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Turkish police special ops cross Syrian border captured alleged bombers

Its called Free Syrian Army..Not a terrorist Organization, though i agree some fanatical elements exist..They will be eliminated right after Assad steps down from his throne

Not everything in the world is US and/or Israel, West conspiracy my friend..Saddam = Hafez al-Assad..Both were lunatic and genocidal..Remember Hama massacre (1981) during Hafez al-Assad era..His son is no different..Doing the same thing, even worse..Just because US supports opposition doesnt mean their motive is un-justifiable

and Sadam was one of the biggest ally of USA, even USA supported Saddam to invade Iran.
If PKK against assad without arms and Syrian people support PKK, then that is good way, this how democracy works. assad will be down. So i will be happy to support PKK rather than FSA.
and i'm waiting for an answer...
how did the F$A terrorists let a car filled with explosion pass by??
that was Hafez not Bashar... and all Syria PKK relations ended in the 90's...
come up with something new...

so thats why people carry bashar assad and abdullah öcalan posters beside syrian flags? i really do not need to find something new, once father supported terrorism why not the son? but keep closing your eyes to the truth, your voice holds no value for me.
so thats why people carry bashar assad and abdullah öcalan posters beside syrian flags? i really do not need to find something new, once father supported terrorism why not the son? but keep closing your eyes to the truth, your voice holds no value for me.
oh so I hold picture of Hitler with erDOGan that means erDOGan loves hitler? great logic you have...
you need to wake up... AKP is supporting terrorism. and that terrorism already bit you... the border gate bombing F$A bombed you... but the AKP made an excuse saying it was the Syrian government...

and i'm waiting for an answer...
how did the F$A terrorists let a car filled with explosion pass by??
and Sadam was one of the biggest ally of USA, even USA supported Saddam to invade Iran.
If PKK against assad without arms and Syrian people support PKK, then that is good way, this how democracy works. assad will be down. So i will be happy to support PKK rather than FSA.

See? In your eyes, its all about USA...You hate USA, so, a group who is supported by USA, must be evil..Realpolitik in the region is much wider than this..But suit yourself, and support PKK..Wont make any difference..Allah knows the best
See? In your eyes, its all about USA...You hate USA, so, a group who is supported by USA, must be evil..Realpolitik in the region is much wider than this..But suit yourself, and support PKK..Wont make any difference..Allah knows the best

yes because i speak truth , even i justify and support why Turkey joined NATO that time. I am honest speaker.
what is difference with PKK and F$A?? you are saying F$A are freedom fighters... then why aren't PKK freedom fighters? they are fighting for freedom??? F$A have bombed and killed many civilians.... and you still call them freedom fighters?

Syrian Lion, my friend, i hate extremists groups within FSA as much as you do..Believe me..Remember, you opened a thread about a bomb blast in Damascus and i condemned this incident...I really dont like how FSA handles its organization...But do you have the same mindset? In your eyes, Assad is an angel and does nothing wrong..and look where we are now..Syria is a mess, crippled and will take decades to restore it...Was it really worth it? Why didnt he just step down and allow free elections? You criticize KSA..But are you really different? Father to son thing?
Syrian Lion, my friend, i hate extremists groups within FSA as much as you do..Believe me..Remember, you opened a thread about a bomb blast in Damascus and i condemned this incident...I really dont like how FSA handles its organization...But do you have the same mindset? In your eyes, Assad is an angel and does nothing wrong..and look where we are now..Syria is a mess, crippled and will take decades to restore it...Was it really worth it? Why didnt he just step down and allow free elections? You criticize KSA..But are you really different? Father to son thing?

my friend I never defended Alasad... I don't even care about him... all I care about is Syria's unity and independence... the only one who can bring back to Syria is Alasad now...
your logic is wrong... just because there is opposition that doesn't mean Alasad have to step down... why doesn't Obama step down? why doesn't erdogan step down.. they both have opposition...

