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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Did you ever believe that we hate you ?
Seni sevdigimizden bir an süphen oldu mu ?
Keep here and stop emotional posts please.
Your heart seems bleeding but keep strong hide the tears in your heart.

Nobody wanted evidence please stop childish behaviour. We love you Tolga, Bora and others aka Jackal , Neptune and Hakan.
We belong all together. " Alan terk edilmez".

Fate of lone wolves is always the same.

Nothing about personal views at all my fellow Turk. I just passed a week long background check thanks to how members here handled "my" posts. I owe you all a huge favor. I have been trying to get this position for a long time.

Those of you who are doing the right work and fighting back against the misinformation continue what you do. Our nation both needs it and appreciates it.

I will try to check up on all of your posts regularly but after this Tuesday I cannot return to post again for a few months until my assignment rotates.

Be proud of what you all do here and remember there are people in our military who actually see what you are posting, they appreciate the help and support you all give.

Seriously lads, be proud.
It is indeed unsatisfying to hear from Kurtulmus that the operation will end after al-Bab. It is hard to believe that this will be the reality, since we are still shelling the Manbij and Afrin territories from time to time. In addition, Erdogan himself repeated many times that any YPG structure will be cleansed west from Euphrates river.
I don't know if this can be handled diplomatically - i highly doubt that - as US promised that the hairy mountain donkeys would leave those lands, but it never happened, and won't happen unless you take a real fight with them if you ask me. These degenerates have been praying for this day for centuries, it is the biggest opportunity they ever had, and they won't lose it unless you take it from them.

Sovereignty is indeed not given, it is taken, and we need to take their sovereignty away from them.
assignment rotates, fellow Turks

One of the last who left and say TÜRK and not Türkiyeli. Thank you !

Allah yar ve yardimciniz olsun.
God bless all you defenders of our holy nation, honor and proud.
You made me again shivering. I am with you with my praying and else what I am capable doing.
You let me feal weak again cause of Türk mercy (MERHAMET). Never be.
No mercy ! If political decision makers command MERCY, against your security, leave the holy place as many before did.

I apologize if our brothers felt insulted.
Never, we are always together with you and not only on the keyboard.
Believe it.

Between the lines I read some frustration, I am aware now what is truely going on, friends wanted not speak about on wire.

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Just yesterday Russians also said that they don't see YPG and PKK not as terror groups.
To be honest, I don't understand, why you are worried/surprised Russia doesn't consider them as terrorists. Every power in this conflict has their own interests,threats and priorities. YPG has never been a threat to Russia and it's interests in the country/region on the contrary. So it's reasonable they don't see them as a main threat , same with Assad. It's just like the other Turkish member @turkishblonde here said, Turkey doesn't view islamic extremist group Hamas as a terrorists organisation either even though western countries do. So I can't blame any given country . Each and every country have their own interests/views and threats .

On another note, I believe the recent Russian airstrikes against Turkish forces was a mistake , there is no benefit for Russia in targeting Turkish forces, when both sides seems to have come to an agreement about conflict in Syria. Funny enough, seems Russia is having some conflict of interests with Iran recently, since there are Russian actions in Syria which Iran doesn't agree with. One of which is supporting Turkish backed FSA soldiers in northern Syria, something Iranian backed Shias militias and Assad regime see as a threat to their interests. This conflict is quite interesting to watch and will be even more so these coming months/years :).

I do believe we should provide more support to Turkey than we have been doing so far.
Good advancements in Al-Bab by TSK-FSA. SAA getting closer though.
I guess SAA is only interested in the vilage of Tadif after the small clashes we experienced with them two days ago. Now that the main road to al-Bab is totally under our controle, SAA has no chance to advance to al-Bab any longer.
I guess SAA is only interested in the vilage of Tadif after the small clashes we experienced with them two days ago. Now that the main road to al-Bab is totally under our controle, SAA has no chance to advance to al-Bab any longer.

Sure. M4 is the boarder line. Tadif was not fortified.
Sure. M4 is the boarder line. Tadif was not fortified.
I think the very recent incident of TAF supported FSA and SAA clashing was due the M4. And interestingly, the russian air bombardment that killed 3 TAF soldiers were located very close to M4, and right at the troops who were clashing against SAA that day.
It seems the bombardment was not an accident at all, but rather it was a message to TAF by Russians, portraying whom they'd keep side with if a real clash will emerge.
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