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Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs

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I would like to know how this system can detect Isı (IR)seeking missile?
If you told about laser beam detecting i could understand.But you told about Thermal seeker missile warning system??I have heard first time.

They use special cameras which can detect the launch and approach of the IR missile from its exhaust.
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No, UV-based MAWSs don't detect heat.

Are you sure ? Did I misunderstood Northtrop Grumman ? ( Energy from exhaust plume? ). What kind of energy ?

Designed for high performance protection, the AAR-54 passively detects ultraviolet (UV) energy from the missile’s exhaust plume, tracks multiple sources, rapidly and accurately classifies each source, and provides threat information to the countermeasures system for optimum response.
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According to the Mildar video
it can track ground targets from 12km- its the best in the world compare to 8km longbow radar
air targets 8km

it can be integrated to any other vehicles in the future... the whole world would love to purchase it...

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