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Turkish Space Programs

TAI Aims to Become an International Actor in Space Systems

Mr. Sinan Şenol, Executive Vice President Space Systems of TAI enlightened us about structure of TAI Space Systems Group, programs and progress of space studies, prioritized areas and Space Systems Assembly, Integration and Test Centre for Defence Turkey Readers.

Defence Turkey: Mr. Sinan Şenol, firstly I would like to thank you for your time. Before starting our interview on TAI Space Systems, could you inform us briefly on TAI?

Turkish Aircraft Industries Corporation (TUSAS) has been established in June 28th 1973 under the auspices of Industry and Technology Ministry in order to reduce the foreign dependency of defence industry in Turkey. TAI, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. has been established by Turkish and US partners in 1984 with the decision of meeting the combat aircraft requirement of Turkish Air Force (TurAF) with F-16s.

Today our Company is the combination of Turkish Aircraft Industries Corporation (TUSAŞ) and TAI, Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc.. Merging process of TUSAŞ and TAI accomplished in 2005, all foreign shares of TAI have been purchased and thus the company had her actual capital structure as of today.

After the merging, TAI developed many indigenous aerial and space platforms (“Anka”, “Hürkuş”, “Atak”, “Göktürk-2” etc.), doubled its employment, greatly increased its sales revenues from engineering activities in addition to mass aero-structures production.

Each year, TAI breaks new records in defence and aerospace exports in Turkey. Today, TAI ranks among the top hundred global players in aerospace and defence arena, based on its five strategic pillars: Aero-structures Aircraft, Helicopter, Unmanned Aerial Systems, and Space Systems Groups. In addition, integrated logistics service is also provided for all products designed and produced by TAI.

Defence Turkey: As TAI Space Systems Group, could you please inform us on the start and progress of space studies and the areas you work on as well as the programs conducted?

TAI took the first step to space business in 2002 with the “Uzay ARGE-1 (Space R&D) Project” conducted with Ministry of National Defence’s (MSB) R&D and Technology Department. Within the scope of this project, Turkey’s infrastructural needs for satellite design, production, assembly, integration and test were identified, the national technological stance vs. global condition determined and feasibility reports for satellite sub-systems were prepared.

TAI prioritized the space studies as of 2005 and within this framework, initiated the “TAISAT ARGE (R&D)” Project by her equity capital with the scope of the Electro-Optical Satellite conceptual design. The project had been accomplished successfully in two years.

The other project that I have to mention here is “DÖNENCE”. This program had been supported by TÜBİTAK under the coordination of MoD (Ministry of Defence) R&D and Technology Department in between 2007-2010. TAI indigenously developed the Control Moment Gyroscope flight models and the edge technology; Energy Saving Moment Control Gyroscope engineering models. In the program, a 3DoF Satellite Attitude Control Test Laboratory has also been established. With the project, TAI was awarded by METU-PARLAR Education & Research Foundation’s Technology Incentive Award in 2013.

In 2007, MoD R&D and Technology Department initiated Turkey’s first High Resolution Electro-Optical Satellite Project “Göktürk-2”. The program supported by TÜBİTAK and the aim of the program was to cover the satellite image needs of Turkish Armed Forces in addition to meet the observation and research requirements of public institutions and associations. The development of this satellite in land and delivery to the service of Air Forces was a prominent milestone in Turkey’s satellite studies.

All design, production, assembly, integration and test activities of “Göktürk-2” were accomplished by TAI and TÜBİTAK Space partnership almost %50 - %50 workshare responsibility. The maximum utilization of local content was another major scope that would be mentioned.

“Göktürk-2” Satellite was launched to space on December 18th 2012 with LM-2D Rocket from China and commissioned into service on beginning of 2013. “Göktürk-2” is under operation of Turkish Air Forces and able to capture images successfully without any operational limitations.

Moreover, TAI as Main Contractor conducts the studies regarding the Preliminary Design Phase of the “Göktürk-3” Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellite Development Project. Within the scope of Turkey’s first SAR Satellite Development Project, Aselsan and TÜBİTAK Space are assigned as the main Sub-Contractors of TAI.

