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Eastern Med gas body is big step, but where’s Turkey? - FP

The creation of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum is a potentially important step, but the new organisation has a few notable absences, especially Turkey, Foreign Policy reportedon Tuesday.

The forum, announced on Monday in Cairo at a gathering of leaders from Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Italy, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories, formalises increasing energy ties in the region and could spur the development of much-needed energy infrastructure. Yet the absence of Syria, Lebanon, and especially Turkey, could be an issue, said the U.S. magazine.

“Ankara’s repeated opposition to energy exploration off the coast of Cyprus, which Turkey views as disputed waters, has cast a cloud over the development of natural gas discoveries in the region,” Foreign Policy’s geo-economics correspondent Keith Johnson wrote. “Turkish warships chased away an Italian drillship operating off Cyprus last year, and Ankara tried to warn off ExxonMobil from drilling in its own block off the Cypriot coast late last year.”

Turkey has also begun exploratory drilling in the eastern Mediterranean, increasing tensions between Ankara and Athens. The map below details the competing claims of Cyprus and Turkey.


Brenda Shaffer, an energy expert at Georgetown University, said that the new body would promote discussion among countries that are already cooperating with each other. “Hopefully, in the next round of the forum, Turkey will be involved, and that would make it much more significant and not just include the happy campers,” she told FP.

The creation of the forum comes just as energy development is picking up pace in the eastern Mediterranean. Israeli gas exports to Egypt will start in the first half of this year, Israel’s energy minister said Monday, and Israel will start development of additional offshore gas fields this year.

Egypt is now producing enough gas that it has stopped importing pricey liquefied gas to power its economy. Lebanon hopes to start drilling a pair of offshore areas this year.

Cyprus is keen to develop its own gas resources, and Nicosia and ExxonMobil plan to announce in February the results of exploratory drilling in two blocks southwest of Cyprus.

“A significant find there would be huge for Cyprus because the relatively small size of its earlier offshore discoveries made it tough to economically get the gas to market,” Johnson wrote. “A big new field could pave the way for either a pipeline to Egypt or a gas-liquefying facility in Cyprus.”

But even with the creation of the new organisation and increased energy exploration, the eastern Mediterranean has a long way to go to truly become an energy hub for Europe and a legitimate alternative to Russian gas, according to FP.


Club Med: Israel, Egypt, and Others Form New Natural Gas Group
The new grouping is meant to jump-start the Eastern Mediterranean’s energy revolution.

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The Brain Immigration from Turkey.

Some detailed news.
Türkiye'nin 230 Milyar Dolarlık Kaybı: 'Beyin Göçü Eğitim Krizine Neden Olacak'
Yüksekokul ve üzeri eğitim seviyesine sahip Türk göçmenler, son 30 yılda üçe katlandı. Uzmanlara göre beyin göçünün sonucu olarak ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel bu kayıplar ülkemizi geriletecek ve bunlar her halükarda ileride ciddi bir eğitim krizi yaşanacağını gösteriyor. Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Ulaş Sunata'ya göre eğitim krizine dair ilk sinyaller geldi bile. Beyin göçünün etkilerinden biri de ekonomiye verdiği tahribat. Türkiye'den beyin göçünün maliyeti 200 milyar doların üzerinde...

The source: https://onedio.com/haber/turkiye-ni...beyin-gocu-egitim-krizine-neden-olacak-820322

Beyin göçü bir yılda yüzde 63 arttı!
Yurt dışına göçte rekor: Yurtdışına göç eden yurttaşlarımızın sayısı bir yılda yüzde 63 artmıştır. 2016’da yurtdışına göç eden vatandaşların sayısı 69 bin 326 iken, bu sayı 2017’de yüzde 63’lük bir artışla 113 bin 326 olmuştur.

