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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Its passive protection system, besically lunch smoke grenades to the direction of coming missile to block the view, and let the tank shoot the exact location of anti tank missile with 12.7mm or tank cannon

There is not any movable smoke launchers neither, like there is on Altay;
Turkey doesn't seem to give Syrian rebels, even those fighting for her in Afrin, giving their lives for the strategic interests of Turkey, proper weapons.

In contrast to this somewhat racist and stingy strategy, the Kurds, Iranians, Americans, Russians, Assad, treat their allies way better, arming them with ATGMs, NVG, MLRS, drones, tanks, proper vehicles, etc.

If Turkey continues to do this, Idlib will eventually be lost. There is only so much Syrian rebels can do with bare basic small arms, mortar and vans / pickups.

The epitome of it is that we have Turks on this thread making fun of "inferior Arabs" for "not respecting their lives" because they are using cell phone light. Question is, why didn't their "brothers" Turkey provide them with proper flash lights, forget NVGs?

Why don't the Turks send their own sons to fight their wars? Syrians rebels don't have a major issue with Afrin. This is Turkey's war. Sadly, it is only Islam that can unite us. Otherwise we will, each of us, become like some of the racist trolls and comments I have read on PDF >>> here for instance, we had Turks insulting Arabs and FSA, for "not respecting their lives" when they didn't even bother giving them proper tactical gear.

If Turks are like some of the posters here, it will sooner or later alienate its FSA allies, and will be left all alone with no friends in the region. Iran, PKK, Assad, Egypt, Saudi, USA / West, everyone will be against her.

Glad there are people like Erdogan in this world who can manage the racist lots, hope still that he can do more. Simply providing ATGMs, manpads to the rebels would completely change the dynamics of the war.
US intel report presented to Congress says YPG is ‘PKK’s Syrian militia,’ searching for autonomy
WASHINGTON - Cansu Çamlıbel

An official report prepared by U.S. National Security Director Daniel Coats and presented to the U.S. Congress on Feb. 13 defined the People’s Protection Units (YPG) as the Syrian wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), acknowledging that it is searching for autonomy.

“The Kurdish People’s Protection Units—the Syrian militia of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)—probably will seek some form of autonomy but will face resistance from Russia, Iran, and Turkey,” read the report titled “Worldwide Threat Assessment.”

The report’s Europe section also mentioned strained ties between the U.S. and Turkey and made predictions on the future of the row.

“Turkey’s counterterrorism cooperation with the United States against ISIS is likely to continue, but thwarting Kurdish regional ambitions will be a foreign policy priority [for Ankara],” the report said, referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Referring to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the report said he “is likely to employ polarizing rhetoric, straining bilateral relations and cooperation on shared regional goals.”

Syria is addressed in the “Middle East and North Africa” section of the report, which warns that “Russia and Iran are planning for a long-term presence, securing military basing rights and contracts for reconstruction and oil and gas exploitation.”

It also argued that “Iran is seeking to establish a land corridor from Iran through Syria to Lebanon.”

Turkey has long criticized the U.S. support provided to the YPG in northern Syria, saying it presents a threat to the Turkish national security for a PKK-linked group to gain authority on its southern borders.

The U.S. argues that the support provided to the YPG is only tactical and said the YPG is at the forefront of the fight against ISIL.

On Feb. 13, U.S. State Department Spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s planned visit to Turkey on Feb. 15-16 “shows just how serious this matter is,” referring to stark differences of opinion on the Syrian issue in Turkey and the U.S.

Turkey last month launched an incursion into Syria, which it calls “Operation Olive Branch,” to sweep the YPG from its southern border. It has also threatened to press on to Manbij - currently under the control of an YPG-led force - and has warned U.S. troops stationed there not to get in the way.

The top U.S. general in the coalition fighting ISIL vowed on Feb. 7 that American troops would remain in the northern Syrian town of Manbij, despite Ankara’s demands for a U.S. pullout.
Turkey doesn't seem to give Syrian rebels, even those fighting for her in Afrin, giving their lives for the strategic interests of Turkey, proper weapons.

If Turkey continues to do this, Idlib will eventually be lost. There is only so much Syrian rebels can do with bare basic small arms, mortar and vans / pickups.

First of all, we owe nothing to those so called "rebels". Those FSA guys will either accept Turkish flag and will be annexed by Turkey and kept being alive as our proxy, or will be killed by Russia and Assad. We are not going to war against Assad nor Russia for the sake of few proxy. We have two concerns in Syria;

>PKK (in Afrin, Ayn-al Arab, Tal Abyad, Qamisli etc) and HTS (in Idlib)

So you could expect one military operation against Al Qaeda (HTS) in Idlib area as well, by Turkish Army, after Afrin operation.

As long as our concerns taken care, we will not care what will happen to FSA. If you feel upset about it, you go and support FSA by yourself, instead of telling Turks how Turkey should behave towards it's proxy canditates.