Another Project undertaken by TAI is the “IMECE” Sub-System Development Project. A protocol has been signed with the MoD R&D and Technology Department and a kick-off meeting has been held on January 15th 2014. Within the protocol; the national development of On Board Data Handling Hardware, Embedded Software, Application Software, Satellite Power Control & Distribution, Attitude Determination & Control and Thermal Control Subsystem is aimed for the satellite which will include Electro-Optical and Hyper-Spectral Payloads. Within the program, space heritage will also been gained for TAI developed Control Moment Gyroscopes. Independently from this protocol, IMECE Satellite is anticipated to be developed by TAI. We actively perform the design activities of the satellite system which will be formed by these developed equipments.

Usual design life time of the Low Earth Orbit remote sensing satellites are 5-8 years. In order to have a sustainable space program, the governments also plan the replacement of the existing operational satellites. Last remote sensing satellite program that I will mention is “Göktürk Replacement”. On May 6th 2014, the decision of Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSIK) has been announced on initiating the contract negotiations with TAI, regarding to the “Göktürk” Replacement Satellite. The scope of Göktürk Replacement Satellite Project is developing the High-Resolution Electro-Optical Satellites in order to replace the “Göktürk” Satellites. Studies with the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries are conducted in this end and rapid finalization of contract negotiations is aimed.

Beside to these remote sensing satellites, Turkey is ready to initiate national communication satellite development with “Türksat 6A”.Request for Proposal for “Türksat 6A Development and Production of a National Communication Satellite” Program issued by TÜBİTAK KAMAG (Public Research Grant Group) in September 2013. Within the scope of this Project, the system solution will be developed by the complementary competencies of TÜBİTAK Space, TAI, Aselsan and C2Tech.

Defence Turkey: TAI has an important role in the development of certain avionics technologies. Do you benefit from this experience and infrastructure in space studies as well?

Critical mission avionics hardware used in aerospace field such as Flight Control Computer, Autopilot Unit, Ground Control Station and Air Data Terminal were developed by TAI. Among the aforementioned products, the Flight Control Computer (TUKOB) used in “Anka” was deemed worthy of the Turkish Electronic Industrialists Association’s 2013 Innovative Product Award. Similar technologies are used in space and satellite systems as well. TAI adapts and applies company’s qualified labor, know-how and infrastructure in avionics technologies in space and satellite technology fields.

Moreover, our teams develop aviation and space software technologies. The C-130 Avionics Modernization Flight Software has been developed in compatible with DO-178B Level A by our Software Directorate. This software is being utilized on the relevant aircraft. Using this and similar experiences gained; development studies of Satellite Data Handling System Flight Control, Ground Station Command Control, and European Space Agency SMP-2 compatible System Integration Laboratory Verification Software are some samples from the ongoing ECSS-E-ST-40C compatible software activities.

Besides, within our premises, the Satellite System Integration Laboratory (UYDUSEL) developed by ourselves to be used in the verification and validation of the aforementioned satellite hardware and software solutions.

Defence Turkey: Could you please inform us on the structure of your team as the Space Systems Group?

In line with TAI Executive Board’s resolution on November 2011, space systems organisation level promoted to ‘‘Space Systems Group’’ and thus became as one of the main product groups which reports directly to General Manager Authority.

There are over 120 engineers and qualified staff with know-how and experience in various disciplines regarding the program management, system engineering, software engineering, design, production, assembly, integration and test activities in satellite and sub-system level as well as product warranty and supply activities within our Group. In addition to this, considering the number of personnel reinforced by TAI’s Support Departments in relation with facility maintenance, quality, production, administration, finance and legal offices increases the number of staff performing in space field.

Defence Turkey: According to our observations, Turkey has greatly invested in Space and Satellite programs in the recent years and this area has become one of the prioritized areas. How do you assess TAI’s status in space and satellite programs in the last ten years and could you compare TAI with its rivals in the world?

With the experiences gained in “BILSAT” and “RASAT” Satellite Projects and considering especially the success gained in “Göktürk-2” Satellite Project, our country is now amongst the satellite and sub-system developing countries. Bearing in mind that, the countries that dominate the world satellite market today have been started their space activities 50-60 years ago. They continue their programs with an increasing enthusiasm and support.

