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those who understand Jihad and its complications is not a bad thing to add and teach , of course not the version or ISIS,TTP and AQ/Taliban but the one's which was used by our Prophet and his Caliphs .. but why drop Evolution ? its a interesting theory for educational purpose ..
The final version of Turkey’s national school curriculum has left evolution out and added the concept of “jihad” as part of Islamic law in books, Education Minister İsmet Yılmaz said on July 18.

The new curriculum will be put into execution for first, fifth, and ninth graders starting from this year, and it will extend to other classes in the 2018-2019 academic year. Accordingly, a total of 176 class curricula have been renewed.

“Jihad is an element in our religion; it is in our religion… The duty of the Education Ministry is to teach every concept deservedly, in a correct way. It is also our job to correct things that are wrongly perceived, seen or taught,” Yılmaz announced at a press meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara.

“In this manner, in the lessons on Islamic law and basic religion sciences, there will be [the concept of] jihad. But what is this jihad? What our Prophet [Muhammad] says is that while returning from a war, we are going from a small jihad to a big jihad. What is this big jihad? It is to serve our society, to increase welfare, to ensure peace in society, to serve the society’s needs. The easiest thing is to wage war, to fight. The skill is the difficult one, which is to ensure peace and tranquility,” he said.

Speaking about the controversial decision to exclude evolution, Yılmaz said it was not included in the national curriculum “because it is above the students’ level and not directly relevant.”

Information on last year’s failed coup attempt will also be included in the curriculum. “When the subject of winning democracy is covered in social sciences classes, we will want the July 15 National Unity Day to be covered, too,” Yılmaz said.

“In Turkish language classes, when topics on the national struggle led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk [founder of modern Turkey] are being discussed, July 15 [2016 coup attempt] will also be touched on,” the minister noted.

Yılmaz said the new curriculum will also include topics on the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The chairman of a teachers’ union described the changes as a huge step in the wrong direction for Turkey’s schools and an attempt to avoid raising “generations who ask questions.”

“The new policies that ban the teaching of evolution and requiring all schools to have a prayer room, these actions destroy the principle of secularism and the scientific principles of education,” said Mehmet Balık, chairman of the Union of Education and Science Workers (Eğitim-İş).

those who understand Jihad and its complications is not a bad thing to add and teach , of course not the version or ISIS,TTP and AQ/Taliban but the one's which was used by our Prophet and his Caliphs .. but why drop Evolution ? its a interesting theory for educational purpose ..
The source in the original post (Hurriyet Daily link was missing) writes the following:
Speaking about the controversial decision to exclude evolution, Yılmaz said it was not included in the national curriculum “because it is above the students’ level and not directly relevant.”
This is why I hate Turkish journalism. They actively do this (whether it's pro- or anti-government) and polarize and pit people against each other. Journalists need to first and foremost be ethical and responsible, they don't even need to be unbiased but they do need to be fair. Which is absent in this article.
The writer of this article is subtle, he cherrypicks a quote from the minister and conveniently leaves out all the other stuff on the matter, which turns out to be way more important to form a proper opinion about the subject. And if the headline is to be believed, the writer of the article (maybe in extension the editor) was out to flame (yeah, like an internet troll). If I hadn't done my research I would've thought that evo theory is out of the curriculum, and maybe even got mad about it by speculating about them (being the government) not being able to tolerate the theory of evolution. But the minister had other things to say about this subject:

Here's a direct quote of minister Ismet Yilmaz during the same press conference, "At this point we are saddened to observe that the poet has been divided into two parts in the form of sides and contradictions of evolution, in a blind fight determined by the expression 'people are deafened to the ear, whichever ear is cut off.' Made the evaluation."
I put it through google translate, it's not perfect but basicly he is saying that people debating the matter either are very pro- or anti-evolution and that the people only listen to the side they are aligned with on the matter and seem to ignore the other side.

He continued to say: "In biology class, in order not to give education about nature history, we applied the theory of evolution to everyday life in biology and technology by means of stem cell therapy, antibiotics, gene technology, etc. In this point, mutation, selection and adaptation are included in the concept set of evolution theory. We have established in the philosophy of the roof philosophy that we can handle and understand philosophical aspects of the subject, the history of evolutionary biology and the history of the theory has been left to the universities which are the higher education institutions where more detailed biology education can be obtained."
Basicly what he is saying here is, because the history of biology isn't part of the curriculum, and because they don't want to just teach students to just memorize stuff, they are going to cover subjects like stem-cell, anti-biotics and gene technology etc. and through these subjects evolution theory is touched upon and how this theory is being used in technology currently being used in every day life. And because of this concepts from evolution theory like mutation, natural selection and adaptation are included. These are part of the biology classes.

