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Look what Kemo said: ''Her şey Adalet Yürüyüşü'yle başladı''... ''Everything started with march for Justice...'' Oh yeah dear Kemalist friends, dont forget you walked together with the PKK...

But let me correct the statement of Kemo. Everything started with Gezi.

Gezi was a major attempt to overthrow the Turkish government and create chaos within the country. We know that CHP was already behind this sick movement from day 1. Together with FETÖ they started the movement to remove Erdogan's legitimacy.

FETÖ began with all sorts of things. From corruption allegations to the betrayal of MIT trucks. Meanwhile, CHP and FETÖ transferred Turkey's internal affairs to the world to create international pressure on Turkey.

At the 2015 elections, we again saw how CHP tried to benefit from chaos. While Turkey was busy with all sorts of things such as terrorism, etc., CHP was working for its own interests. CHP, together with the political movement of PKK, discussed how they could overthrow Erdogan. They offered Bahceli a premiership. How stupid can they be? Did they not know that MHP stands for the interests of Turkey? So thanks to MHP a second election was held, knowing that AKP would win. MHP did this because the government was A fighting Gulen movement and B was fighting the PKK.

Of course, CHP became crazy of this so they started a attack campaign against MHP.

Meanwhile, AKP was busy planning to fire all high ranked Gulen officers and generals out of the army. The plans for operations in Northern Syria were also ready.

After this of course came the coup attempt to stop Turkey from its independency progress. CHP hoped for a coup success. How sick they can be? Your country is in great danger but in the meantime you are busy with your political interests .. Sick ..

After the failed coup attempt, AKP-MHP has brought acceleration in a new constitutional amendment. The reason for this was to impede a new attempt of infeltration from FETÖ and equivalent organizations in the Turkish state.

CHP, FETÖ and PKK were, of course, against this constitutional amendment. They had created constant chaos in parliamentary elections and meetings. They worked together to win the referendum, but they failed.

In the meantime, of course, a new party has emerged to divide the votes of the nationalists. IYI parti and Meral, the lady of Gulen. CHP, PKK, IYI have done everything to bring the elections to a second round. PKK indicated that they would vote for M. Ince in the second round.

What was AKP doing in all these events?
1. Remove the Gulen movement from the Turkish state.
2. An immediate stop of the democratic initiative process and started of hendek operations.
3. Throw all PKK-related politicians into prison.
4. Stop the coup attempt.
5. Attack northern Iraq and northern Syria to get rid of all terrorist threats.

And know these CHP's are celebrating their victory over Istanbul lol.. Poor souls.. Cumhur Ittifaki will go on full throttle and keep going to make Turkey one of the strongest regional power in 2023!

Go cry. We will keep going on the way of independency. We will make our defence industry bigger and bigger! We will bring S-400's no matter what U.S and EU says. WE WILL FKING DIG FOR OIL AND GAS!!!!

What was AKP doing in all these events?
1. Remove the Gulen movement from the Turkish state.
2. An immediate stop of the democratic initiative process and started of hendek operations.
3. Throw all PKK-related politicians into prison.
4. Stop the coup attempt.
5. Attack northern Iraq and northern Syria to get rid of all terrorist threats.

1. You (AKP) put them there in first place
2. a process AKP started, hendeks that AKP tolerated. dozens of soldiers died as a direct result.
3. You threw way more than just PKK supporters into prison
4. a half-arsed Güllenist coup attempt. By the people that were put there during the AKP years.
5. after YPG was allowed to gain HALF OF FUCKING SYRIA, with Erdogan watching for YEARS
1. You (AKP) put them there in first place
2. a process AKP started, hendeks that AKP tolerated. dozens of soldiers died as a direct result.
3. You threw way more than just PKK supporters into prison
4. a half-arsed Güllenist coup attempt. By the people that were put there during the AKP years.
5. after YPG was allowed to gain HALF OF FUCKING SYRIA, with Erdogan watching for YEARS

haha and this guy said that i sound like a broken record..

You are the ones who constantly repeat the same things. You cannot even respond substantively. You deny the facts about CHP thats been working with PKK now for years and still working with them..

You lie shamelessly. Gulen organization has been around for more than 40 years and they were already deeply infiltrated. Erdogan has used Gulen movement because of the coup culture against conservatives in Turkey. So blame the ones that let Turkey suffered many times with American coups. But the collaboration with Gulen had its advantages and disadvantages. I dont deny it but the coup attempt caused for a fully exposure of Gulen organization which made the fight against this organisation much more productive. While Turkey is working on this, CHP is protecting them and offering them play ground again.

But the important thing is progress and results. Has the Turkish army cleaned up the PKK in that area? Has the government given permission for the total destruction of PKK? Which government in the past has brought the battle with the PKK so far? Can you name me just 1 ministry of internal affairs that has brought the fight against PKK as far as Suleyman Soylu? All previous governments were scared of the EU and the US. What does Erdogan do? He no longer listens to them and looks at Turkey's interests. Turkish army fall in to Northern Iraq and Northern Syria despite all threats from the EU and the US. On which side was CHP, Ataturk's party in that time? Yes, not on the side of Turkey but on the side of the EU and the US, YPG etc. Your great leader does not even consider the YPG as a sub branch of PKK let alone PKK it self... This is your leader, this is your party, and this is you.

Who then? Why do you deny that CHP stood up for Demirtas and many other PKK politicians?