Turkey’s efforts on design and manufacturing her own satellite and critical satellite sub-systems within merely 10 years of time, should not be underrated. The maturity of the existing know-how shall be advanced with the indigenous development of communication and high-resolution ground observation satellites. This level is reached with the contribution of our country’s young and dynamic personnel and academicians.But all this technological depth should be increased as in developed countries, the current level we reached must never been deemed sufficient.

As Turkish Aerospace Industries we have gained notable capabilities by the successfully accomplished “Göktürk-2” and “DÖNENCE” Projects in space field. The essential benefits of system level national projects (as “Göktürk-2”) were the clear acquisition of “Main Integrator” and therefore “Main Contractor” capabilities, which could not be obtained through a regular documentary “technology transfer” project model.

In sectorial cooperation aspect, the Thermal Vacuum Tests Chamber of “Göktürk-2” Flight Model has been designed and manufactured with national resources of Nurol Technologies Company as TAI’s sub-contractor. This facility is considered as one of our country’s most prominent gains within the program.

For space related projects specialized infrastructure is a crucial requirement. TAI and TÜBİTAK Space had some AIT infrastructures in house but these capabilities were not enough to make all the assembly, integration and test activities in land. Within the scope of Göktürk-1 Project, not only a high resolution remote sensing satellite has been ordered, but also a Space Systems Assembly, Integration and Test Center, the number of which is limited in the world and bearing a highly critical importance in satellite technologies has been established in TAI’s facilities. Therefore, one of the most essential and critical capabilities regarding space technologies has been acquired.

TAI has gained significant system level experiences and capabilities in satellite technologies with accomplished “Göktürk-2”, ongoing Göktürk-1 and “Türksat 4A/B” Satellite Projects. Furthermore, the knowledge and experiences of TÜBİTAK Space was conveyed to TAI through “Göktürk-2” Project.

TAI aims to improve her competencies by ongoing “Göktürk-3 SAR” Satellite System and “İMECE” Sub-System Development Projects and take these programs to further levels with new capabilities.

If we have a look on global players on space market, we always observe a structured space organisation hierarchy. Space Institutions such as NASA, JAXA, DLR, etc. established in developed countries and execute the tasks of; determining space policies and strategies, creating, certificating, authorizing, monitoring, coordinating national space standards, conducting or assigning deep space researches. In addition to coordination of the satellite systems and sub-systems development, the institutions and research institutes conduct studies such as Mars and Moon tasks, space reconnaissance, search of living spaces and energy resources through the examination of planets and space experiments. Such space studies are conducted in very low levels in our country compared with the developed countries due to inadequate personnel and financial resources.

Public institutions and institutes would initiate such kind of studies on future space technologies and allocate sufficient number of personnel and adequate amount of financial budgets.

Defence Turkey: How does TAI plan to position itself in space systems within the next decade?

TAI has the Main Contractor/Main Integrator responsibility in communication, ground observation, reconnaissance, surveillance, electronically support, navigation and all similar satellite projects with its studies, experiences and infrastructure in the space field. TAI envisions executing this task with all relevant domestic industrial associations, research institutions and universities in high-level coordination and sustainable cooperation.

While conducting the aforesaid satellite projects, TAI aims to introduce its means and capabilities to international markets, establish cooperation and strategic partnerships with foreign institutions, associations and companies, and become ‘‘a world brand in space’’ in addition to its success in aviation. One of TAI’s most important goal is to become a leading centre that fulfils her tasks and responsibilities regarding space field according to the international standards. And it is noteworthy to mention here that we are working very hard to follow the technologic developments and endeavours to advance our country’s status in space domain.

Defence Turkey: Where do you think the world is heading to in respect of the rapidly developing space technologies? In which areas should we prioritize and invest in, in your opinion, in order to exist in this rapid progress and obtain critical technologies with high added value as a country?

The satellite services offer rapid access to accurate and reliable information around the world without violating any country’s land-sea-air space. When considered from this point of view, the significance of satellites and the prevalence of their usage bring an ever-increasing popularity and impetus in space studies.

