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Sen hala neyin rüyasini yasiyorsun?

Bu tarikatlar ezelden beridir düsmanla yatakta, Türk milletini yildirmaya calisiyor, biri gider amerikaya demir atar digeri cikar keske yunan kazansaydi der ve bunu diyen Cumhurbaskaninin danismanidir hatta.
Birde bazilari cikar bunlari savunur, Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin belki kurulusundan beri gördügü en zor dönemler bunlar.
Simdilik istedikleri gibi at kostursunlar bakalim ama gün gelecek herkes ihanetin bedelini ödeyecek.

Zaten Müslüman olsaydi suratinda biraz olsun nur olurdu pustun.


There is some unfairness, Turk understanding of Islam has had such groups that serve the Turk nation and the Turk states and The flag of Islam; however, what you mean started when Turks met Arabs.

I am sure you see it clearly today's Turkey that Islam abusers do the utmost harm to the Islam than anyone else in the world; so you have a very valid point.

Btw, Meantime Greeks...


... (15 Mayıs 1919...Yunan ordusu, İzmir'e çıkar.) İzmir Metropoliti Hrisostomos "Evlatlarım... Elen çocukları... Bugün, İsa'nın en büyük mucizesini göstermiş oluyorsunuz. Bu uğurda, ne kadar Türk kanı döküp içerseniz, o kadar sevaba girmiş olacaksınız... Ben de bir bardak Türk kanı içmekle, onlara olan kin ve nefretimi teskin etmiş olacağım... Bütün azizler arkanızda... Hadi buyrun!"

... ''Arıveren köyüne girdik. Kızlara ailelerinin gözü önünde tecavüz edildi. Askerler o gece yağmaladıkları ipek yorganlarda yattılar.''

... “Uşak yakınlarında köyde Türk kadınları, çocuklar ve yaşlılar camiye kapanmıştı. Bizim askerler arasındaki reziller etraftan ot topladılar, sonra da otları yakıp caminin penceresinden içeri attılar. İnsanlar dumandan dışarı koşuştular. O zaman da bizim reziller kadın ve çocuklara atış talim tahtasıymış gibi ateş etmeye başladılar."

... ''...ölü bir Türk ihtiyarın cesedi üzerinden geçtim. İçerden sesler geliyordu. 10 kadar Yunan askeri bir Türk kızını eteklerini kaldırmışlar zorla dansettiriyorlardı...''

... (Binbaşı Panagakos anlatıyor) Uşak’da Türkler korkudan ailelerini geceleri mezarlıklarda gizliyorlardı. İki Yunan askerinin tecavüz etmeye çalıştığı genç bir kızı kurtardım. Annesi koşarak ellerimi öpmeye başladı. Az ilerde diğer iki kızı yerde cansız yatıyordu.

... (Bir Yunan askeri anlatıyor): Her şeyi yakmamız emrini Prens Andreas vermişti.

... (30 Ağustos 1921: Yunan ordusundaki bir fotoğrafçı anlatıyor) Ayrıldığımız her yeri yakıyoruz. Dehşet verici bir manzara.

... "Köprühisar'daki bin kadar ev alevler içindeydi.Her şeyi yakmamız emrini Prens Andreas vermişti."

- Fransız kadın gazeteci Berthe Gaulis:
..."Ortalığa akşamın alacakaranlığı çöktü.Yanmış evlerin üzerinde tüneyen baykuşların sesleri duyuluyor. Ağaçlarının birçoğu kömür haline gelmiş. Camilerin hepsi yıkılmış. Bostaniar bağlar tamamen harap olmuş.Maddi zarar çok büyük, Yunanlar her şeyi götürmüşler. Fakat yağmalanan dükkânlardan daha kötüsü, evler yakılmış ve kadınlara, ihtiyarlara ve çocuklara hakaret edilmiş. Bunlar Aydın'da yapılanların aynısı."

... "Ertuğrul Gazi'nin türbesindeyim.Müslümanların en kutsal ziyaret yerlerinden biri...Çeşitli biçimde kirletilmiş, tahrip edilmiş.Türbenin kapısı kırılmış. Türbedeki granit lahitin kapağı açılmış."