Genç nüfus göç ediyor: Yurtdışına göç eden her beş kişiden ikisi 20-34 yaş aralığındadır. Yurtdışına göç eden kadınların oranı yüzde 37’den yüzde 42’ye çıkmıştır. Yurtdışına göç edenler arasında eğitimliler ve kentliler geniş yer tutmaktadır. 2017’de 5 binden fazla milyoner, son 3 yılda ise 13 bin girişimci ve iş insanı Türkiye’yi terk etmiştir.
The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/beyin-gocu-bir-yilda-yuzde-63-artti-214168h.htm

Even Germans and Britons are more concerned about the future of Turkey than those Arapperests.

Some interviews with Turk immigrants tell the real reasons behind their leaving from Turkey.

Beyin göçü Türkiye'nin geleceğini nasıl etkileyecek?

Türkiye'den yurt dışına göç eden eğitimli ve kalifiye insan sayısı son yıllarda artıyor. Bu insanlar arasında Almanya'ya yerleşmeyi tercih edenlerin sayısı da oldukça fazla. "Beyin Göçü" olarak adlandırılan bu süreç uzun vadede Türkiye'yi nasıl etkileyebilir?

The source: https://www.dw.com/tr/beyin-göçü-türkiyenin-geleceğini-nasıl-etkileyecek/av-46853412

Geçen yıl Türkiye'den 1020 kişi 'beyin göçü' için Hollanda'ya başvurdu
Hollanda Göç ve Vatandaşlık Kurumu (IND) verilerine göre, geçen yılın 11 aylık bölümünde Türkiye'den toplam 1020 akademisyen ve yüksek eğitimli kişi "beyin göçü" için Hollanda'ya başvuru yaptı.

The source: https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-dunya-46774679
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First of all, DW is a German propaganda mouthpiece. It belongs to the German government just like Sputnik is owned by Kremlin.

It is true that more academics are leaving Turkey compared to previous years. However, it's also true that Turkey is producing much more academics in comparison to previous years.


This doesn't mean that brain drain is no issue at all for Turkey. We have to address this topic.
But looking at absolute figures without taking into account the overall output of our universities is scientifically wrong.

We have a problem but it's by no means as threatening as media is picturing it. We have still masses of unemployed college graduates; academics who would gladly fill up the gaps left behind by those who immigrated to the West.
First of all, DW is a German propaganda mouthpiece. It belongs to the German government just like Sputnik is owned by Kremlin.

It is true that more academics are leaving Turkey compared to previous years. However, it's also true that Turkey is producing much more academics in comparison to previous years.


This doesn't mean that brain drain is no issue at all for Turkey. We have to address this topic.
But looking at absolute figures without taking into account the overall output of our universities is scientifically wrong.

We have a problem but it's by no means as threatening as media is picturing it. We have still masses of unemployed college graduates; academics who would gladly fill up the gaps left behind by those who immigrated to the West.

it's not important that Turkey produces more academic, when they came from shitty university's on highschool level. Look at the linked video. TAI and Aselsan are losing members daily, look at that what Özdag says or the AKP-friendly Sabah:

Savunma sanayiinde yerlilik oranını yüzde 16'lardan 65'lere çıkaran Türkiye, bu alanda beyin göçü vermeye başladı. Son 6 ayda 30 kadar mühendis, maaşlarının TL cinsinden 4 katı tekliflerle yurtdışına gitti.

Mühendislere, Ukrayna, Romanya gibi ülkelerden teklif gelse de ağırlığı Hollanda oluşturuyor. Aselsan'dan 15-20 kişinin son 6 ay içinde Hollanda'da kurulan yeni teknoparktaki şirketlere gittiği belirtiliyor. SABAH'a bilgi veren bir yetkili, Aselsan'ın Ankara'daki kampüslerinden biri olan Macunköy'den çok sayıda mühendisin Hollanda'ya transfer olduğunu söyledi. Yetkili, Hollandalı şirketin, mühendislere "Bşka gelmek isteyen arkadaşlarınız varsa, onlara da haber verin. Ev, araba ve yüklü maaş veriyoruz' dediğini anlattı.

I don't think that only go because of money. A lot of them are people with brain and hate to see the AKP scumbags with no qualification that do nothing but are in the best positions of great company's.
Today, you have much more universities as in the past, but how many elite universities with an international reputation?
The entire Turkish defence industry - a multibillion industry complex - has lost almost 30 (!!!) engineers during the last half year and you assume THIS is a brain drain movement?

