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The ''Ergenekon'' Plot.

How it started:


the source: https://odatv.com/ergenekondan-nasil-ciktik-03071942.html

How those Turk patriots fought for the honour of the Turk existance in the plot:

The cost of the plot:



The source: https://odatv.com/yasamlarimizdan-geri-dondurulmeyecek-parcalar-calindi-02121855.html

Nothing forgotten, engraved in the minds and hearts no matter when, where, who, what...
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Bianet reported.

The leading pollster’s most recent estimate before the re-vote was 54 pct in favour of İmamoğlu, who did in fact win 54 pct of the vote in the mayoral re-run.

The company’s most recent report offers an insight into how the opposition candidate won the race in Turkey’s financial hub and most populous city.

The June 23 Ballot Analysis and Voter Profiles Report said two thirds of voters from the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP)’s far-right alliance partner, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), had refrained from voting for their candidate Binali Yıldırım.

This marks a steep decline from the March 31 elections, when around half of MHP voters backed Yıldırım.

The research also shows that at least 3.5 percent of the AKP’s base voted for the opposition candidate on June 23.

Another significant shift was seen among the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) voters, who had expressed 53 percent support for İmamoğlu on March 31. This number skyrocketed to 90 percent in the second vote.

The HDP had refrained from putting up a candidate in Istanbul as well as several western cities in Turkey as part of their election strategy before the March 31 vote. The party openly declared its support for the opposition candidate after Turkey’s Supreme Election Council ruled in favour of an appeal by the AKP demanding a rerun on claims of electoral fraud.

Roughly half of Kurdish voters in general had shown support for İmamoğlu before March 31, and their support rose to 62 pct for the re-vote.

Konda’s report found that Binali Yıldırım’s vote increased as religiosity of the voter increased, also noting that the category of religious conservative voters showed increased support for both Yıldırım and İmamoğlu for June 23, suggesting an increase in voter turnout.

Yıldırım won support from 3 percent of non-believers, while İmamoğlu won the votes of 20 pct of Istanbul’s devoutly religious population, who profess to fulfilling all religious obligationsand make up 10 pct of the general population.

Meanwhile, İmamoğlu’s support among voters from Turkey’s largest religious minority group,Alevis, rose from 77 percent to 87 percent on June 23.

Half of Felicity Party (SP) voters, who are generally religious, shifted their vote from the party’s own candidate Necdet Gökçınar to Ekrem İmamoğlu.

Young voters (aged 18 to 33) increased their support for İmamoğlu from 37 to 58 percent, while Yıldırım lost 6 percent of his support in the same demographic and only maintained hissupport among voters over 49 years old.

60 percent of high school graduates expressed support for Yıldırım, while 64 percent of higher degree holders (undergraduate and above) supported İmamoğlu.

Housewives, one of Yıldırım’s strongest voter bases, also partially shifted to İmamoğlu, who won 35 percent of their support as opposed to 22 percent in March.

Yıldırım also lost votes from workers and pensioners, whose support gradually decreased from polls conducted 6 months before the elections to March 31 and further down on June 23.

59 percent of Istanbul’s student voters, who make up 10 percent of the mega-city’s population in general, expressed support for Ekrem İmamoğlu.

The newly elected mayor also won the support of 58 pct of Istanbul’s unemployed.

According to the Konda report, followers of traditional media outlets showed distinct preferences from the section of the population who regularly read news from social media channels.

Audiences of pro-government television news networks A Haber, ATV and state-run TRT showed a much higher rate of support for Binali Yıldırım than both audiences who watch other networks and the general population.

Independent analysis from media rights group Reporters Without Borders found that the majority of Turkey’s television and print news outlets are controlled by businesses with links to the AKP government.

İmamoğlu’s lead among television audiences was limited to Fox TV and Halk TV but the CHP candidate enjoyed 65 percent support from Twitter users.

The 14 percent of the population who do not use the Internet at all showed increased support for Yıldırım, from 47 percent in March to 51 percent in June, a rare occurrence in the re-vote.

