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Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs

Are you sure ? Did I misunderstood Northtrop Grumman ? ( Energy from exhaust plume? ). What kind of energy ?

Designed for high performance protection, the AAR-54 passively detects ultraviolet (UV) energy from the missile’s exhaust plume, tracks multiple sources, rapidly and accurately classifies each source, and provides threat information to the countermeasures system for optimum response.

Heat is IR in normal circumstances. For thermal radiation you need reaaaalllyy high temperatures for UV thermal radiation. If we are talking heat related light source then we are talking about thermal radiation.

Another term we need is wavelenght. When you increase a photon's energy you give it more energy and wavelength is reduced, frequency is increased.

If a material gets hot is radiates more energetic photons. If you get it colder then photon energy is reduced.

Lets think like that; you can detect thermal radiation of an iron piece at 60 C with infrared. If you get it hotter; 150 degrees you will see that radiates with near infrared which is more energetic. When you heat is to 500 degrees you will see a yellow iron. This is because it radiates so energetic fotons that they are at visible spectrum. When you decrease the temperature to -270 degrees you will see that hermal energy is at microwave.(lower frequency, longer wavelength)

About UV; you need reaaly really high temperatures for UV that is not possible to emit in ordinary atmospheric conditions. But still, really hot gases can emit UV at minimum. Just enough to say they do. But it is really hard to detect.

When we see UV in other conditions?

As common; excited gases like excited ions of nitrogen. Taht can be seen with electric discharges or some high temperature and (rarely)chemical reactions in some rare occasions.

The catch is; thermal radiation is not like lasers. I will occur within a really wide spectrum and any source that emits peak thermal radiation at visual spectrum(really hot one) can radiate UV too but the probability is too low of these photons and they are practically not so usable at detection. If you want the peak at UV then you need 10000-15000C degrees .

For more information you can look for black body radiation.
MS SPEKTRAL has developed TURKEY's first Hyperspectral Camera capable of detecting mines and explosives

Spectrum: 1000 nm
Spectral Resolution: 4.5 nm
Spectral Channel Number: 134
Weight: 3500 gr
Storage Capacity: 300 GB
Embedded Data Processing and Target Detection Capability

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Yes. We have members who are just at high school. Easy writing is easy understanding.

If a high school student can understand concepts like trigonometry, limits, matrices, polynomials, algorithms, statistics, etc., one would assume he/she can easily understand what "burning out an incoming missile's optics" would entail. You should give more credit to young people. They're much smarter than you think!
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If a high school student can understand concepts like trigonometry, limits, matrices, polynomials, algorithms, statistics, etc., one would assume he/she can easily understand what "burning out an incoming missile's optics" would entail. You should give more credit to young people. They're much smarter than you think!

Oh translate that and post it to Cay Bahcesi, ask some experts if they know easy Gauss-Algorithm ?
" Fachidioten" oder " Universal-Genies" are very different.
Oh translate that and post it to Cay Bahcesi, ask some experts if they know easy Gauss-Algorithm ?
" Fachidioten" oder " Universal-Genies" are very different.
Can anyone translate what this troll is trying to say here? :)

U.S. military helicopters may use lasers to dazzle ground-based attackers firing small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. There are two components to the system: detection and laser countermeasures.

Black Hawk and Chinook helicopters have been testing a acoustic detection system called “Helicopter Alert and Threat Termination”, or HALTT. This uses microphones to detect the sound of a bullet or RPG. Delays in the sound reaching the microphones enables them to determine the sound’s location. A similar truck-mounted system is already in use. It can automatically swivel and fire a gun in the direction of the sound.

For helicopters, HALTT can be combined with guns and/or lasers. Infrared lasers help confuse missile guidance systems, while visible lasers would dazzle and flashblind anyone aiming at the helicopter. An engineer said the principle is to “make it impossible for a human to observe your aircraft … by creating a distracting light source. That has been done in the past and is a proven technology…”. The HALTT/laser countermeasure system could be in use by 2017.

The military already uses laser dazzlers at checkpoints, to warn approaching vehicles and to cause glare on anyone taking aim at soldiers
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