You guys have simply no idea whatsoever about how actual businesses are run. These jobs we're talking about here are one of the best paid work opportunities in the entire Turkish economy. On top of the good salary, you get a very prestigious and safe place of employment.

Even if just Aselsan would have lost 30 engineers in the past 6 months - this number wouldn't be impressive at all for people with knowledge. This is called employee turnover rate and I bet a dollar to a doughnut that this figure will be surprisingly low in the Turkish defence industry compared, of course, to other branches of industry in Turkey.

Again, I am not saying that we don't have a problem. We must fight the causes of brain drain in our country to achieve higher levels of development. I am totally and 100% d'accord with this. But quit this disgusting habit of exaggerating, be it something good or bad we're talking about.

Just look around you. Do you think that we could have achieved the recent results with a major brain drain ongoing in the industry?

ASELSAN number of employees

31 Aralıl 2017: 5.440

31 Aralık 2013: 5.343

These numbers are telling stories. During this period the company has become much, much more productive and competitive. THIS is what we have to battle - a general problem in the entire industry. We do not use our resources to the füll extent. Infact, I even believe that the nummber of employees in the industry is too high. We need more concentration and focussing of resources. Some companies should just die off.

Productivity is our issue, not the sheer number of engineers.
Today, you have much more universities as in the past, but how many elite universities with an international reputation?
Reputation is not an objective feature to evaluate scientists however it should come as not surprise that most of Turkish universities aren't in the top 500 universities which have published scientific articles either researches. Unfortunely Turkish Republic has a immature scientific ground thanks to its predecessor. All inventions what we have got are production of young Turkish scientifics.
There is only one Einstein, Tesla, Kalashnikov, Zuckerberg, Jobs, Gates... only one Mercedes, Toyota, Tesla, Ford... only one Windows, Android, Google, Samsung, Intel... only one Harvard, MIT, Oxford, ETH Zurich, Yale., etc... etc...


The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

Why there is only one of those?

The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

Why There is always and will always be them as the ones?

The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

Why Turkey stays still actually moves backward while they keep being the ones and moving forward?

The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

... etc, etc...

I hope it is now crystal clear what the poin here is.
Last edited:
There is only one Einstein, Tesla, Kalashnikov, Zuckerberg, Jobs, Gates... only one Mercedes, Toyota, Tesla, Ford... only one Windows, Android, Google, Samsung, Intel... only one Harvard, MIT, Oxford, ETH Zurich, Yale., etc... etc...


The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

Why there is only one of those?

The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

Why There is always and will always be them as the ones?

The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

Why Turkey stays still actually moves backward while they keep being the ones and moving forward?

The answer lies in where the brain immigration goes.

... etc, etc...

I hope it is now crystal clear what the poin here is.

When is the last time Turks even controlled their own stuff even in our history our leaders betrayed us by giving all the industry to Greeks, Armenians, Jews and other non Turks.

Guess what they took that stuff and immigrated to the West leaving the Turkish economy improvished.

Not just Ottomans a lot of Muslim leaders did this and this is the result.

Japanese have perfected they way they control their industry look at all their companies it is all owned by the Japanese and the money stays in the country along with the expertise.

Turkey needs more opportunities to keep people to stay but that has not been the case. Constantly selling and giving the industry to a certain population has screwed things up.
Last edited:
The entire Turkish defence industry - a multibillion industry complex - has lost almost 30 (!!!) engineers during the last half year and you assume THIS is a brain drain movement?

You guys have simply no idea whatsoever about how actual businesses are run. These jobs we're talking about here are one of the best paid work opportunities in the entire Turkish economy. On top of the good salary, you get a very prestigious and safe place of employment.

Even if just Aselsan would have lost 30 engineers in the past 6 months - this number wouldn't be impressive at all for people with knowledge. This is called employee turnover rate and I bet a dollar to a doughnut that this figure will be surprisingly low in the Turkish defence industry compared, of course, to other branches of industry in Turkey.