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It is time for peace between Kurds and the Turkish state - PKK leader Bayık
© Copyright Ahval 2018

Reading Arab English newspapers they getting butthurt with the Istanbul Mayor"s statement anout Syrians and illegals real fun to watch

DW'nin haberine göre, Çin devlet televizyonu Erdoğan'ın söylediklerini, "Çin'in Sincan bölgesindeki insanların Çin'in gelişimi ve refahı içinde mutlu bir yaşam sürdüğü bir gerçektir. Türkiye, Türk-Çin ilişkilerindeki uyumu kimsenin bozmasına izin vermez. Türkiye aşırılığa kesin bir şekilde karşıdır ve Çin ile karşılıklı siyasi güveni ve güvenlik işbirliğini güçlendirmeyi arzu etmektedir" diye aktardı.

The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/cin-medyasi-erdogan-dogu-turkistandakiler-mutlu-240402h.htm

IYI Party Spokesman:

Tayyip Bey'e "Onlar kadar mutlu olursunuz inşallah." desem, bu mutluluk dileğim bedduadır!

Some words about East Turkestan.
In Turk understanding of Islam, mosques are holly place for pray alone or together. Therefore, No Turk has ever and never witnessed such thing untill Syrians and their Arapperest ''Ummah'' brothers step in.

Syrians and Arapperests are making football tournament inside a mosque in the city of Gaziantep/Turkey, While Turks try to pray.

As We Turks say those think of Islam as Arabization.

Turk kids in route to the school on foot among the mud in december/2018.

Meantime, The Araperests provide free buses for Sryians to go to the schools in Turkey.



Bu kapsamda, Suriyeli öğrencilerin yoğun bulunduğu Adana, Sakarya, Yalova, Batman, Antalya ve Siirt'te ücretsiz ulaşım hizmeti verilecek.

"Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Genel Müdürlüğü verilerine göre, Türkiye'de büyük çoğunluğu Suriyeli olan, geçici koruma kapsamındaki bir milyonun üzerinde çocuğun okul çağında olduğu tahmin ediliyor. Devlet okullarına kayıtlı 655 bin civarındaki geçici koruma kapsamındaki öğrenci eğitim sisteminde yer alıyor..''

The source: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/egitim/ihtiyac-sahibi-binlerce-ogrenciye-ucretsiz-tasima-destegi-/1498944
New Kurdish peace process to be launched in September - report

A new peace process will be launched on September 1 to resolve Turkey’s decades-long Kurdish conflict with the United States and the Kurdistan Regional Government acting as guarantors, according to İlhami Işık, a Kurdish man who reportedly has brokered several talks between Turkish officials and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the past.

Işık told independent online news channel Medyascope on Thursday that the new process would be totally different from those in the past, as domestic, regional, and international dynamics had changed significantly since 2015.

The Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) government launched a peace process in 2013 to solve the long Kurdish conflict in the country after over 30 years of fighting. The PKK launched an armed separatist insurrection in 1984, and has since changed its objectives to focus on Kurdish rights rather than independence.

The government initiative raised hopes for peace in Turkey as it included negotiations with the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, leading the PKK to announce its forces' withdrawal from Turkey.

The process came to an end when a group allegedly linked to the PKK carried out an attack killing two policemen in July 2015, and a string of injustices against Turkey’s Kurdish community, which makes up roughly 15 percent of the country’s population, followed thereafter.

Hopes for renewed peace processes revived when the Turkish government in May lifted restrictions on Öcalan, allowing him to see his lawyers for the first time in eight years. Öcalan has been held in long periods of isolation in a prison on an island in the Marmara Sea since his capture in 1999.

Just three days before controversial Istanbul mayoral elections on June 23, Öcalan in a letter leaked by Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency called on the predominantly Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) to follow a “third way” rather than taking sides in the struggle between the ruling and opposition blocs.

The letter of Öcalan was seen by many as a move of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to attract Kurdish votes in Istanbul polls. But the HDP said the letter did not mean a strategy for elections but a post-election strategy. The party stepped up efforts to form what Öcalan called a “democratic alliance” in Turkey, after the opposition candidate declared victory in Istanbul on June 23.