Alasad have asked for elections under the UN adminstration for over a year... why did the opposition say no? if they know that Alasad has no support then there is nothing to fear...

and dont try to blame all this destruction on Alasad... Alasad has been in control since 2000 and Syria was the best under him, peace and stability was in every Syrian's house... Syria's Global peace index was higher then most of western countries..


now if you really want peace, then you should stop supporting terrorism... end all the weapons flow and terrorists flow into Syria... Turkey hosts many terrorists camps...

if you need more info... look at my previous threads...

@Syrian Lion, while there might be turkish involvement and it may seem unfair, however you shot down and killed a turkish pilot and fired mortars on a sovereign NATO countries territory(totally unacceptable), turkie is simply returning the favour for all the cross border mortar strikes as some might put it(i am surprised how giving turkish people are as your fellow countrie members are a huge drag on their economie). I actually commend turkie government for having an open heart especially during this global recession and i wish our government would help out the refugee via NGOs but lets see how our fiscal budget comes out this april.

I still do not understand how as a syrian , you could support Assad when he is literally using full military might on innocent civilians. I mean I understand the merits of your point about FSA having some fringe extremist, however that is a clear reflection of society(every society has fringe elements) as moderates and few fringe elements are together fighting to take out a common cause.
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how did the F$A terrorists let a car filled with explosion pass by??
How does a car-bomb anywhere in the world get by checkpoints? I would even think it could pass by the Turkish checkpoint on the border. How exactly can you check? Maybe you'll want to check if the passengers are acting suspiciously, but that is only a big if.

Are there any scanners or something that can see if there is a bomb in a car? And if so, does FSA have this type of equipment?
my friend I never defended Alasad... I don't even care about him... all I care about is Syria's unity and independence... the only one who can bring back to Syria is Alasad now...
your logic is wrong... just because there is opposition that doesn't mean Alasad have to step down... why doesn't Obama step down? why doesn't erdogan step down.. they both have opposition...

Alasad have asked for elections under the UN adminstration for over a year... why did the opposition say no? if they know that Alasad has no support then there is nothing to fear...

and dont try to blame all this destruction on Alasad... Alasad has been in control since 2000 and Syria was the best under him, peace and stability was in every Syrian's house... Syria's Global peace index was higher then most of western countries..


now if you really want peace, then you should stop supporting terrorism... end all the weapons flow and terrorists flow into Syria... Turkey hosts many terrorists camps...

if you need more info... look at my previous threads...

Assad was in control since 2000, and he may have done a good job. But when this problem started he was in control as well, and that makes him responsible. That's what leadership is, they are responsible for all the good as well as bad things that happens to their respected country's.

The best thing for Syria would be Assad stepping down and install a temporary government. If Assad gets brought down by force, then there is a big chance that various rebel groups might fight each other and/or the newly established government, because they all have a different vision when it comes to the future politics of Syria.

Assad staying will be problematic, because I doubt the fighting will stop if he stays, unless he is able to wipe out all of the opposition. The sole reason of the fighting is because Assad is in power, so the problem lies with Assad.

An election under the current Assad government would be hard to do, because the Assad government can't provide enough security in the country to go for a general election. There is fighting going on all over the country, and various parts of the country are under the rule of the opposition. The UN wouldn't and couldn't take the risk.

Also about the car-bomb on the border. The people responsible got caught and are being interrogated. That's pretty solid proof on who are behind this event. You can claim it's a conspiracy from the AKP government, but why would I believe that? It's nothing but speculation and conspiracy. Assad is also struggling and it is important for them to sway public opinion to their side, so to be honest, I expect any type of mis-information coming from their side (as well as FSA for that matter).
How does a car-bomb anywhere in the world get by checkpoints? I would even think it could pass by the Turkish checkpoint on the border. How exactly can you check? Maybe you'll want to check if the passengers are acting suspiciously, but that is only a big if.

Are there any scanners or something that can see if there is a bomb in a car? And if so, does FSA have this type of equipment?

