not enough for you?
Where were your Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and top dogs of "Islamic world" when Israel was bombing Gaza? The most ridiculous comment i've seen tonight. Like I give a phuck about palestinians, they fired upon a Turkish town and killed Turkish citizens for god's sake. On second thought, Idune gets that prize, well dune azzhole :)
False flag operation my arse, we wanna invade Syria so badly we are killing our own people including childeren, what's more... we have artillery in Syria to do this :) Not over asad,
This applies when your national security is at risk not your assets. Anyway, PDF was down for last couple of hours. Now i pity myself for waiting this long to read above nonesense.

Pakistan is fighting WOT since 2001 therefore you cannot complain us living miles away, you tell me how many times did you stop israelis from bombarding Palestinians and Lebanon, Never!. Don't be stupid don't generalize and consider all Palestinians as murderers does it mean because of few you decide to ditch Palestine and favor israel what a shame.

You sound ridiculous a few Palestinians done wrong and you blame the whole Palestine the same can be blamed upon you people by Armenians.
First of all, I'd like to remind you that Turkish sovreignity was violated when our citizens we're killed due to the spillover. Whether there are ulterior plans for Syria or not doesn't matter.

Turkey will act because of the national security and the security of our citizens.

The fvcktard who brought Palestine issue into this thread should get banned! that tard forgot to ask himself/herself whether Palestines security poses a national threat for Turkey. I can give you the answer, NO!

It's hillarious how some people are trying to drag Russia into this. And that Luftwaffe-fella who seems hellbent on criticizing Turkey, LOL.

Let's just get some things straight, war is a matter of economy, and no one wants to destroy their economy with a full scale war if there is a possibility of getting something like NATO involved, which would also mean that a shitload of other countries resources will be pulled into this.

Once again I'll repeat what's truly important and what matters, everything else is just consequence or benefits as a result.

Our citizens are what's important, and retaliating on any hostile fire that lands within Turkish border is necessary. Turkey doesn't need to go to full scale war, we just need to eradicate anything that can hit Turkish land from Syria.

This means FSA, YPG, Assads supporter everything and anything!
so you bring NATO into Syria?? lol yes you do love Syrians so much that you want NATO to destroy Syria and kill Syrians...

50k died in Libya under NATO was not enough for you?

This is a big fat lie, and how dare you show your face here after your "honorable" president betrayed his Libyan ally and told NATO about his hideout. Your bloodthirsty illegitimate regime was the one who assaulted Turkish citizens by either shooting them directly or by supporting PKK terrorists who have killed tens of innocents. Your illegitimate regime apologized to Turkey over 5 deaths while he has killed 30k of his own people and still without any spot of remorse or apology, how coward he is! If I had even one little tiny spot of respect for him before this, it's gone now, at least he should have stood by his base principles.
Where were your Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and top dogs of "Islamic world" when Israel was bombing Gaza? The most ridiculous comment i've seen tonight.

Like I give a phuck about palestinians, they fired upon a Turkish town and killed Turkish citizens for god's sake.


First of all, Pakistan is not a concerned party in the Syrian conflict nor the Palestinian-israeli one. It's none of our business and i'm glad that Pakistan has maintained a neutral stance thus far with regards to the Syrian conflict. Secondly, you raised a valid question; why don't any of the Arab countries who are making hue and cry over the Syrian conflict intervene on behalf of the Syrian Sunni civilians and end the bloodshed now, or at least brush aside Assad's "weak Russian weapon equipped army" since they do have the capability to do so, or so they claim?

But of course they won't intervene, they want Turkey to do the dirty work for them, they want Turkey to get its hands dirty for them, while they'll just stand on the sidelines and watch the show, as they are currently doing. If they (the Arab countries "crying" over the loss of Syrian civilian lives at the hands of Assad's army) are so concerned for the lives of their Syrian Arab brothers and sisters, then's what's taking them so long in mobilising their armies and air forces, whom Western equipment they so proudly boast of?

They cry about "Arab brotherhood/unity", and how Assad is an impediment to their plan of this so called "unity". Well, what does Turkey have to gain from/do with that? These same Arabs didn't hesitate to stab the Turkish state in the back in 1916 with the assistance of "Lawrence of Arabia", that too was for their Arab unity, a single Arab state spanning from Syria to Yemen, yet the british only gave them israel and divided rest of the territories into independent Arab nations and occupied what it could.

Its funny how some Turkish members here are falling for all of this cozying up some Arabs are showing them. Do Turks suffer from that bad of a memory loss that they have completely forgotten what these same Arabs who are now cozying up to them did to them in 1916? Is Turkey willing to risk its own economic and social prosperity for the sake of these Arabs by dragging itself into a conflict from which it will not gain anything of benefit?

It's unfortunate that Turkish citizens were killed in this incident, however it is not reasonable on the part of the Turkish government to quickly blame any single party involved in the conflict, in this case the Assad's army, for all we know it could have also been the FSA since they too have under their possession heavy and high caliber weapons ranging from Tanks, APC, to mortars, that they captured from Assad's army. If they could have tanks in their posession, what doubt is there left that they wouldn't have mortars? One shouldn't rule out both conflicting factions. There should be an investigation or so.

Now coming to those who are dreaming of a possible NATO involvement, i can only suggest to them that they should stop dreaming because that will not happen. NATO is trying to pull itself out of Afghanistan and a good number of NATO States are facing growing social unrest within their own countries, the last thing they want is to be dragged into another military/political quagmire in the Middle East.
Its amazing to note that both Turks and Iranians are falling for the Arab strategy of divide and conquer.
This is another false flag operation by Turkish and their NATO master. Just a day ago Russian FM warned about this very false flag plan.

Sure sounds like it....plus how much sense it makes for Syria to send a single mortar into a Turkish village.

Erdogan is loosing his face and so is Turkey as regional influence. This is last ditch effort using terrorism. Yesterday bombs that killed 31 in Aleppo, Syria has Turkish hand one way or other. If Turkey wants to invite hell at home who can prevent them? But they have been warned (not necessarily by Russians but many other sane voices).

I never thought the order to Turkey would come.

Anyway I am afraid Turkey has already made the deal and will get what it wants once she does her part in Syria and then Iran.
Funny how Turkey attacks Syria on the same day as Presidential debates in USA (not a word of it in US media).....which btw guys, now it looks like war monger corporate America King Romney evangelical is going to win after this good old fashion American political lynching setup of President Obama I witnessed today on CNN.

War of conquest is coming to the region.....my Iranian brothers are in more danger.
Its amazing to note that both Turks and Iranians are falling for the Arab strategy of divide and conquer.

The Arabs themselves are a part of a grand strategy involving the complete makeover of the entire Middle Eastern political layout. The Arab governments are foolish to think that they will just by bystander in a conflicting involving Turkey, Syria, and Iran while they themselves continue to compete in "who can build the tallest skyscraper". They will be dragged into the conflict and it will most certainly not turn out in their favor.
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