Işık told Medyascope that the government’s efforts to tilt votes in favour by using Öcalan’s letter had damaged the new peace process before it had started, but that damage could be mended in a short time.

“All regional actors apart from Iran are placing pressure, they want a new process,” Işık said. “It will be a multi-layered process that will open the way for groups supporting democracy,” he said.

Işık’s statements were in line with what Nagehan Alçı, a columnist of Habertürk news site with close ties to the government, told Kurdish Rudaw television on June 21.

“A very credible source confirmed it to me,” Alçı said. The new process will involve both Öcalan and Nechirvan Barzani, the newly elected president of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq, she said.

Cemil Bayık, a founding member and top leader of the PKK, said this week in an article he penned for the Washington Post that the Turkish state and the PKK had before them a rare opportunity to move a decades-long dispute toward a lasting solution.

DW'nin haberine göre, Çin devlet televizyonu Erdoğan'ın söylediklerini, "Çin'in Sincan bölgesindeki insanların Çin'in gelişimi ve refahı içinde mutlu bir yaşam sürdüğü bir gerçektir. Türkiye, Türk-Çin ilişkilerindeki uyumu kimsenin bozmasına izin vermez. Türkiye aşırılığa kesin bir şekilde karşıdır ve Çin ile karşılıklı siyasi güveni ve güvenlik işbirliğini güçlendirmeyi arzu etmektedir" diye aktardı.

The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/cin-medyasi-erdogan-dogu-turkistandakiler-mutlu-240402h.htm

IYI Party Spokesman:

Tayyip Bey'e "Onlar kadar mutlu olursunuz inşallah." desem, bu mutluluk dileğim bedduadır!

Some words about East Turkestan.

Uygur Turk Families in Turkey ask whereabouts of their kids in East Turkestan.

Some (at 5:14 in the video) are taken into custody due to performing namaz for 2 years without any word about their condition.

Some (at 5:38 in the video) does not know what happened their 3 kids since 2016, husband in jail due to visiting her in Turkey with sentence of 15 years.

Some (at 6:21 in the video) identifies her daughter on a facebook account in Chinese clothes and concentration camp , meantime husband in jail, says We do not have such clothes in our culture.

Concentration camps for kids boomed in recent years.
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Uygur Turk Families in Turkey ask whereabouts of their kids in East Turkestan.

Some (at 5:14 in the video) are taken into custody due to performing namaz for 2 years without any word about their condition.

Some (at 5:38 in the video) does not know what happened their 3 kids since 2016, husband in jail due to visiting her in Turkey with sentence of 15 years.

Some (at 6:21 in the video) identifies her daughter on a facebook account in Chinese clothes and concentration camp , meantime husband in jail, says We do not have such clothes in our culture.

Concentration camps for kids boomed in recent years.

This is all over the news right now.
New Kurdish peace process to be launched in September - report

A new peace process will be launched on September 1 to resolve Turkey’s decades-long Kurdish conflict with the United States and the Kurdistan Regional Government acting as guarantors, according to İlhami Işık, a Kurdish man who reportedly has brokered several talks between Turkish officials and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the past.

Işık told independent online news channel Medyascope on Thursday that the new process would be totally different from those in the past, as domestic, regional, and international dynamics had changed significantly since 2015.

The Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) government launched a peace process in 2013 to solve the long Kurdish conflict in the country after over 30 years of fighting. The PKK launched an armed separatist insurrection in 1984, and has since changed its objectives to focus on Kurdish rights rather than independence.

The government initiative raised hopes for peace in Turkey as it included negotiations with the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, leading the PKK to announce its forces' withdrawal from Turkey.

The process came to an end when a group allegedly linked to the PKK carried out an attack killing two policemen in July 2015, and a string of injustices against Turkey’s Kurdish community, which makes up roughly 15 percent of the country’s population, followed thereafter.

Hopes for renewed peace processes revived when the Turkish government in May lifted restrictions on Öcalan, allowing him to see his lawyers for the first time in eight years. Öcalan has been held in long periods of isolation in a prison on an island in the Marmara Sea since his capture in 1999.