... "Bilecik ve Küplü'de büyük facialar olmuş. Buraların ahalisinden sağ kalanlar büyük bunalım içinde. Tecavüze uğramamış genç kız veya kadın kalmamış. Bilecik, Pompei gibi."

... “Yapılan toptan imha işlerinden, her şehir ve kasaba payına düşeni almış. Saatlerce bu harabeleri gezdik ve anlatılanları dinledik."

(Dahası/For more about Greek crimes: 1919-1922 Savaş ve Etnik Temizlik Tasos Kostopulos)


Yunan askeri işgalden sonra zorla çamaşırlarını Türk kadınlarına yıkatırken.


Yunan askeri işgalden sonra zorla Türk kadınını yarıçıplak halde oynatırken.
The source: http://halktv.com.tr/yilmaz-ozdil-30-agustosu-yok-saymaya-kalkisanlarin-yuzu-kizarir-mi-acaba-220491

Dahası için maddeleri ''google''da arabilirsiniz/For more about the Greek barbarism( based on Official documents and pictures) during the occupation of Ottoman lands in today's Turkey, just google the sentence in each article.
  1. Arşiv belgelerine göre balkanlarda ve anadolu'da yunan mezalimi
  2. Greek atrocities in the vilayet of Smyrna (May to July 1919) : inedited documents and evidence of English and French officers (first series)
    http://louisville.edu/a-s/history/turks/Greek Atrocities in Asia Minor.pdf
    http://louisville.edu/a-s/history/turks/Greek Atrocities in Turkey.pdf
  5. ...
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10YearChallenge; Turkey puts spotlight on the headscarf
By Cagil Kasapoglu BBC Turkish
Getty Images
The headscarf was banned for years in Turkey
Turkish social media users joining the hugely viral #10YearChallenge have sparked a debate about the practice of wearing the Islamic headscarf.

Turkish women who took off their headscarves adopted this trend to talk about the reasons behind their decision.

The topic has long been a controversial subject. Wearing headscarves in public institutions was banned for years and students were not allowed to go to university with their headscarves.

But over the past decade under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the ban has gradually been lifted.

Secularists see the headscarf as a symbol of politics and religious conservatism and accuse Mr Erdogan's government of pushing a religious agenda.

Pressure on some young women to wear headscarves has also come from pious Muslim parents and some parts of wider society.

The #10YearChallenge has seen people sharing photos from 10 years ago and today but for some of the women in Turkey the decision to remove their headscarf was more recent, so they instead used the hashtag the #1yearchallenge.

Among them were Nazan, who shared a photo of herself paragliding.

"#1yearchallenge, there is no possible way to describe how beautiful it feels to live as you believe and as you want," she tweeted.


Many of those messages have been retweeted on Twitter by an online platform called You'll Never Walk Alone.

It encourages Turkish women who took off their headscarves, or who are thinking about taking off their headscarves, to share their stories.

The founder of the website told the BBC Turkish, on condition of anonymity, that the aim was to show Turkish women that "they are not alone and that they are in solidarity with those women in their difficult journey".

"Nobody at 13-14 years old age should be forced to wear something they'll have to put on for the rest of their lives," the founder said to BBC Turkish.

Here are some more of their stories
"Anybody can say anything they want. WE ARE LIBERATED and this has nothing to do with our family or our entourage," Busranur wrote.

"Our thoughts about ourselves and our thoughts about what we can do have been liberated.

"We are purified from any kind of dogmas - the religion could ever impose on a woman. We did not play the role others have assigned for us. We have become ourselves #10yearchallenge."


"I do smile all the time but life is not always bed of roses for me. As a graduate from Imam Hatip religious high school, it was me fighting for the right of wearing a headscarf (in universities) but I also fought to take off it for eight years," another tweeted.

"For a long time, I had an inner struggle and for the five years it has turned out to be struggle against my entourage and the whole society."


Others saw it differently
There has been a counter-response, though, with some women saying it was their choice to wear headscarves.

"#10yearchallenge it's my fourth year wearing a headscarf. I don't think it's right to discuss freedom in such a way," wrote one woman.

"I can't accept the fact that some enthusiastically praise those who take off their headscarves as enlightened human as if they own morality."