Assad was in control since 2000, and he may have done a good job. But when this problem started he was in control as well, and that makes him responsible. That's what leadership is, they are responsible for all the good as well as bad things that happens to their respected country's.

The best thing for Syria would be Assad stepping down and install a temporary government. If Assad gets brought down by force, then there is a big chance that various rebel groups might fight each other and/or the newly established government, because they all have a different vision when it comes to the future politics of Syria.

Assad staying will be problematic, because I doubt the fighting will stop if he stays, unless he is able to wipe out all of the opposition. The sole reason of the fighting is because Assad is in power, so the problem lies with Assad.

An election under the current Assad government would be hard to do, because the Assad government can't provide enough security in the country to go for a general election. There is fighting going on all over the country, and various parts of the country are under the rule of the opposition. The UN wouldn't and couldn't take the risk.

Also about the car-bomb on the border. The people responsible got caught and are being interrogated. That's pretty solid proof on who are behind this event. You can claim it's a conspiracy from the AKP government, but why would I believe that? It's nothing but speculation and conspiracy. Assad is also struggling and it is important for them to sway public opinion to their side, so to be honest, I expect any type of mis-information coming from their side (as well as FSA for that matter).
Do you really believe if Alasad steps down that the problem will be solved? look at Libya... Libya became Alqaeda state... Tunisia, Egypt are both economically destroyed...
Alasad stepping down, will not solve the issue, instead it will cause more bloodshed...
Look at Iraq...
look there is no such thing as democracy in this world...
and yes elections are possible... first step to elections would be peace, and to achieve that the world must end their support to terrorism, Turkey must kick out all the terrorists and stop giving them weapons, when there is no weapons then there is no fighting and no bloodshed... how hard is that? the Syrian conflict can be solved in month... by just ending weapons and terrorists flow into Syria... when peace is restored, Syria is restored, then we have elections...

and about the gate... did you see the big explosion? the bomb was heavy weight... lets say 100kg, how can you hide a bomb in checkpoint? if there was no searching and no checkpoint, then that would make sense, but when there searching and such, then there is no excuse... a heavy big bomb cant be hidden easily
@Syrian Lion, while there might be turkish involvement and it may seem unfair, however you shot down and killed a turkish pilot and fired mortars on a sovereign NATO countries territory(totally unacceptable), turkie is simply returning the favour for all the cross border mortar strikes as some might put it(i am surprised how giving turkish people are as your fellow countrie members are a huge drag on their economie). I actually commend turkie government for having an open heart especially during this global recession and i wish our government would help out the refugee via NGOs but lets see how our fiscal budget comes out this april.

I still do not understand how as a syrian , you could support Assad when he is literally using full military might on innocent civilians. I mean I understand the merits of your point about FSA having some fringe extremist, however that is a clear reflection of society(every society has fringe elements) as moderates and few fringe elements are together fighting to take out a common cause.
first of all , the Turkish jet violated Syrian Air Space... NATO it self admitted, and NATO refused to retaliate, because it was Turkey's fault.... and about the mortar... do you really think Syria want to drag Turkey into war? F$A could have easily fired the mortar to blame the government and to drag Turkey into war...

and I don't care about Alasad... I keep repeating, I care about Syria's peace and sovereignty , and the Syrian Military is the Syrian people.... and the one who is killing civilians are F$A terrorists themselves, what will the government gain from killing innocent people? people anger? international pressure? think about... open your mind... and before you throw stones, check your glass house, and check how many Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans and others you have killed..
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I can't get the headline right. So you are saying me that, PÖH performed a cross-border operation and arrested the suspects of the attack?
I can't get the headline right. So you are saying me that, PÖH performed a cross-border operation and arrested the suspects of the attack?

That's what they say. They have captured the terrorists, with the help of the terrorists :disagree:
That's what they say. They have captured the terrorists, with the help of the terrorists :disagree:

I see. Even the police sof can do this. I can't imagine the capabilities of Special Forces Command a.k.a Maroon Berets :D
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