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Turkish Space Programs

It is not tech transfer, it is buying off the shelf the subcomponents, isn't it how systems are developed? The past performance of thing is not an indication to the future when it comes to complex industries. Look at American initiatives such as SpaceX, they did things at a fraction of the cost of past endeavors.

Turkey will not send manned missions to space perhaps another half century just because there is no point in doing that without direct benefit. But Turkey will certainly be capable of doing that in less then 15 years. Near Earth Orbit satellite launch initiatives have started already, and what do you thing is so hard to upgrade it to manned mission. If there is a will there is a way.
Did you know what happen to space X Last rocket launched? Maybe you shall Google first before you try to claim it as Sucess. So far all their plan has stalled.

It's not as simple as you think. Space X employ plenty of know how from NASA which something turkey do not have the luxury. That help them save lots of cost. And it's a agency to agency within a country. If it involves a foreign country I can assure you, it will not happen.

Your spaceX example is flaw. You shall use india space journey attempt as reference. See how much time and money they have spend from scratch until now and yet they are just at the infant stage of manned mission. They have not even send a man to space yet.
Did you know what happen to space X Last rocket launched? Maybe you shall Google first before you try to claim it as Sucess. So far all their plan has stalled.

It's not as simple as you think. Space X employ plenty of know how from NASA which something turkey do not have the luxury. That help them save lots of cost. And it's a agency to agency within a country. If it involves a foreign country I can assure you, it will not happen.

Your spaceX example is flaw. You shall use india space journey attempt as reference. See how much time and money they have spend from scratch until now and yet they are just at the infant stage of manned mission. They have not even send a man to space yet.

I follow anything having to do with Elon Musk, of course I know of the last incident, and that spaceX uses govt money and NASA expertise. And I think Elon Musk's idea of a reusable launching vehicle is not possible. Do you think they didn't know such incidents would happen and they would just give up, no way. They keep on the satellite launching business. And Elon is determined to lead the way to make the mankind a multiplanetary species. Turkey can send manned mission to space in reasonable time but it would be financially unfeaseble to put the timeframe too short.
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I'm not very familiar with the subject, but does Turkey have the potential to send a man into space anytime soon? They have been benefiting from significant advancements in technology in recent decades, but I still don't know how long it's going to take to develop an independent space program with manned launch capabilities, though given Turkey's closeness to the West I'm surprised that they haven't had the chance to go through an inter-cosmos type mission cooperating with other Western states to send a man to space.
No you can't, it's not as simple as you say. Talk is cheap. Prove it.

As for America, not able to send man to space is all about budget. They have done this hundred of times and prove themselves before. While this can't be truth for turkey. 15 years is too short. 30years, maybe.
Turkey had different priorities such as improving the independency on Defence sector, our space program is in planning stage, the first launching platform is also planned but no word about manned space program yet, so 15 years is indeed optimistic even if we started to work on it today, its even questionable if we want to waste such a huge amount of money for something thats basically just for prestige, only manned space program that i could think of it is in cooperation with countries that are already capable of, maybe sending a Turkish astronaut with foreign vehicles.

But as i said our priorities are different at the moment, he have too many thing in the pipeline such as TF-X, indigenous long range air defense, indegenous engines for different platforms, TF-2000, Milden, unmanned space program etc. etc.
What's the last situation/progress in the case of the space launch center?

If I'm not wrong, it was planned to be build near Muğla, Fethiye..right?
Launch of Turkey´s 6th communications satellite in June
  • TURKSAT plans to launch (the satellite) by June 30 this year. Thesatellite is expected to be in testing until mid-August," TURKSAT's chief executive officer Ensar Gul told The Anadolu Agency Monday.

    Turksat 4B, weighing close to 5000 kg and boasting a bandwidth of 3400 MHz, will accommodate 43 communication channels.

    The satellite will include Southwestern Asia, comprising Turkey and parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia in its coverage area.

    Turksat 4B satellite will provide data and Internet services to companies and domestic users in addition to TV broadcasting.

    Ensar Gul said that, with TURKSAT 4B Internet services, provider fees will be cheaper in Turkey.

    The Turksat 4B telecommunication satellite was jointly produced by Turkish and Japanese engineers in Mitsubishu Electric Company’s production plant in Kamakura of Japan.

    The last time Turkey launched a satellite was in February 2014. Turksat 4A communications satellite was launched from the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan.
Launch of Turkey´s 6th communications satellite in June Anadolu Agency
Work Has Been Initiated for Türksat 6 Satellite

Turksat General Manager Gul anounced that work has been initiated for Türksat 6 Setellite

Turkey's first domestic communications satellite Turksat will be constructed with cooperation of

TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute, TAI, ASELSAN and CTECH.

The satellite will be built with 354 people including the team of 33 engineers involved the construction of Turksat 3A, 4A and 4B satellites, within 5 years .

To monitor the construction of satellite work progress, under the name of "Turksat Project Monitoring Team" of 15 people has been set up. Budget of the satellite is 548 million Turkish Lira.

Türksat 6A için düğmeye basıldı

Türksat Genel Müdürü Gül, Türksat 6A uydusu için çalışmaların başladığını duyurdu.

19 Nisan 2015 Pazar 11:58

E-posta gönder Çıktı al

Türksat Genel Müdürü Ensar Gül, Türkiye'nin ilk yerli haberleşme uydusu Türksat 6A'nın yapımı için TÜBİTAK Uzay Teknolojileri Araştırma Enstitüsü, TAI, ASELSAN ve Ctech sanayi kuruluşlarının çalışmalara başladığını bildirdi.

