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Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

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A TB2 has crashed in Hatay - http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gundem/h...o&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=gundem_xmlfeed

I know that the crash rate of TB2 is very low.. no problem, new order will be given :)
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Let him sign all drones and instead of lol than we can write rofl if we loose all...?

Some ppl have to much time (creator of the picture)

Also this drones are paid with tax money there is no good in even one being destroyed and it could harm a citizen that is why I do not think it is good to celebrate any harm on our military equipment
here is another philosopher. It is a funny coincidence and I can laugh whatever I want, period
Does anyone have any idea why TB2s crash? During Olive Branch, it was rumored that TB2s were affected by electronic scrambling carried out by all other major players in order to bloody Turkish army as much as possible.
During Olive Branch, it was rumored that TB2s were affected by electronic scrambling carried out by all other major players in order to bloody Turkish army as much as possible.

^that is true. One of the reason why im the biggest supporter of NATO exit.
^that is true. One of the reason why im the biggest supporter of NATO exit.
Well. Since all national plans and equipments are planned to work in accordance with NATO, i dont think an exit from NATO is favorable for Turkey at all. However, i agree that gaining some kind of self capability in military technology and reorganizing the defense concept for a possibility of leaving NATO gradually is essential.
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@TURAN Oguz is wrong. There is no photoshop. I realized yes signature is different but the date is same. So apparently Erdogan signed more than one drone during his visit in Batman IHA base. This is one of them. Plus I trust e-amyna more than turan oguz. Unlike Turan oguz they are very professional, take very good notes and did no mistake so far.

But no photoshop

original photo from 3 february http://www.trthaber.com/haber/gunde...an-bayraktar-sihaya-imzasini-atti-349018.html


original video

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