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Turkish Tea House

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Baski yap,goster kac kisiyiz falan,ne demek mod yok,isterseniz hepimiz gideriz falan.
Bizim yer(trdef)duruyor,fazla aktif degil ama canlandiririz de gitsin.;)

Yok yaw.. :lol: Tehdit etmeyelim yaw adamları. :)
TURKS brace yourselves it's time to fight for our sections
TURKS brace yourselves it's time to fight for our sections

in exactly 5 minutes it will be full moon... atatwolf shall avenge us...
they better run than:wave: cuz there is no such strong tree which could hold @atatwolf wrath :tsk:
What's going on?
What's going on?

Well, we opened a thread, regarding "Turkish mod". Webby moved the thread to GHQ section, now nobody can see it.
I understand that they are looking for mods for other sections not to Turkish section. :undecided:

Arkadaslar sanirim bizim bölümde fazla troll sorunu olmadigi icin pek acele etmiyorlar, suan icin pek sorun olmadigindan acele etmemize gerek yok.

Yanlis anlamadiysam büyük mod ariyorlar, yani tüm sectionlara bakanlardan, Sinan yada Neptune, siz aday olasaniza, hem ozaman burayada bakabilirsiniz.
@ghara ghan

Can't remember anything about it, may be we have locally but I don't know.

We have monsters and witches though, our mothers are also used to scare us with them but I can't remember the names, will ask when I return home :D

Most common creatures I remember

Karabasan: sleep paralysis, during a bad dream we see a black monster and when we try to wake up we can't.

Al Karısı/Al bastı: A kind of witch attacks women who newly gave birth when they're alone.
Arkadaslar sanirim bizim bölümde fazla troll sorunu olmadigi icin pek acele etmiyorlar, suan icin pek sorun olmadigindan acele etmemize gerek yok.

Yanlis anlamadiysam büyük mod ariyorlar, yani tüm sectionlara bakanlardan, Sinan yada Neptune, siz aday olasaniza, hem ozaman burayada bakabilirsiniz.

Ben mod olmak istemiyorum ki :D
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