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Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria

Genius, Egypt was in it's worst times striving to recover from the mess followed by it's own revolution. BothQatari Mirage-2000 and UAE state of the art F-16 I took part of the raids.....:

What about the mighty Jordanians, Saudi armies? they were in their worst times too?

Sudan MIC. hahahahahahahahah.

Jokes are aplenty here.
Dude Im done..All I said is that a carrier should be sent to syria and I get a flame war

What about the mighty Jordanians, Saudi armies? they were in their worst times too?

Sudan MIC. hahahahahahahahah.

Jokes are aplenty here.

Whats your opinion on Syria?
What are you talking about? Your ridiculous posts sicken me man..stop it..No one is superior to anyone..Your racist post is also reported btw

How isit racist, truth, your Chinese friend seems to know Turkish history alot, so he's cheeky behaviour is wrong, o never swore at him, I said my thoughts based on history and present.
What about the mighty Jordanians, Saudi armies? they were in their worst times too?

Sudan MIC. hahahahahahahahah.

Jokes are aplenty here.

Weird reaction. I did not expect this from you.
Everyone supported in his own way, and I have given you a link that explains Jordanian and others role over there in details.

And for your laugh, I don't know what's wrong with the link! It's an official link and it's known for us that Sudan manufactures high percentage of it's military needs, but if you were unaware about it, it's not my problem nor anyone else.

Guys, tell me if there is sth wrong with Sudan manufacturing it's arms?!

PEACE :hitwall:
to the waar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The USA helped Libya, they got their hand bittern off by mobs. Watch how syria will blow up in Erdo face! The Turkish civillians will pay the price for it..Just for political status. We all know how diverse syria is! Full of sectarian violence and ethnicities.

Syria could be a potention warm water for for the PLA navy amd is home to russian naval asset, syria is important. If russia sent Its AC why can't PRC?
I think we chinese should deploy lioning carrier fleet with type 052C to Syria...Better mother russia will deploy T-90M tanks near Armenia turkish border.

Pleaso do, join the party..

zaten bi siz eksiktiniz aQ
The USA helped Libya, they got their hand bittern off by mobs. Watch how syria will blow up in Erdo face! The Turkish civillians will pay the price for it..Just for political status. We all know how diverse syria is! Full of sectarian violence and ethnicities.

Syria could be a potention warm water for for the PLA navy amd is home to russian naval asset, syria is important. If russia sent Its AC why can't PRC?
Lacking capability of PLA Navy will not allow China for adventures in far regions of the world. Better to stay at South China Sea and try to protect it from already dominant US Navy presence, plus other neighboring state's navies.
Ḥashshāshīn;3470110 said:
No I never said anything about China attacking you. I was replying to the guy who thought Turkey would defeat China - which is untrure. And when did I make Israel or Iran look big? Israel is nothing without USA...

Can you give me the years where Turkey defeated Biritish, Russian and French empires? (not hating, just want to know)

Well not only China but even China+Russia cannot win from Turkey.. We Turks as a nation are one big invincible Army.
Poor Turks. China spanked you in the tang dynasty and made you move. Suffering European racism much? PLA modernisation in the 21st century helped China be dominant in East pacific. If a war broke out between our former tributet Turks and China, you'll see DF-21 sink your vessels abd Cj cruise missiles from Type98 SSB and liberate syria and help Greater Persia/Iranic people.

According to some scholars/historians and spiritual leaders Turks are fathers of Chinese they claim but Chinese dont know.

Poor Turks. China spanked you in the tang dynasty and made you move. Suffering European racism much? PLA modernisation in the 21st century helped China be dominant in East pacific. If a war broke out between our former tributet Turks and China, you'll see DF-21 sink your vessels abd Cj cruise missiles from Type98 SSB and liberate syria and help Greater Persia/Iranic people.

According to some scholars/historians and spiritual leaders Turks are fathers of Chinese they claim but Chinese dont know.
Pff, china, it won't exist in 10 years. too much ethnic diversity, only thing that keeps it together is the iron hand of communism. When economy is going to go bad, which it will for China when consumerism is going to decline from abroad, it will all go down hill for China. It is predicted that China will fragment and east-Turkistan will get its independence.
Pff, china, it won't exist in 10 years. too much ethnic diversity, only thing that keeps it together is the iron hand of communism. When economy is going to go bad, which it will for China when consumerism is going to decline from abroad, it will all go down hill for China. It is predicted that China will fragment and east-Turkistan will get its independence.

Actually china is 90% Han. We may have border disputes but China for 2000 Years was always united. Turkey lose too many soliders to Kurdish independence fighters and Isreali fighters help Cyprus. Turkey has a buget deficit larger than EU in %. You import more than export creating a trade inbalance. When the bubble burst bye bye AKP, Hello free kurdistan.

Ever heard of singapore, HK, Taiwan? All are democratic and succesful.
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