Men joined the debate too
"Anybody can cover themselves or uncover as they like, this is nobody's business," wrote one.

"I see posts from those uncovering over the last few days. I think it turned out to be a bit of empty talk! You should have respect for those putting on headscarves as well as those who take them off. Stop making insulting comments!"

This user said "identifying freedom with the headscarf is wrong".

"Associating the headscarf with liberation (freedom) is bigotry. Freedom is an ability to act freely without being under anyone's oppression. Sometimes, even self-covering would be freedom."

See this is the thing about Turkey, people do what they like, life goes on. It's only extremists on either end of the spectrum who like to drive agendas. On the whole - life goes on.

During my brief time there i saw people in Hijab, i saw people not in hijab, i saw daughters with hijab and mothers without, i saw fathers with beards and daughters with skirts. They don't seem to be forcing anyone to be anyone else.
10YearChallenge; Turkey puts spotlight on the headscarf
By Cagil Kasapoglu BBC Turkish
Getty Images
The headscarf was banned for years in Turkey
Turkish social media users joining the hugely viral #10YearChallenge have sparked a debate about the practice of wearing the Islamic headscarf.

Turkish women who took off their headscarves adopted this trend to talk about the reasons behind their decision.

The topic has long been a controversial subject. Wearing headscarves in public institutions was banned for years and students were not allowed to go to university with their headscarves.

But over the past decade under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the ban has gradually been lifted.

Secularists see the headscarf as a symbol of politics and religious conservatism and accuse Mr Erdogan's government of pushing a religious agenda.

Pressure on some young women to wear headscarves has also come from pious Muslim parents and some parts of wider society.

The #10YearChallenge has seen people sharing photos from 10 years ago and today but for some of the women in Turkey the decision to remove their headscarf was more recent, so they instead used the hashtag the #1yearchallenge.

Among them were Nazan, who shared a photo of herself paragliding.

"#1yearchallenge, there is no possible way to describe how beautiful it feels to live as you believe and as you want," she tweeted.


Many of those messages have been retweeted on Twitter by an online platform called You'll Never Walk Alone.

It encourages Turkish women who took off their headscarves, or who are thinking about taking off their headscarves, to share their stories.

The founder of the website told the BBC Turkish, on condition of anonymity, that the aim was to show Turkish women that "they are not alone and that they are in solidarity with those women in their difficult journey".

"Nobody at 13-14 years old age should be forced to wear something they'll have to put on for the rest of their lives," the founder said to BBC Turkish.

Here are some more of their stories
"Anybody can say anything they want. WE ARE LIBERATED and this has nothing to do with our family or our entourage," Busranur wrote.

"Our thoughts about ourselves and our thoughts about what we can do have been liberated.

"We are purified from any kind of dogmas - the religion could ever impose on a woman. We did not play the role others have assigned for us. We have become ourselves #10yearchallenge."


"I do smile all the time but life is not always bed of roses for me. As a graduate from Imam Hatip religious high school, it was me fighting for the right of wearing a headscarf (in universities) but I also fought to take off it for eight years," another tweeted.

"For a long time, I had an inner struggle and for the five years it has turned out to be struggle against my entourage and the whole society."


Others saw it differently
There has been a counter-response, though, with some women saying it was their choice to wear headscarves.

"#10yearchallenge it's my fourth year wearing a headscarf. I don't think it's right to discuss freedom in such a way," wrote one woman.

"I can't accept the fact that some enthusiastically praise those who take off their headscarves as enlightened human as if they own morality."

Men joined the debate too
"Anybody can cover themselves or uncover as they like, this is nobody's business," wrote one.

"I see posts from those uncovering over the last few days. I think it turned out to be a bit of empty talk! You should have respect for those putting on headscarves as well as those who take them off. Stop making insulting comments!"

This user said "identifying freedom with the headscarf is wrong".

"Associating the headscarf with liberation (freedom) is bigotry. Freedom is an ability to act freely without being under anyone's oppression. Sometimes, even self-covering would be freedom."


This is so cringeworthy

“I wore Hijab. Now I don’t wear it. I’m so free and liberated omg” :rofl:

Not wearing hijab is not “liberation” or “freedom”....such insecure women needs validation for their choices because may be even they feel bad about taking hijab off? Idk...but this whole mantra makes them so non-credible....You make a choice of not wearing hijab any longer. Good for you....but to constantly try to justify it by backward cliche’s like “liberation, freeedom” is utterly laughable.