First of all, we owe nothing to those so called "rebels". Those FSA guys will either accept Turkish flag and will be annexed by Turkey and kept being alive as our proxy, or will be killed by Russia and Assad. We are not going to war against Assad nor Russia for the sake of few proxy. We have two concerns in Syria;

>PKK (in Afrin, Ayn-al Arab, Tal Abyad, Qamisli etc) and HTS (in Idlib)

So you could expect one military operation against Al Qaeda (HTS) in Idlib area as well, by Turkish Army, after Afrin operation.

As long as our concerns taken care, we will not care what will happen to FSA. If you feel upset about it, you go and support FSA by yourself, instead of telling Turks how Turkey should behave towards it's proxy canditates.
You should add to your statement this... for a more healthy debate.

"I do not represent my Government neither their actions... What I say is on my name and my opinion alone."
You should add to your statement this... for a more healthy debate.

"I do not represent my Government neither their actions... What I say is on my name and my opinion alone."
You feel so upset about facts on ground doesn't change any facts on the ground.
You feel so upset about facts on ground doesn't change any facts on the ground.
Don't get me in your "emotional" debate. I Wasn't part of it.
So keep it civilized... When you speak, do not make it a generalisation or putting All of Turkey foreign policy behind your words.
What you think stay only your personal opinion. Just saying.

Best regards,
Don't get me in your "emotional" debate.

What the o_O I just wrote there the official policy of the Republic of Turkey, you are the one who offended from Republic of Turkey's policy with your emotional dreams.

You were also the guy who claimed that Turkey "sold Idlib for Afrin" lmao, you are so emotional on this FSA issue and it's so obvious, which will not change the stance of the Republic of Turkey.
What the o_O I just wrote there the official policy of the Republic of Turkey, you are the one who offended from Republic of Turkey's policy with your emotional dreams.

You were also the guy who claimed that Turkey "sold Idlib for Afrin" lmao, you are so emotional on this FSA issue and it's so obvious, which will not change the stance of the Republic of Turkey.
No, it' snot Turkish policy...it's your own view.
Yes, the East Idlib pocket that was under FSA last month... was meant to be given to ASSad... after agreement. Now we see the end of the advance after TR observation points...
Yes, the East Idlib pocket that was under FSA last month... was meant to be given to ASSad... after agreement.
Abu Dohur town and Abu Dohur military airport has nothing to do with Afrin operation. It was a part of Astana Agreement, which gives Turkey right to setup observation points around de-conflictation zone that recognised in Astana, between Russia-Turkey-Iran. Agreement does not include anything related Afrin, nor PKK.

One more time you tend to ignore fact just because your emotions hurted, but this will not change anything on the ground, Russian nor Turkish stance in region. Turkey has only two concerns in Syria where i wrote above.
Abu Dohur town and Abu Dohur military airport has nothing to do with Afrin operation. It was a part of Astana Agreement, which gives Turkey to setup observation points around de-conflictation zone that recognised in Astana, between Russia-Turkey-Iran. Agreement does not include anything related Afrin, nor PKK.

One more time you tend to ignore fact just because your emotions hurted, but this will not change anything on the ground, Russian nor Turkish stance in region. Turkey has only two concerns in Syria where i wrote above.

Till now... I don't understand what I should be hurt with?
As for the Astana agreement... well ASSad got more what previously agreed upon...and he was even going to get more... if TR didn't put that observation point in Al EIs... or did you already forget what they did to that convoy?

If TR didn't moved fast... they will be no idlib right now... neither an Afrin op... Since rebels will not trade what is left of Idlib with afrin... Securing that conflict zone...is a guarantee to keep rebels on Afrin. (Even more will come now, from the south)
Okay lets go one by one o_O So many different bullshit inside of your comment.

As for the Astana agreement... well ASSad got more what previously agreed upon.
We are not discussing if Astana was a good or bad deal for Assad. You claimed that "Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin", which is bullshit. Idlib is safe inside of Turkish observation points where Turkey agreed in Astana, and Astana agreement has nothing to do with Afrin. Abo Dohur region is taken by Assad army as agreed in the agreement.

You cannot claim some bullshit and get away without putting any proof. Back your claim up or move on.

If TR didn't moved fast... they will be no idlib right now.
Of course, because it was Turkey's responsibility to put observation points around Idlib. If we wouldn't keep our promise, there wouldn't be any force to force Assad in agreement's matters. Assad is not a part of the agreement.

I am still waiting your proof that will prove Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin?

Securing that conflict zone...is a guarantee to keep rebels on Afrin.
Obvious bullshit. FSA has two choice above; recognise Turkey ownership in the region or will get destroyed by Russian Airforce and Armed forces of Assad. Turkey signed Astana agreement not because she wants to keep rebels on Afrin operation, but keep 3 million Syrians inside of Syria.

It's all about refugees, not anything else. Also Afrin operation is mostly being done by rebels from ES region and North-Western Aleppo regions where already under control of Turkish Army.

Are you gonna back your claims or?
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