"A half-arsed Gulenist coup"? This already shows that you have no understanding of state affairs. This shows your short-sightedness. Party interests are so deeply rooted in you that you cannot even make proper analyzes of what may or may not be threats to the state. The coup attempt has so far been the biggest attempt to occupy Turkey. I'm not even going to argue with you about this. You look like a small child with your comments.

Years of watching? So you think Turkey was not at all aware of the developments of YPG etc. and made a plan to attack north-Syria in just 1 day? With who am I discussing here? It is abundantly clear that Erdogan protects the future borders of Turkey by conducting military operations outside of Turkey. The government and the Turkish army brought the operations so far that misak-i milli is now the point of discussion. Turkey did this all while it just came out of chaos. But this is now about what the CHP did while Turkey was in these difficult times. Supporting national politics and interests or helping the enemies of Turkey? What can you expect from a party that does not even see the YPG as a threat. And then you come here to criticize Erdogan because he has been watching for years.

Haha ...
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Ignore him... so that he can fool himself how he "silenced" us :lol:

He shared so many false informations... example first Kurdish Party was founded under Özal's reign but was banned under Demirel, SHP was not 1991 in the Goverment as he claimed but 1993.
He is so "smart" he doesn't even know when CHP ruled Turkey *1979*

What the heck is this new born kid talking about?

Im talking about the fking 1991 elections were CHP and HEP had a cooperation so that they could get enough seats in parliament.

''Among the CHP members who took part in the 19th Term together with HEP members, CHP Chairman Deniz Baykal,...''

''...Among the HEP members who entered the Turkish Grand National Assembly under the roof of the SHP at that time were Zübeyir Aydar, the leader of the PKK / Kongra-Gel terrorist organization, Hatip Dicle, Nizamettin Toğuç, Sedat Yurttaş, Leyla Zana, Ahmet Türk Yiğit, Sırrı Sakık, Naif Güneş, Orhan Doğan, Selim Sadak and Remzi Kartal. Many of these names today, the terrorist organization PKK / Congress-Gel is the director....''

You think this is enough dirt of CHP? Nope... I examined the whole statement that Öcalan gave to the court and how they cooperated with the CHP. He clearly admitted that to the court but outside of this we all know that CHP-PKK was working together. And this before you even heard the name ''Erdogan'' in your life..

Abdullah Öcalan’in ifadesi:


‘’Seçimler için ben talimat vermedim. Ancak CHP, DTP ile ittifak yapılabileceğini söyledim. HADEP’in CHP ve bazı partiler ile görüşmeler yaptığını duydum. Eskiden Refah Partisi ve diğer sol partiler ile de görüşmeler olmuştu.’’

‘’Siyasi partilerle ilişkimiz HADEP ile. HADEP desteği Avrupa’da Yezidiler, Süryaniler, Alevilerdir. HEP-DEP olayı ile ilgili ilişkilerimiz oldu. HADEP ilişki kurmak zorunda, bireysel düzeyde CHP ile temasların olduğunu duydum. CHP’nin isteği seçimlere beraber girmek, seçim sonucunda oluşacak milletvekillerinin kesinlikle partiden ayrılmaması koşulu ile ittifak yapacaklarını söyledi’’

''Ahmet Türk tecrit olmazsa CHP’den aday olabilir.''

And so on...


Heriflere bak la ortaligi bos zannettiler.. Tek ben size yeterim be. Topunuz gelin!
The divide in turkish politics became so bad that neither side is listening to reason

Neither side wants to discuss things they are right others are wrong and that's the end of it

No side is perfect neither CHP or AKP each has some fault its humanity after all but who is better ??

Yes the economy is getting bad atm but after 16 years of AKP economic growth for turkey is it not weird that suddenly after a failed coup the economy gets worse

You seriously blame it all on all akp denying foreign intervention but then why was there 16 prosperous years ?? Why all economy downhill trend was after a coup attempt

Guys I'm not here to tell you who to believe or who is right or wrong

I'm just telling you use the brains God gave you,, make your own judgement by what you see happen not by what others tell

-Who actually launched military operation in northern syria and iraq despite the EU and US objections ??

- who allowed Turkey to grow its defense industry to such high levels ??

-who shaped and growed the economy into the top 20 economies of the world ??

- who was more open to all nationalities, races and religions accepting all of turkey and not just a part of it ??

- who the CIA is trying to undermine and overthrow using public mass media criticism, coups and terrorists like feto and PKK ??

the above is not analysis and is not an opinion it is facts actual questions with real answers know to all it was the AKP

Say what you like each has their own opinion and belief but actions on ground are what matters

- who criticized afrin military generals for the military op?? CHP

- who did the Kurds vote for in last elections and even Kurdish pro pkk media praised ?? CHP

- who is the US and EU are celebrating his victory even tho US sanctioned turkey and threatens s400 undermining sovereignty?? CHP

No one can dare argue with the above as it is absolute facts everyone can see only if they chose to

Bu daha guzel gunleriniz, iyi olacak varsa chp tabanina iyi olacak... :-) antrikot ve musaka...:(

Bu daha guzel gunleriniz, iyi olacak varsa chp tabanina iyi olacak... :-) antrikot ve musaka...:(


Sen git yer olmayan yere git 500 akplıyı işe sok seçimden önce sonra akplı vali, Ekrem Imamoğlu mazbata almadan önce, bi hafta önce aldığı adamları atsın sen gel buraya

EkReM yApTi. Hadi oğlum hadi sizin yalanlara bitek senin gibi koyunlar inanır. Haydi.

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