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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Figures may not be %100 correct but It gives an avarage results for killed/wounded/disabled terrorists daily since the daily bombing/assault are being done after comprehensive aerial onservations.
Master didnt the word "neutralized" meant killed or captured in the TSK's terminology?
I can't believe you actually believe those bogus figures. No one outside of Turkey takes those figures seriously. They are nothing more then propaganda for public consumption. No one else is reporting anything even close to those figures.

This is Baghdad Bob level propaganda. Lets report facts not state propaganda.

Aleppo24 counts 405 dead YPG as of 2 days ago: http://en.aleppo24.com/60-civilians...rbitrary-shelling-of-the-turkish-army-and-ypg

KIA:WIA is typically 1:3 so TSK's estimate of 1800 neutralised is completely reasonable.
Actually its not that far from reality. This statement says "neutralized", not killed. Sohr says 219 is killed, SCWM says 345, Aleppo24 says 405. "Martry" pics people has gathered from ypg affliated twitter accounts goes beyond 400. General estimate is somewhere around 219 and 400s. None include wounded and captured. Wounded is usually x3-4 of the killed. Even if you take 219 as the base, the total number of killed, wounded and captured still easily goes beyond 1000.

But surely nobody can deny that TAF gives a rough estimate, especially for air strikes.

Most logical assumption is, he's trying to lure us into a trap, when we kill his men, he will probably force Russia to change its stance and try to force a no fly zone.

We didn't use our air force during ES operation.
The 4 villages that has been taken today seemed like random advances to me. I mean they are not close to any major urban target. Raju and Jinderes is just right there man, what are they waiting for?
The 4 villages that has been taken today seemed like random advances to me. I mean they are not close to any major urban target. Raju and Jinderes is just right there man, what are they waiting for?

I think they want capture Rajo, Jinderes, Sharanli, Shayk Al Hadid and Mabata in the same time.

Rajo, Shayk Hadid and Jinderes are right infront our troops, yesterday there were some movements towards Sharanli and today Mabata...

In my opinion it is better to assault all the big villages in the same time, and finish then Afrin City...
The 4 villages that has been taken today seemed like random advances to me. I mean they are not close to any major urban target. Raju and Jinderes is just right there man, what are they waiting for?
Not true. They're overlooking the road between Afrin and Raco now. My guess is that Assad will get Tell Rıfat and we get eventually Afrin. The Russians are fooling YPG.
Not true. They're overlooking the road between Africa and Raco now. My guess is that Assad will get Tell Rıfat and we get eventually Afrin. The Russians are fooling YPG.
Russians are fooling everyone except themselves...they don't care about Turkey or ASSad or IRan...
But they will do whatever it takes to keep themselves the "Voice of Power" and the "Entity of Balance" in the area...
Nothing more nothing less...

If they see...in the future, the need to hand over Afrin city to aSSad/IR and vice versa... to maintain their "power" they will without a second though...

Like previous deal of "NO external help will be allowed in Afrin" ...well they are , like right now, using their position to let them pass...since TR can't bomb in an area with RU troops...

You see...no one is your friend, no one.
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