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Beyler siz bu foruma nasıl geldiniz ? ben hatırlamıyorum valla, ve düşününce biraz garip yani Pakistan savunma forumunda ne işim var :D
dude the babu(mazaranis) are very famous to being wired in north:nono: . ask from every turkmen ,talish ,gilaki we are all have same opinion even i can say all iran have same opinion about them now you are telling me you meet with pahlavid lover babu(mazerani) :fie: . don't talk to them don't trust to them just avoid them this is my advise :happy: don't let him effect your happiness
Beyler siz bu foruma nasıl geldiniz ? ben hatırlamıyorum valla, ve düşününce biraz garip yani Pakistan savunma forumunda ne işim var :D

Bildiğin international düzgün Türk forumu varsa tası tarağı toparlayıp hep baraber oraya gidelim. :)
dudes what do you know about itbaraks ?:fie:
dudes what do you know about itbaraks ?:fie:
Do you mean half wolf-men?
Do you mean half wolf-men?
yea our historical enemy or better say Sworn enemy (they do not exist :D )
yea our historical enemy
I think @Targon has the best knowledge about these subjects.
is the Mehmet İlker Başbuğ your avatar ? :-)

yes. the 26th Chief of Generals Staff of Turkish Armed Forces. General İlker Başbuğ :)
I think @Targon has the best knowledge about these subjects.
do you have any Local story about them ? :D this is my story which my mother use it against me from child hood

itbaraks are half wolf-men monsters which very like to eat children whom do bad things i ill give you example

if i lie i should tell the truth before sunset otherwise itbarak will kidnapped me after dark :fie:
all the stores are start with "doing bad thing" and "i should tell truth" before sunset i sure this was my moms or turkmen mothers imaginations :D

but historically itbaraks are enemy of oghuz turks ad they live in north east of oghuz land :smart:

yes. the 26th Chief of Generals Staff of Turkish Armed Forces. General İlker Başbuğ :)
oh that man is legend :enjoy:
@ghara ghan @rmi5

seems like the grey wolf legend, Asena mythology.
do you have any Local story about them ? :D this is my story which my mother use it against me from child hood

itbaraks are half wolf-men monsters which very like to eat children whom do bad things i ill give you example

if i lie i should tell the truth before sunset otherwise itbarak will kidnapped me after dark :fie:
all the stores are start with "doing bad thing" and "i should tell truth" before sunset i sure this was my moms or turkmen mothers imaginations :D

but historically itbaraks are enemy of oghuz turks ad they live in north east of oghuz land :smart:

oh that man is legend :enjoy:
I think it was north west of Oghuz land. Anyway, no, my mom was not using this story ;)

What happened to the mod thread? Did it move to GHQ?
@olcayto yes it is we must keep our legends strong :agree: otherwise they will fade away :D i just wanna know do you heard anything about itbarak in your town ?

I think it was north west of Oghuz land. Anyway, no, my mom was not using this story
yea you right that was my mistake :D how do i did it damn :disagree:
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