When the satellite producers around the world are examined, we come across the fact that international companies that are active in both aviation and space technologies namely the Lockheed Martin/USA, Boeing/USA, Airbus/Europe, and Thales Alenia Space/Europe dominate the most of the satellite market. In addition to these commercial establishments, some countries have institutions such as NASA/USA, CNES/France, DLR/Germany, and ESA/Europe which are conducting research studies regarding space. These associations are searching for new human living and energy resources through reconnaissance of space and examination of planets, conducting experiments in space and using their results in branches that the civilizations would benefit from (such as medical technologies).

When we examine the international commercial data, we observe that a budget of 110 Billion USD* was used for 250 communication satellites and 500 satellites with other purposes in between 2001-2012. (*excluding the launch cost)

The launch of almost over 1000 satellites in different sizes, orbits and purposes are on the plan charts for the period of 2012-2021 and the budget allocated for this plans is almost 150 Billion USD. When compared with the last ten years, this result is an indicator of the significant rate of growth in commercial aspect and satellite production for the next ten years.

If we come back to Turkey, The Satellite and Space Sub-Systems Technologies Road Map was introduced to relevant parties in a meeting held by SSM on May 22th 2013. During the studies under the coordination of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) all our national requirements regarding satellite and space technologies have been defined. This road map contains the prioritized areas among all systems, sub-systems, components, material, equipment and software that may be critical to supply because of export license requirements, long and costly supply procedures and national technology gaining advantages. Initiating the prioritized projects by taking the required steps has vital importance. But it is crucial that the technical consistency and compatible schedules of the system-subsystem projects are the most significant factors to be determined.

As a part of our Main Contractor/Main Integrator industry role, we actively assume tasks in studies such as acquiring certain technologies, determining the system level requirements, sharing these with the relevant institutions, associations, companies and universities, initiating in house R&D projects, verification of domestic products and services, and creating the national space eco-system.

Acquiring the satellite launch capability and access to space will provide a prominent privilege to our country as stated in the aforesaid road map. So this is amongst the priority areas that should be invested in. When the international political regulations, high costs for satellite launch and the lack of launchers required for satellites developed for special tasks are taken into consideration, the establishment of the Satellite Launcher System obtains a great importance. By the satellite launching capability the nationally developed satellites would be placed into their orbits again by the national Satellite Launcher Systems.

In order to reach the determined objectives, we have to attach importance to human resources and provide depth in acquiring new technologies. In this respect, the authorities, industries including TAI, universities and SME’s that prepare our space roadmap have the greatest responsibilities.

Defence Turkey: TAI has a significant responsibility in Göktürk-1 Program. Could you inform us on your liabilities and studies on this program?

TAI is sustainably enhancing the experiences gained by “Göktürk-2” in the execution of Göktürk-1 Project. The program is being conducted by the Main Contractorship of Telespazio and Thales Alenia Space. Within the scope of Göktürk-1 Project, we are participating actively with our 67 personnel in 58 different engineering work-packages composed of; design, analysis, production, assembly, integration, testing, launch and orbiting activities. When the work is completed, the work packages accomplished by TAI will reach a total of 850 man/months.

Furthermore, TAI was deemed worthy of Thales Alenia Space “Space Qualified Aluminium Sandwich Equipped Panel Manufacturing Technology Qualification Certificate” in line with the standards of the European Space Agency (ESA). The Mission Module Structure used in Göktürk-1 Satellite flight model was manufactured in TAI facilities by TAI personnel and exported to France. Thus, the very first space product exported from Turkey would be noted as the Mission Module Structures.

By this activity, TAI’s production and test procedures have been also defined in line with European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) standards issued by ESA.

Defence Turkey: One of the most important capabilities to be gained with Göktürk-1 program is the establishment of a satellite and space assembly, integration and test centre that is jointly conducted by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, Türksat and TAI. When will this centre start to operate? Which capabilities will Turkey acquire with this facility? Could you inform us about this centre?

Space Systems Assembly, Integration and Test Centre financed by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries and Türksat. The centre should be considered as one of the most significant benefits of the Göktürk-1 Project. Assembly, integration and test activities of multiple satellites with masses up to 5 tons will be able to simultaneously performed within the centre. With almost 3.800 m² integration and test area the centre, has been established in the premises of TAI.

