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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The reason might be m113 the cheapest and oldest IFV which we can reconstruct easly.
A space could be used for transmitters, remote control devices, GPS receivers etc. Please remember it will be a drone:)
I would instead fit it with a stronger 400-450 KW engine and give it rubber tracks for rapid troop deployment

It would be awesome during a mobilization.
Imagine mobilizing a million soldiers. You need these type of vehicles in reserve to be able to do that.

Right now we're stuck in a low-density conflict in Syria but this can easily turn into a war against Iran, Syria, or even Russia or the US.
Turkish Army has been slow in Syria. They are moving slowly but confidently and securely. They are not rushing.
It means , today there might be another criteriums except speed in combat.
I really like Mete Yarar, but he somehow like every other mainstream TV-Guy is talking absolutely nonsense sometimes, just to back the states policies. I hate it, when people are not telling the truth.

I do not think, that we are doing everything slowly because we are trying to avoid high casualties. Actually we are risking high casualties the way, we are trying to fight the Be Ke Ke .
We are taking the most difficult areas first and in TV they are talking about, that this is the best possible millitary step. Because Be Ke Ke than can not flee to mountains if we attack the city. But their is no millitary reason for not attacking from all sights. We have enough man power to attack from Dar Ta Izzah and El Bab advance from Tall Rifat to Afrin and close the road to Nuble and Zahraa. It would have took us 1 Month to advance to Afrin City from their and completely encircle Be Ke Ke. So it would be easyier to advance from every sight at that point.

So in TV they are talking bullshit. Because I know before the start of the operation, every expert on TV, including Mete Yarar where talking about closing that road first. But now they say, that would be ill advised and no option, because hunting or tanks would be easy for opponent...Sorry but thats bullshit. They just want to hide, that their are politcal reason prodiving us from such assault. We are advancing slow because of that and Be Ke Ke continues sending reinforcements to that area. And now also Shia Millitias joining them. That will not stop us, but will slow us down a bit. That are contraproduktive conditions, we could have easily provided.

We can not close that route and it has political reasons, because Russia has their own agenda with Be Ke Ke. They want them to accept Russian policies and they are blackmailing Be Ke Ke, with turkish offensive. Closer as turkey gets, Be Ke Ke relents more.

So that means their is a problem politicaly regarding or offensive. And it will cost us Time and brave Man to archive or millitary goals. We can fight Assad and Iranian backed Millitias, that would be no big deal. But we can not fight Russia. It seems like Russia forced us to let that door open, so they can keep negotiating with them. And if Be Ke Ke totally gives in to Russian policisies, than or operation will stop their. It would be just interesting to see, how USA would react to this situation.

So I like especially Mete Yarar and love how fluent and charismatic he is talking infront of his map. But he should stop fooling people, just because he is seen as a millitary authority in TV, cause of his Maroon Berets backround.

We need to accept the reality. Our Offensive in Afrin could succed, but it is held on wobbly ground. Not from a millitary point, but politically it´s very difficult. We have not the political power even to run that Offensive in our best way militarily. We could advance much faster, with closing that route and attack from flet areas simultaneously.

So it´s not that unrealistic that our operation could stop because of political reasons. The success of our operation does not just depend on us. Also on negotations between Russia and Be Ke Ke.
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There is an alliance emerging against USA.

If i'm not wrong, Russia-Turkey have a deal on Afrin. Americans may get scr3vv3d :lol:
I am glad about their deal. Because Afrin is not our area of influence. I rather have Turks /FSA there than retarded Shia militia. :D
Btw, since you are the only Iranian here , what’s up with irgc/Basij? The number of generals killed is on an unprecedented level since world war 2.

You already know that Russia is unable to impose her own agreements on Syrian government. Seemingly, Turkey has an open hand in Afrin, you don't have Iran too nor Russia, so....

Everything is prepared to kick Americans out of Kurdish controlled areas, sometimes, i feel that @kuwwaitigirl was right and we have to give a point to Turkey, it cannot be solved without meeting their demands, seriously
I can’t wait to see Shia militia trying to kick us out of Kurdish controlled areas. Last time I saw Iranians was in 2004 in najaf. And trust me it wasn’t a pretty picture:smokin:

It is not an opinion, you claimed that there is an Afrin agreement, Russia broke it, twice, and broken matter of agreement is "No external help into Afrin". This is not an opinion, you are not allowed to bullshit in this forum.

Prove it or get lost.
What you should be asking is why Russians, our allies,breaking agreements. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
That’s what I am talking about!! Bomb those cockroaches back to Stone Age. Take a page from our textbook. Bring the Mehter Band for motivation purposes. Smack them with Ottoman Slap:lol:

Last time I saw Americans was in 2016 in Persian Gulf. And trust me it wasn’t a pretty picture:smokin:

Last time I saw Americans was in 2016 in Persian Gulf. And trust me it wasn’t a pretty picture:smokin:

Meh. Heartless squids. Marines would blast bearded Iranians back to bandar Abbas. But our payback was brutal-tens of irgc generals lost their lives to Isis clowns who wear sandals:devil:
Meh. Heartless squids. Marines would blast bearded Iranians back to bandar Abbas. But our payback was brutal-tens of irgc generals lost their lives to Isis clowns who wear sandals:devil:
That mean the Sheriff is in town, go back to you North America.
That mean the Sheriff is in town, go back to you North America.
You go back to the Iranian Section. Nothing to the Iranian brothers in general but to users like you. You dont have any other work but to troll in our thread. If you have something to contribute with you are welcome but your behavior is not like you are going to contribute to the thread but the opposite. You are bringing only harm and pages of useless fights and propaganda.
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