Gül, uydunun, Türksat'ın 3A, 4A ve 4B uydularının yapımında görev alan 33 mühendisin de aralarında bulunduğu 354 kişinin çalışmasıyla 5 yılda tamamlanmasının planlandığını söyledi.

Uydunun yapım aşamalarının kontrolü için Türksat içinde 15 kişilik Türksat Proje İzleme Ekibi kurulduğunu belirten Gül, "Tasarım ve üretim faaliyetlerini adım adım izleyeceğiz. Uydu ne durumda, hangi parçalar yapıldı, programa uygun gidiyor mu diye takip ediyoruz" diye konuştu.

Uydunun, 548 milyon lira olan bütçesinin, 398 milyon lirasının Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı, kalan kısmının ise TÜBİTAK Kamu Araştırmaları Geliştirme Grubu tarafından karşılanacağını kaydeden Gül, yerli mühendislik ve tasarımla yapılacak uydunun 2020'de uzaya fırlatılmasının hedeflendiğini dile getirdi.

Türksat 6A uydusunun, 42 derece doğu boylamında işletileceğini anlatan Gül, "Türksat 6A, Avrupa, Asya ve Türkiye kapsama alanlarına sahip olacak. Üzerinde 4 yedek toplam 20 aktarıcının bulunacağı uydunun hizmet ömrü en az 15 yıl olacak" dedi.

Türksat 6A için düğmeye basıldı
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TURKSAT 6A is expected to be launched in 2020.

The construction of TURKSAT 6A, which is Turkey's first homemade telecommunications satellite, has started, the country's only communications operator announced Sunday.

"The  satellite is developed and manufactured by 354 specialists under the leadership of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) in cooperation with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Military Electronic Industries (ASELSAN) and CTech," TURKSAT's chief executive officer Ensar Gul told The Anadolu Agency.

"The construction period will take five years and the launch of the spacecraft is planned for 2020," Gul said.

"We will follow the design and production processes closely. [...] The project will cost about 548 million Turkish liras (approx. $205 million)."

"The satellite will include Asia, all of Turkey, and Europe in its coverage area, with an expected on-orbit life span of at least 15 years," Gul added.

source: Construction of Turkey's first homemade satellite begins
God, finally...

Göktürk-2 has a 2.5 meter resolution where as Göktürk-1 will have 0.8 meters resolution..... I just hope that no accidents would happen on it's way to Turkey. (Israel)

Tests will be made by TAI in Türkiye right ?..
Tests will be made by TAI in Türkiye right ?..
Yes, it will be tested in Turkey.

''Turkey’s Gokturk-1 Reconnaissance Satellite Finally Cleared for delivery
Turkey’s high-resolution Gokturk-1 optical reconnaissance satellite, which was completed months ago but held up because of a dispute over the readiness of an elaborate satellite test and assembly center in Turkey, has been cleared for shipment May 7.
Thales, Telespazio of Italy and the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, SSM, debated whether the Ankara assembly, integration and test (AIT) facility was fully operational.

Construction of the AIT center is nearly as important as the satellite itself to the Gokturk contract. Now scheduled for formal inauguration in mid-May, the facility — 2,500 square meters of clean rooms, a 3-by-3-by-6-meter thermal-vacuum chamber capable of handling 5,000-kilogram telecommunications satellites, a compact antenna-test range and other features — will spearhead Turkey’s drive to satellite independence.
(TAI's AIT Center to be used for GÖKTÜRK-1 High Resolution EO Satellite test campaign)

More than two years behind schedule, Gokturk-1 suffered the complexities of a three-nation effort — Turkey, France and Italy — and the strains of being the world’s first export of a satellite with a ground resolution sharper than 80cm.

Göktürk-1 is a high resolution earth observation satellite designed and developed for the Turkish Ministry of National Defence by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) with the Italian space service company Telespazio and Thales''


Gokturk-1 already arrived in Turkey

''Gokturk-1 satellite arrives at TAI

GÖKTÜRK-1’s environmental test campaign will be performed in Space Systems Assembly, Integration and Test (AIT) Center.

The satellite’s environmental tests, including vibration, acoustic, solar array deployment, thermal vacuum, electromagnetic interference/compatibility tests will be performed at TAI's AIT Center, by TAI and Thales Alenis Space – France AIT specialists. The satellite will be transported to the launch center from TAI Facilities.'' (Arabian Aerospace)


''Until now only the Americans had the technology capable of taking images 2 meters per pixel resolution and the American law stops it's companies from distrubution of the pictures'' RT news on Turkish spy satellite :)
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Can Pakistan-Turkey-Malaysia-Indonesia work on global GPS & communication satellite with a single type of satellite capable of delivering both services like GPS & communication.
Can Pakistan-Turkey-Malaysia-Indonesia work on global GPS & communication satellite with a single type of satellite capable of delivering both services like GPS & communication.
Why not I personally say and those are all D8 countries.
Can Pakistan-Turkey-Malaysia-Indonesia work on global GPS & communication satellite with a single type of satellite capable of delivering both services like GPS & communication.

satellite capable of delivering both services like GPS & communication.
Yes, this possible. Modules like telecommunications, as seen on BeiDou, can be put onto GPS satellites to afford them additional capabilities

Can Pakistan-Turkey-Malaysia-Indonesia work on global GPS & communication satellite
This also possible... the total number of need to satellites is 28 to establish a GPS system....with spares, and backup satellites, optimum number is 31...

As Turkey we are going to have a RPS (Regional Position Sysyem) by 2019.

So, we won't have to rely on anybody for our GPS/INS guided missiles rockets, etc....

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