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Turkish Space Programs

Nice thread. Turkey indeed has some great ambitions for its space program.
But why doesnt Turkey and Iran cooperate in SLV? Afterall, i though both countries dont much enmity against each other, and Iran despite already having its own launch vehicle, i will assume still needs more funds/all the help it can get to advance its space launch vehicle even more and Turkey will also have access to a SLV from which it can launch its satellites(maybe both countries can cooperate to set up one in Turkey itself for launches as well as the ones already already in Iran). so it will be a win win and an example for other middle eastern countries to follow or maybe even join in. That will be great for the region.
huh...........yes a man can dream.lol:cheesy::angel:
Think of Turkiye and Iran as the US and China.
Nice thread. Turkey indeed has some great ambitions for its space program.
But why doesnt Turkey and Iran cooperate in SLV? Afterall, i though both countries dont much enmity against each other, and Iran despite already having its own launch vehicle, i will assume still needs more funds/all the help it can get to advance its space launch vehicle even more and Turkey will also have access to a SLV from which it can launch its satellites(maybe both countries can cooperate to set up one in Turkey itself for launches as well as the ones already already in Iran). so it will be a win win and an example for other middle eastern countries to follow or maybe even join in. That will be great for the region.
huh...........yes a man can dream.lol:cheesy::angel:

Mate, we want to buy HQ-9 from Chinese and our "Western Allies" makes a scene... If Turkey and Iran collaborate on a such sensitive matter despite the sanctions on Iran. All the hell will break lose.
Such as cooperation on strategic fields wont happen between Turkey and Iran anytime soon, Turkey and Iran are rivals in ME about pretty much every topic.

Huh......what are they really disputing/rivaling for in the region? Influence or what?:what:
I was thinking the main stumbling block will be our governments in the U.S/west, didnt know apart from this, both country have an enmity among themselves in the first place(well, i should have known better, there's hardly any middle eastern country who dont have issues/rivalry among themselves.lol).
Mate, we want to buy HQ-9 from Chinese and our "Western Allies" makes a scene... If Turkey and Iran collaborate on a such sensitive matter despite the sanctions on Iran. All the hell will break lose.

Well im sure if Turkey was to go on with the Chinese HQ-9 anti aircraft missiles or whatever, i dont see it being a problem like our leaders are making it to be. Yes we will make alot of noise(mainly because we want Turkey to sell our own air defence system to Turkey, so its more about money/leverage than anything), but we wont do anything more apart from that. Greece also purchased Russian S-300 missiles, and we did make some noise/pressure them not to, but when they did we just made them know our concerns, but without doing much, it will be the same with Turkey. So i dont see why Turkey wont be able to cooperate with Iran on SLV system, afterall, it will be of great benefit to Turkey and the region as a whole. Yes we will make alot of noise, but no real actions will be taken per se. So its up to Turkey to make its own decisions, afterall its a major country/power in the region, and i suppose its a sovereign/independent country, so why won't it be able to make its own decisions/protect its own interests? huh.....well thats if its really independent.lol :D
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Well im sure if Turkey was to go on with the Chinese HQ-9 anti aircraft missiles or whatever, i dont see it being a problem like our leaders are making it to be. Yes we will make alot of noise(mainly because we want Turkey to sell our own air defence system to Turkey, so its more about money/leverage than anything), but we wont do anything more apart from that. Greece also purchased Russian S-300 missiles, and we did make some noise/pressure them not to, but when they did we just made them know our concerns, but without doing much, it will be the same with Turkey. So i dont see why Turkey wont be able to cooperate with Iran on SLV system, afterall, it will be of great benefit to Turkey and the region as a whole. Yes we will make alot of noise, but no real actions will be taken per se. So its up to Turkey to make its own decisions, afterall its a mjor country/power in the region, and i suppose its a soveriegn/independent country, so why wont it be able to make its own decisions/protect its own interests.
Correction,Greece didnt buy the S-300,it was ''Cyprus''.
They were not ''allowed'' to keep them and thats why Greece has them now.
Huh......what are they really disputing/rivaling for in the region? Influence or what?:what:
I was thinking the main stumbling block will be our governments in the U.S/west, didnt know apart from this, both country have an enmity among themselves in the first place(well, i should have known better, there's hardly any middle eastern country who dont have issues/rivalry among themselves.lol).
Mainly influence but also trade, state doctrine, power struggle, energy issues, geopolitics and last but not least historic rivalty.
Well im sure if Turkey was to go on with the Chinese HQ-9 anti aircraft missiles or whatever, i dont see it being a problem like our leaders are making it to be. Yes we will make alot of noise(mainly because we want Turkey to sell our own air defence system to Turkey, so its more about money/leverage than anything), but we wont do anything more apart from that. Greece also purchased Russian S-300 missiles, and we did make some noise/pressure them not to, but when they did we just made them know our concerns, but without doing much, it will be the same with Turkey. So i dont see why Turkey wont be able to cooperate with Iran on SLV system, afterall, it will be of great benefit to Turkey and the region as a whole. Yes we will make alot of noise, but no real actions will be taken per se. So its up to Turkey to make its own decisions, afterall its a major country/power in the region, and i suppose its a sovereign/independent country, so why won't it be able to make its own decisions/protect its own interests? huh.....well thats if its really independent.lol :D

Mate, Greek S-300s are standalone they are not interoperating with NATO radars.