Within the scope of satellite assembly and integration activities manufacturing space systems is aimed. At this centre, components and sub-systems will be assembled, payload and bus integration will be performed and thus the satellite will gain functionality as a whole system. With the functional tests in this process, the scenarios which the satellite may come across in space during the operation, will be verified and the satellite components’ performance during joint functioning will be validated. Environmental test campaign follows functional tests. During the environmental test activities, we demonstrate the environmental conditions around the launcher and the orbit and verify the satellite and components resistance to these conditions. From the other aspect, we indicate their compatibility to the customer requirements. The objective of these all environmental tests is to ensure the smooth operation of satellite in space by creating conditions as similar as possible to reality, starting from the launching of the satellite until its placement into the orbit and during its mission there.

Operation of such kind of specialized and complex test systems and ground support equipment within this centre in line with the international space standards requires expertise. In this end, TAI personnel have acquired the essential know-how for the operation of all the systems in the centre through active participation and on-the-job-trainings.

This Assembly, Integration and Test Centre to be run by TAI personnel will be launched shortly and here firstly the environmental tests of Göktürk-1 Satellite will be conducted. TAI’s technical personnel will always be ready to conduct all AIT activities of the satellites required by our country, particularly “Göktürk-3 SAR” Satellite, “Göktürk Replacement Satellite” (Göktürk-4), “Türksat 6A” and other “Türksat” Communication Satellites.

With such a facility that merely exists in a limited number of countries, Turkey will become an international actor that provides assembly, integration and test services of the space systems. Beside to TAI’s existing services, the direct connection of taxiway of the Centre to the airport is a great logistic advantage compared with the similar facilities abroad.

Defence Turkey: Will TAI have the competency to manufacture its own indigenous satellites in the coming period?

TAI has gained important experience, capabilities and infrastructure with the indigenous development projects accomplished successfully. Following this success, within the scope of Göktürk-1 and Türksat 4A conducted by the most recognized satellite producers of the world, we have participated in most of the engineering work packages from design to logistic support. Thus, we have gained new competencies and important experiences while reinforcing our existing competencies.

TAI’s experience, know-how and infrastructure have the quality and quantity required to successfully accomplish all military and civil satellite projects needed by our country and the satellite projects of foreign countries that involve cooperation potential.

Although, we currently have the competency to develop the satellites required by our country in the future, it is certain that launching services shall be supplied from foreign countries. This foreign-dependency will be abolished with the establishment of Satellite Launching System in our country.

As the Main Contractor/Main Integrator in satellite projects, we aim to have maximum benefit from the existing know-how of the national industries, institutions, associations, SME’s and universities and use the Assembly, Integration and Test Centre in all national and international space programs. This centre will not only provide services for specifically space related systems but also offer environmental test services for other defence and aviation industries.

Defence Turkey: The assembly, integration and test operations of the communication satellites will be run together with the military satellites in this Centre. With this capability gained, do you consider providing services to regional countries in addition to our national satellites?

The infrastructural competencies of the Assembly, Integration and Test Centre which will be operated by the TAI experts are given below:

Thermal Vacuum Tests

Vibration Test System

Acoustic Test System

Mass Properties Measurement

EMI/EMC Test System

Compact Antenna Test (CATR)

Solar Array Deployment Panel Test

Multilayer Insulation (MLI) Preparation Room

Battery Storage and Preparation Room

Harness Preparation Room

In addition to the national satellite and space projects, the purpose of this centre is to provide services to identical and/or similar international space projects. The promotion, marketing and cooperation efforts are exerted in the events such as conferences and exhibitions participated.

Defence Turkey: Within the scope of the Göktürk-3 program for the development of a ground observation satellite with SAR capability, TAI, Aselsan and TÜBİTAK are conducting a joint study. What are TAI’s responsibilities in this program?

The Göktürk-3 Project envisioning the development of our country’s first Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellite is one of the most important and prioritized projects executed by TAI as Main Contractor.

