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Turkish Space Programs

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Space Radiation Tests Measurement System - URAT

The system developed for using in space radiation and qualification tests and its consist of scintillators and silicon photomultipliers. Its possible to use it under vacuum or normal labaratory conditions, this dosimeter system's development continues via support of TÜBİTAK-1507 program.

The design of the system and the reason of realization the project is based on a process and cooperation with ESA/ESTEC.

Purpose is to meauring ionization (protons, electrons, heavy ions) or non ionization (Co-60, gamma beams, neutrons) beam sources while beam is active and/or before the beam on condition for determination real time compability of the beam with ECSS/ESA standarts, observing beam flux and energy behavior and generating 3D beam distribution and profile. URAT system makes this measurement easy and it has high performance with sensitive data acquisition. Its easily possible to integrate the system to any beam laboratories.

Outputs of the project are developing standart kit for beam measurement system to sell for space radiation measurement organizations and to services via this system for space radiation and qualification tests. Also URAT System comes with a software interface of URAT is developed with Labview platform, high speed data acqusitions for detectors system and remote control software packages.
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Roketsan's space rocket would have similar specs with Falcon-5 (cancelled) rocket.

155tonnes total launch mass
29m height
3.65m diameter
2 stages
1.05tonnes payload to GEO
4.2tonnes payload to LEO

Our rocket is 160 tonnes, 35m height, 2,5-3m diameter.
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did you hear something about sounding rocket? many countries use this for scientific space reseach.

My bad. Yeah I know what you are referring to. Saw them a lot over london skies !
it'll probably take about 1.7-1.8 tons to LEO, not bad for a start
it'll probably take about 1.7-1.8 tons to LEO, not bad for a start

first rocket developed by spacex falcon1 did carry 1,5 ton cargo to leo.Then they developed falcon9 which can carry 22 tonnes of cargo to leo.Hardest one is the first one.the others comes itself easily.
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