On the other hand we want HQ-9s interoperable with the NATO systems in our country since they are covering half of our air space. NATO objects this since they fear that sensible data can be leaked to Chinese.

We said, as Turkey we will produce a buffer system which will seperate HQ-9 system with Nato Sytems.

NATO radar --------- > Turkish System <------------- HQ-9 systems.

NATO even declined this and said it's out of question.

“If, say, the Chinese win the competition, their systems will be in interaction, directly or indirectly, with NATO’s intelligence systems, and this may lead to the leak of critical NATO information to the Chinese, albeit inadvertently. So this is dangerous,” said one Western specialist.

“NATO won’t let that happen,” a different Western official said to the Turkish newspaper. “If the Chinese or the Russians win the Turkish contest, their systems will have to work separately. They won’t be linked to NATO information systems.”
NATO warns Turkey Not to Purchase China’s HQ-9 Missile System | China Defense Mashup

The thing is, I used thing that we should press hard on HQ-9 system because of the ToT. Even if means it means to use the system as standalone.

But a few months ago Turkey's Aselsan came up and claimed that They can build a similar anti-air defence system within 7 years. (Eurosam's propasal is also 7 years.)

So, now it's clear that. We are not direly in need of ToT in this deal.

This concludes Turkey's position on HQ-9 system. Now on the "cooperating with Iran for a joint SLV system".

As you know, Iran is under UN sanctions with bars UN countries trading with Iran on specific sectors/industries. US, 2 years ago blacklisted a Chinese company for dealing with Iran.

Passed it, you propose Turkey to violate MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which we are member of it.

Also, we had not been in good relations with Iran for hundreds of years. And they are ahead of us in this front. I don't think they would share their knowledge with Turks in the first place.
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About Gokturk 2 Satellite
  • On November 1st, 2014 Gokturk 2 Satellite made its 10,000th orbit of the earth.
  • It made 4000 communications with the Turkish Airforce
  • Accomplished 4800 imaging missions
  • It covered 9.850.000 km² of area, 1.650.000 km² of which was of Turkey
  • It can orbit the earth in 98 minutes



Türkiye'nin yüksek çözünürlüklü ilk yerli keşif-gözetleme uydusu Göktürk-2, Dünya etrafındaki kutupsal yörüngesinde 10.000'inci turunu 01 Kasım 2014 tarihi itibarıyla tamamlamıştır.

18 Aralık 2012 tarihinde uzaya gönderilen Türkiye'nin uzaydaki gözü Göktürk-2 uydusu geçtiğimiz hafta içerisinde yörüngede 10.000'inci geçişini başarı ile tamamlamıştır. İki yıllık süre içerisinde, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığına bağlı Ahlatlıbel-Ankara'daki Keşif Uydu Tabur Komutanlığında bulunan uydu yer istasyonundan Göktürk-2 uydusu ile yaklaşık 4000 defa iletişim kurulmuş ve 4800 adetten fazla görüntüleme görevi başarı ile icra edilmiştir. Bu süre zarfında, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin ve kamu kuruluşlarının görüntü talebi karşılanmış, Dünya'nın çeşitli bölgelerinden görüntüleme yapılarak 9.850.000 km²lik alan kapsanmıştır. Kapsanan bu alanın 1.650.000 km²lik kısmı ise Türkiye üzerinde bulunmaktadır.

Göktürk-2 uydusu yer yüzeyinden 685 km yükseklikteki Güneş Uyumlu Yörüngeye yerleştirilmiş olup, Dünya etrafındaki bir turunu 98 dakikada tamamlamaktadır. Uydu ile gündüz ve gece olmak üzere iki periyotta ve toplamda 5-6 defa değişken sürelerde iletişim kurulmaktadır. Göktürk-2 Uydusu; spot, geniş alan, şerit ve stereo görüntüleme kabiliyetleri ile Dünya'nın her yerinden görüntü alma ve iletişim konisi içinde yer istasyonuna aktarma kabiliyetine sahiptir. Milli imkânlarla geliştirilen ve üretilen Göktürk-2 uydusu ile Dünya üzerindeki herhangi bir noktanın görüntülenmesi hususunda herhangi bir uluslararası kısıtlama söz konusu değildir. Ayrıca Göktürk-2 uydusu; yaklaşık 640 km uzunluğunda ve 20 km genişliğinde bir şeridin görüntüsünü tek geçişte indirebilecek kapasitede yüksek hızlı bir veri haberleşmesine sahiptir. Yerli imkânlarla geliştirilen uçuş bilgisayarlarını ve yazılımları kullanan Göktürk-2 uydusunun sağlık verileri, planlanan ömür değeri çerçevesinde normal seviyelerde seyretmektedir. Göktürk-2 uydusunun gerçekleşen 10.000'inci yörünge geçişinin simülasyonuna ait video görüntülerini izlemek için tıklayınız.

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page

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