Both Aselsan and TÜBİTAK Space have essential contribution as Sub-Contractors in Göktürk-3 Project. In the program, beside to system engineering responsibility, all space segment sub-systems including satellite control software and Fixed/Mobile Ground Station will be developed by TAI; SAR Payload, Communication Sub-Systems, Fixed/Mobile Ground Station Communication, Image Processing/Assessment and User Sub-Systems will be developed by Aselsan; Satellite Data Processing, Power and Communication sub-systems’ hardware will be undertaken by TÜBİTAK Space.

The Kick-Off Meeting for the Project’s first stage (Phase-1) containing the Preliminary Design studies of the High-Resolution SAR Reconnaissance and Surveillance Satellite and Fixed/Mobile Ground Stations has been held on November 26th 2013.

Mission design and operational concept identification within the Project have been accomplished, the alternative satellite design solutions for various payloads have been determined, and Mission Design Revision (MDR) meeting executed on 2-3 June 2014.

The contract for the Project’s second phase composed of development, production, assembly, integration, test, launching, orbit tests and servicing studies regarding satellite and ground systems is planned to be signed in 2015.

Defence Turkey: Finally, is there any message that you would like to convey to the readers of Defence Turkey?

TAI pays great attention to preliminary preparation and planning studies required for our country’s military and civil Communication, Regional Timing and Positioning System, Early Warning, Electro-Optical, SAR and Hyper-Spectral Satellites in coordination with the relevant institutions and associations.

TAI has the experience, infrastructure and personnel to become the leader of our country’s space market and it is ready and eager towards this end, we are continuously improving ourselves each day in order to become one of the most important actors on the world in this field.

I would like to convey my gratitude in charge of Space Systems, for giving me the opportunity to give detailed and accurate information regarding the important space projects executed by TAI and to underline my belief that we will be achieving our goals regarding space systems soon.

Defence Turkey

Our Tech. Minister offered joint satellite project to Azerbaycan...

Türkiye-Azerbaycan ortak uydu projesi
Turkey last year approved construction of its first satellite launching center to cater for the country’s mushrooming satellite programs. According to a government road map for military and civilian satellites, Turkey plans to send into orbit a total of 16 satellites until 2020.
Turkey last year approved construction of its first satellite launching center to cater for the country’s mushrooming satellite programs. According to a government road map for military and civilian satellites, Turkey plans to send into orbit a total of 16 satellites until 2020.
In short. :)

+ Turksat 6A...they need to update the road map. :)
First indigenous communication satellite project (TÜRKSAT 6A) will be signed @ 15th of December

It's budget is 548 million TL...

İlk yerli haberleşme uydusunda büyük gün - Ekonomi Haberleri

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Sözleşme İmzalanması

TÜBİTAK ile proje yürütücüsü kuruluşlardan biri olan Şirketimiz arasında TÜRKSAT-6A Yerli Haberleşme Uydusu Geliştirilmesi ve Üretimi Projesi ile ilgili olarak 15.12.2014 tarihinde 139.180.936,- TL tutarında bir sözleşme imzalanmıştır.
Söz konusu sözleşme kapsamında teslimatlar 2015-2020 yıllarında gerçekleştirilecektir.
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Sözleşme İmzalanması

TÜBİTAK ile proje yürütücüsü kuruluşlardan biri olan Şirketimiz arasında TÜRKSAT-6A Yerli Haberleşme Uydusu Geliştirilmesi ve Üretimi Projesi ile ilgili olarak 15.12.2014 tarihinde 139.180.936,- TL tutarında bir sözleşme imzalanmıştır.
Söz konusu sözleşme kapsamında teslimatlar 2015-2020 yıllarında gerçekleştirilecektir.

I say ASELSAN should establish a company for civil needs... Such as communication and more about technological units... This can be a model like technological unit supplier for companies such as VESTEL & ARÇELİK/BEKO etc. in near future and direct export of tech. units for sure... These 2/3 companies are very powerful in Türkiye but also in the world especially in Europe... With this move we can incrase our export profits so good... And also quite good amount of money would stay in because we won't import expensive tech. units for devices of these companies... And more benefit about things like our competitiveness with international companies... More money will flow for R6D and innovation... More jobs for our guys... bla bla bla...


And yes this means more money for ASELSAN, for our powerful defence industry...


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