Overall, 65% of Turkish women wear hijab/Turban/cover themselves and 35% do not cover their hairs.

This 65% Hijab -35% no-hijab ratio has been extremely consistent for many decades now (the most recent nationwide study published in this regard was in 2018)

See this is the thing about Turkey, people do what they like, life goes on. It's only extremists on either end of the spectrum who like to drive agendas. On the whole - life goes on.

During my brief time there i saw people in Hijab, i saw people not in hijab, i saw daughters with hijab and mothers without, i saw fathers with beards and daughters with skirts. They don't seem to be forcing anyone to be anyone else.

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Turks will wear whatever they want in their country, I've watched so many travel videos of Turkey, I see both religious and non religious people just getting on with life, there is no law in Turkey forcing anyone to wear headscarf or forcing them to take it off. If anything Turkey is still more secular then many European countries who like to pretend they are on some sort of holy war against certain section of their population.
Turkey implementing hijab correctly. Let women choose free from coercion and they will mostly opt for hijab.

Most of all provide equal facilities like segregated beaches, restaurants, masajid, and Islamic organizations/schools.
Yaa açmayın şu saçma konuyu artık ya...
10YearChallenge; Turkey puts spotlight on the headscarf
By Cagil Kasapoglu BBC Turkish
Getty Images
The headscarf was banned for years in Turkey
Turkish social media users joining the hugely viral #10YearChallenge have sparked a debate about the practice of wearing the Islamic headscarf.

Turkish women who took off their headscarves adopted this trend to talk about the reasons behind their decision.

The topic has long been a controversial subject. Wearing headscarves in public institutions was banned for years and students were not allowed to go to university with their headscarves.

But over the past decade under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the ban has gradually been lifted.

Secularists see the headscarf as a symbol of politics and religious conservatism and accuse Mr Erdogan's government of pushing a religious agenda.

Pressure on some young women to wear headscarves has also come from pious Muslim parents and some parts of wider society.

The #10YearChallenge has seen people sharing photos from 10 years ago and today but for some of the women in Turkey the decision to remove their headscarf was more recent, so they instead used the hashtag the #1yearchallenge.

Among them were Nazan, who shared a photo of herself paragliding.

"#1yearchallenge, there is no possible way to describe how beautiful it feels to live as you believe and as you want," she tweeted.


Many of those messages have been retweeted on Twitter by an online platform called You'll Never Walk Alone.

It encourages Turkish women who took off their headscarves, or who are thinking about taking off their headscarves, to share their stories.

The founder of the website told the BBC Turkish, on condition of anonymity, that the aim was to show Turkish women that "they are not alone and that they are in solidarity with those women in their difficult journey".

"Nobody at 13-14 years old age should be forced to wear something they'll have to put on for the rest of their lives," the founder said to BBC Turkish.

Here are some more of their stories
"Anybody can say anything they want. WE ARE LIBERATED and this has nothing to do with our family or our entourage," Busranur wrote.

"Our thoughts about ourselves and our thoughts about what we can do have been liberated.

"We are purified from any kind of dogmas - the religion could ever impose on a woman. We did not play the role others have assigned for us. We have become ourselves #10yearchallenge."


"I do smile all the time but life is not always bed of roses for me. As a graduate from Imam Hatip religious high school, it was me fighting for the right of wearing a headscarf (in universities) but I also fought to take off it for eight years," another tweeted.

"For a long time, I had an inner struggle and for the five years it has turned out to be struggle against my entourage and the whole society."


Others saw it differently
There has been a counter-response, though, with some women saying it was their choice to wear headscarves.

"#10yearchallenge it's my fourth year wearing a headscarf. I don't think it's right to discuss freedom in such a way," wrote one woman.

"I can't accept the fact that some enthusiastically praise those who take off their headscarves as enlightened human as if they own morality."

Men joined the debate too
"Anybody can cover themselves or uncover as they like, this is nobody's business," wrote one.