Just three days before controversial Istanbul mayoral elections on June 23, Öcalan in a letter leaked by Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency called on the predominantly Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) to follow a “third way” rather than taking sides in the struggle between the ruling and opposition blocs.

The letter of Öcalan was seen by many as a move of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to attract Kurdish votes in Istanbul polls. But the HDP said the letter did not mean a strategy for elections but a post-election strategy. The party stepped up efforts to form what Öcalan called a “democratic alliance” in Turkey, after the opposition candidate declared victory in Istanbul on June 23.

Işık told Medyascope that the government’s efforts to tilt votes in favour by using Öcalan’s letter had damaged the new peace process before it had started, but that damage could be mended in a short time.

“All regional actors apart from Iran are placing pressure, they want a new process,” Işık said. “It will be a multi-layered process that will open the way for groups supporting democracy,” he said.

Işık’s statements were in line with what Nagehan Alçı, a columnist of Habertürk news site with close ties to the government, told Kurdish Rudaw television on June 21.

“A very credible source confirmed it to me,” Alçı said. The new process will involve both Öcalan and Nechirvan Barzani, the newly elected president of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq, she said.

Cemil Bayık, a founding member and top leader of the PKK, said this week in an article he penned for the Washington Post that the Turkish state and the PKK had before them a rare opportunity to move a decades-long dispute toward a lasting solution.

Which media reports that and more importantly what will AKPeons say if their Sultan goes for a Peace Process 2.0?
Which media reports that and more importantly what will AKPeons say if their Sultan goes for a Peace Process 2.0?


Saying Turkey has Kurdish issue is insult to government - Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said claims that talking about a Kurdish issue in Turkey is an insult to his government, pro-government daily Sabah reported on Friday.

"We have done everything for the Kurds. To say there is a Kurdish issue is an insult to us. There is no Kurdish issue, there is an issue of Turkey. You need to address this as a whole. I have never discriminated against my Kurdish brothers," Sabah quoted Erdoğan as saying during a meeting with his ruling Justice and Development Party deputies.

As part of the larger Kurdish-Turkish conflict, the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has fought Turkish security forces since launching a separatist uprising in Turkey’s southeast in the early 1980s, later changing its aims to demand equal rights and autonomy, rather than independence.

As prime minister at the time, Erdoğan initiated a process of talks between Turkey’s intelligence service and the PKK leadership in 2009. However, the talks failed in July 2015. Since then, maintaining his bellicose rhetoric on the conflict in Turkey's majority Kurdish southeast, Erdoğan has repeatedly said the country has no Kurdish problem but only a terrorism problem.

Ruling party official says McKinsey designed Turkey’s presidential system - Milli Gazete

Turkey’s executive presidential system, which fully entered into force after the presidential and parliamentary election last year, was designed by the international consulting firm McKinsey, Islamist Milli Gazete said on Wednesday citing an unnamed senior ruling party official.
Naci Bostancı, deputy head of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) parliamentary group, said last week that the new system needed to be reformed after an examination of the results observed during one-year implementation.
According to the senior AKP official talking to Milli Gazete, McKinsey will also be responsible for the revisions to be made in the presidential system. The same source said working once again with McKinsey had disturbed some members of the ruling party.
The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in October that he had told his colleagues in the government not to seek services from McKinsey, which meant cancelling a deal announced by his son-in-law and Ministry of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak earlier that gave the U.S. company the powers to oversee Turkey’s fiscal measures.
McKinsey designed every stage of Turkey’s presidential system and the AKP officials were excluded from the process, Milli Gazete said, citing the same source. As a result, all administrative structure of the Turkish state, including all institutions and commissions, was entrusted to a U.S. firm, the source said.
According to the source, Erdoğan approves plans to revise the system, which aims to expand the Turkish parliament’s oversight powers, but the work is being carried out in the Presidential Palace rather than by party commissions. The source said handing over the revision to McKinsey had a huge cost which would become known by the public in a short time.
I am reading that Erdogan sacked the Turkish Central Bank chief without notice recently.

Any significance/analysis to this?
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