Again, I am not saying that we don't have a problem. We must fight the causes of brain drain in our country to achieve higher levels of development. I am totally and 100% d'accord with this. But quit this disgusting habit of exaggerating, be it something good or bad we're talking about.

Just look around you. Do you think that we could have achieved the recent results with a major brain drain ongoing in the industry?

ASELSAN number of employees

31 Aralıl 2017: 5.440

31 Aralık 2013: 5.343

These numbers are telling stories. During this period the company has become much, much more productive and competitive. THIS is what we have to battle - a general problem in the entire industry. We do not use our resources to the füll extent. Infact, I even believe that the nummber of employees in the industry is too high. We need more concentration and focussing of resources. Some companies should just die off.

Productivity is our issue, not the sheer number of engineers.

Yes thats right, and in every country some specialists move to some other countries. For example in germany many people want to move to USA and newzeland or etc. Yes some secular guys have despair to live under AKP goverment but who cares that shits.
We have many huge projects and many jobs there is and many young talents we can rely on. This is just sözcü and chp (kk) propaganda.
Erdogan, Graham discuss Syria 'safe zone', attend Fazil Say's concert

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday met with US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham in Ankara to discuss regional issues, including the withdrawal of US troops from Syria and a proposed "safe zone" along the Turkey-Syria border.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin and presidential communications director Fahrettin Altun were also present at the closed-door meeting.

After the talks, the officials from both sides attended the concert of renowned pianist Fazil Say at the Ankara Congressium Center.

The artist previously became a topic of conversation in Turkey for his polemics against the government.

The concert was on the premiere of the Trojan Sonata, which is a 40-minute and 10-part piano sonata.

Say invited Erdogan to his concert after the president expressed his condolences on the death of Say's mother.

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US Senator Graham joins Turkey's President Erdogan to attend renowned Turkish pianist Fazil Say's concert in Ankara, following their talks over Syria and regional issues


1:39 PM - Jan 18, 2019

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Who is Fazil Say?

Born in 1970 in Ankara, Say began his journey of music at the age of four. He studied piano and composition at the Ankara State Conservatory.

At the age of 17, he won his first championship at the European Union contest and was awarded a scholarship to study five years with David Levine at the Robert Schumann Institute in Dusseldorf.

At the age of 24, he won the European championship at Young Concert Artist International Auditions Contest.

In 1995, he became world champion at Young Concert Artist International Auditions Contest.

In 2008, he was appointed "Cultural Ambassador" by the European Union.

Say is just as much a composer as he is a pianist.

He wrote 'Black Hymns' at the age of 16. In 1991, he premiered his Concerto for Piano and Violin with Berliner Symphoniker – a Symphony orchestra in Berlin, and in 1996 his second piano concerto Silk Road was given its first performance in Boston.

Turkey, US can solve problems together

Also on Friday, Turkey's defence minister said promises made in Syria's Manbij were not kept and his country would not allow the establishment of a terror corridor on its southern border.

"The promises made in Manbij weren't kept, the YPG and PKK are two sides of the same coin, and Turkey is fighting PKK/YPG, Daesh and FETO terror groups," Hulusi Akar stressed during a meeting with Graham.

The latest developments in Syria and Turkey-US cooperation were among the topics discussed during the meeting.

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Here's what Turkey's Defence Minister Hulusi Akar told US Senator Lindsey Graham:

- Promises given on Manbij were not kept
- YPG and PKK terror group are same
- Turkey won't allow a terror corridor on its southern border
- US, Turkey can work together to overcome these problems


2:12 PM - Jan 18, 2019

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Flashpoint city

Manbij remains under the control of the PYD/YPG, the Syrian affiliate of the PKK terrorist organisation. During its 30-year terrorist campaign against Turkey, the PKK has taken some 40,000 lives.

On Wednesday, a bombing in Manbij killed three US soldiers.

The attack came after US President Donald Trump's surprise announcement last month of the withdrawal of American forces from Syria.

The pullout decision came during a phone call with Turkish President Erdogan in which the two leaders agreed on the need for more effective coordination over the civil war-torn country.

Source: AA
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