"I see posts from those uncovering over the last few days. I think it turned out to be a bit of empty talk! You should have respect for those putting on headscarves as well as those who take them off. Stop making insulting comments!"

This user said "identifying freedom with the headscarf is wrong".

"Associating the headscarf with liberation (freedom) is bigotry. Freedom is an ability to act freely without being under anyone's oppression. Sometimes, even self-covering would be freedom."


Please do not open this subject here again, as we Turks are not interested in this debate of headscarf etc.

It is not a news too, or something news-worthy.

We couldnt care less if someone is headscarved or not.

And I also find it extremely disturbing and irritating that only some bunch of uneducated fanatical foreigners are trying to stir up shit by trying to revive this worthless topic time to time.

It is not any of your businesses. Look at your own countries, they have infinite times worse problems!

It is like us opening threads like "Germany's government is secret nazi organization?", "Germans' path to total acceptance of full freedom:Legal Nazism" etc..

It is just outright provocation. No one in this country still cares about headscarves, and I advice the outsiders to do the same.
The contents below this sentence is for the purpose of exposure of lies, do not believe.

Why Uğur Mumcu was assassinated and by who is shortly seen in the videos.

- Laicism in Turkey was born due to the Islam abuse of the Britian&Imperalism during the independence wars of Turks.
- The Arap birth in Turkey.
- Tariqat Equality in Turkey.
- The birth of the Islam Abusers in Turkey.

Science (Köy Institutes) vs. Religion (Imam Hatip Schools) for the future of Turkey.


İddiaya göre; Dilipak ABD, İngiltere ve İsrail’in AKP’den talepleri olduğunu ve anlaşmanın şu maddeler üzerinde olduğunu da belirtti:

1. Biz sizi iktidara taşıyalım.

2. Sizi iktidarda sorun çıkaracakları opere edelim

3. Size gerekli finansal destekleri getirelim.

Abdurrahim Karslı, ABD, İngiltere ve İsrail’in isteklerini ise yine Abdurrahman Dilipak’ın şöyle anlattığını iddia etti:

1. İsrail'in güvenliğini arttıracaksınız önündeki engelleri kaldıracaksınız.

2. Büyük Ortadoğu projesi yani sınırların değişmesi.

3. İslam'ın yeniden yorumlanmasında bize yardımcı olacaksınız.

The source: https://odatv.com/akp-aslinda-nasil-kuruldu-1612141200.html
. . . .
Alman alınca ingiliz alınca sorun olmuyor da bir Araplar alınca mı sorun oluyor? Kafalar yine çakır tabi, birde öğrenmişer filistinde toprak satıldı. Almanyada türkler %10una sahip mülkiyetin ama oradan bir filistin çıkmaz çünkü filistinde başka şeyler oldu. Filistin osmanlı yıkılarak sahipsiz bırakıldı. Tabi kime anlatıyorum.
Hadsizin biri de analarını satsınlar demiş karadeniz halkı için, o senin yapacağın iş hadsiz mahluk, haddini bil. Yine diyorum araplar müslüman kardeşimdir. Liderlerinin sultasından bir gün kurtulacak ve bizimle haraket edeceklerdir.


Yunan Başbakanı Venizelos'un, İnönü'nün eşi Mevhibe Hanım'ı koluna takarak geziyor

Yunan c.başkanının kolundaki inönü ve onun karısı hangi tarikata mensup bilen var mı??
Buarada ben şuanda 20 ye yakın cemaatin türkiyede cia ve mossadın kontrolünde olduğuna inanıyorum. Sülocular, fetöcüler ve birkaç cemaat daha benim şüphelendiklerim. Bunların hiçbiri de gerçek müslüman türk ahvalini temsil etmiyor. O ayrı bir konu. Fakat cemevlerinin de bazı solcu örgütlerin ve hatta chpnin de cia ve mossad tarafından kontrol edildiğini düşünyorum.

The state to state visits have some rituals as in the picture you posted or as in this picture below:


Dönemin Yunanistan Başbakanı Karamanlis, Emine Erdoğan'ı öpmesi...

The source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2014/gundem/erdoganin-silmek-istedigi-fotograflar-632724/25/?_szc_galeri=1

Dear ''Muslim'', please let me know if you have any other fitne to spread.

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