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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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PYD keep torturing civilians at Syria
Işte bu yüzden ülkedeki hdplilere ve onun destekçilerine göz actirmamaliyiz. Bunlar vahşi köpeklerden daha vahşi domuz sürüleri.

That is why we destroy all Hardline HDP and pkk supporters in Turkey. They are uncivilized monkeys having in hidden agende.
Twitter+trmilitary. Probably Tonight operational will start. Afternoon Trump is calling.

Verify-Sy is saying this isn't true. Interesting either way. Might be propaganda from our guys to see YPG and others' response to an imminent attack, and to keep YPG from knowing when the real attack will come. If so it's an improvement.
Lots of stuff happened today. Erdogan called with Trump for app. 30 minutes, and will now have a phone conversation with Putin.
"Trump, Erdoğan phone call ended. Lasted 30 minutes. Erdoğan now will speak with Russian President Putin"

"Turkey's rumoured attack against YPG in Afrin will be called "Euphrates Sword", 7000 soldiers mobilized, will be 2x size of "Euphrates Shield""


"Sipan Hemo (YPG leader): Our plan is to control area from Azaz to Jarablus, and we are preparing for this battle starting from Afrin." Good luck with that haha

Also Trump warned Assad not to use chemical weapons again, today: "OPCW says sarin gas was used in Khan Sheikhoun attack in April which killed close to 100 people by the Assad government"

Edit: article about the phone call with Trump
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there seem to be phone calls between our president and usa and after that with russia. i think something gonna happen or not depending on usa pressure
Guys what you expect to see new weapons of TAF in Afrin operation ?

we can expect be to used modernized M60T1, OMTAS, T129, Kasırga G, T122 G, Armed Anka, Cirit, Korkut, Cobra2, MPT76, Koral etc.
if these is an operation then more of a punishment for shut down of syrian su 22. I think maximum tel rifat and managh airbase. Afrin will depend on how the ypg behaves in the future. Afrin is important to clear however the majority of the terror camps are around ayn al arab this is east of eupraths so also important.


YPG: Azez-Cerablus hattını almayı amaçlıyoruz

30/06/2017 20:36

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YPG, Türkiye destekli Özgür Suriye Ordusu’nun elindeki Azez ve Cerablus arasındaki bölgeyi almayı planladıklarını bildirdi.

Fotoğraf: Reuters

Reuters’ın haberine göre YPG komutanlarından Sipan Hemo, planlarına dair detay ve zaman aralığı vermedi.

YPG komutanı Türkiye’yi ‘işgalci güç’ olarak gördüklerini söyledi. ÖSO, bölgeyi IŞİD’den almıştı.

YPG’nin açıklamasının, Türkiye’nin Afrin’i topçu ateşine tutmasının ardından gelmesi dikkati çekti.

Türkiye’nin Afrin’i vurmasının ardından ABD: Rakka’yı kurtarmaya odaklandık
Başbakan yardımcısı ‘şart koştu’: El-Bab’ın, İdlib’in güvenliği için Afrin temizlenmeli
TSK: YPG’nin Afrin’de açtığı taciz ateşine misliyle karşılık verildi
TSK: Azez-Cerablus hattında 229 yer ve 1910 kilometrekarelik alanda kontrol sağlandı

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