I had a tough time translating the following sentence, because I'm not sure what me means here:
"Konunun felsefi boyutlarıyla ele alınıp kavranması için çatıyı felsefe dersinde kurmuş bulunmaktayız."
But from what I think he is saying is: The philosophical aspects of the subject are going to be handled in philosophy class (I ask other Turkish members here to correct me if I'm wrong here).
He continues with the final sentence saying: "the history of evolutionary biology and the history of the theory has been left to the universities which are the higher education institutions where more detailed biology education can be obtained." Google translate already did a good job translating here, so nothing to elaborate on here.

Here's my opinion and speculation: The minister said the 'philosophical aspect of evolution theory' will be covered during philosophy class. I assume the philosophy aspect is the claim of single celled organisms evolving to humans? I mean what other philosophy aspect is there about the theory of evolution. If that is the case, it wouldn't be fair to say that the theory of evolution is out of the curriculum.

P.S. I have been harsh to the writer of the article, but I am getting more and more frustrated if I see stuff like that. Because in the end it is the people that more and more start to distrust and hate each other.
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i think its time to start all over again in samsun if you know what i mean,
Please don't get provoked by articles like this (this one is still mild compared to others out there). Read my post (post #4), it's not to change your opinion but to try and show you what I think is going on within (Turkish) media and how it effects all of us. Judging from your post you are angry (actually I see this in many of your and other members's posts here), but this is all due to the types of news articles we read and watch. Other than some media outlets, most of them are designed to polarize us and sway us to a certain political side.

Your post for instance, I don't think you are deliberately trying to start a flame war, but you can see how someone could aggressively respond to your post right? You are not a troll, because you're not deliberately trying to start a flamewar, but you just have a strong opinion and that reflects to the way you post messages (aggressive in this case). And I'm sure that strong opinion comes from the media sources you follow, right?

Now if I were like a leader in an intelligence agency, the first thing I would do is sponsor all the journalists and media outlets that are aggressive and manipulative. You might think Yeni Akit and Sozcu are polar opposites, but they are the opposite side of the same coin. I as an intelligence agent would consider them as assets and sponsor both of them (among others) and hope they would go at each other's throats and see a country destabilize so I can go after whatever my interests are at the time. The coup of 1980, it was the junta (and the one's supporting them) that fanned the flames of the left vs right clashes to create the atmosphere in the country to 'justify' the coup. There are many examples like this throughout the world, not just Turkey.

I mean at the end of the day, biz sirtimizi birbirlermize dayamamiz gerekiyor, biz birbirlerimize guvenmezsek, hatta nefret edersek, dusmanimiza karsi nasil sirt/sirtla carpisacagiz? We all need to be responsible with what we do. What's written in the media and by us can be way more constructive or destructive than any conventional weapon.
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We should have enforce our population to learn Evolution in order to destroy fake-race supporters' ideologies in first place, but we are doing the opposite.. What's next? Recognition of Pikachu race? o_O Racism will not die until you teach your people genetic science and biology.
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Evolution is nothing more than an unproven theory... throw it in the bin :)
Unproven theory is the "evolution steps of Human race". Not "evolution" as a whole. People are discussing if proposed human race evolution steps is true or not. Existance of evolution is not a discussion topic for scientific institues, but just by religious dogmatic sects.

Evolution is a proven fact, it's so obvious. Evolution is basicly; Mutation + Natural Selection. That's it.
I am wondering by they didn't keep the evolution theory and expanded with the "jihad" historical lessons.

But like it was said, if you raise every generation to question the leadership of politicians then as a politician you're in a bad spot.

Remember that AKP and RTE does use sound arguments to further their ulterior motives. So if ppl accept something good, they're unaware that they're accepting 10 bad things at the same time.
The ''Jihad'' of today is innovation, technology, science, education; not the ''sword''.

The Muslim dominated countries are invaded by the ''Kuffars'' with high-tech products and culture that result from open minds, but some still are acting by middle age mentality with help of modern ''kuffar'' devices.

Reminder, the first order was ''read''.
As you may know the prophet (S.A.V) was illiterate, so that command was also what enabled him to read.

The question here is not whether you can read or not, but how to harness that knowledge. Teaching people how to read does not automatically enable them to understand how to use that knowledge.
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