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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I think that recent Russian shipments will most likely be sams. Not the shit they usually flog to thick dictators but real advanced systems which may really put turkish drones and aircraft out of action over Syria. But that being said I'm sure that they had their own s400 covering their bases over latakia as well as naval versions in the area. So who knows? If the Turks are still flying unmolestered this time next week then it could be that the Russian tech is not as advanced as was made out or that the Turks have really made a quantum leap in electronic warfare. Or perhaps they are just not prepared to directly shoot down a Turkish jet. Whatever the truth is, we have little way of knowing.

Great opportunity to test SOM missiles against real targets.
Putin should have added... than when the strike happen... TR rescue helis were forbidden to fly and therefore only Ambulances were used... Such action, unfortunately may have killed more TR soldiers by not being treated in time.
Let's not even speak about Ambulances carrying TR soldiers being targeted too...
I mean, you can be blind... but not that blind....
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All the video's are fake :). And Erdogan sitting next to Putin is CGI too. The Turks even managed to make Putin look like a kid who was was in trouble for doing something naughty.

And Erdogan looks very disappointed. Putin is not giving much eye contact at all.

Great opportunity to test SOM missiles against real targets.
Well the Russians have used the conflict to test weapons on the Syrian population, so now its time that weapons are tested on them.
It’s a horrible thing to wish for. May the innocent souls find their place in heaven. None other than ideological opportunists wanted this chaos/tragedy.

Why haven’t we developed newer and better manpads.
It's easy to sacrifice sons, brothers, fathers when they are not yours.
no one here want Turkish muslim soldiers to die for Syria, all we need Turkey to do is force a NFZ, the mujahedines will happily die one after the other until they conquer Assad.
It's easy to sacrifice sons, brothers, fathers when they are not yours.
You didn’t understand my point
Each ceasefire that happened benefited assad militias russians have proven that you can’t trust them
Of course the perfect scenario would be permanent ceasifire with regime withdrawal to sochi borders where both turkish soldiers and idlib civilians will be safe and sound but we have to see things from realist view take the fighter jet example
TuAF has shot 3 regime jets yet assad flew su-22 yesterday as if nothing happened same attitude will be shown with the so called new ceasifire if Turkey doesn’t enforce NFZ then it’s best to pull back turkish soldiers stationed at observation posts but if such measure is done then idlib will fail and you know the consequences
This is why I advocate using hard force versus assad/hezbollah/russian mercenaries
The summary is either TAF should fight or get soldiers out of syria
Turkey is so divided on the Syrian operation (the parliament hustle as a proof) also Turks are starting to be fed up with Syrians inside Turkey (Attacks on Syrians homes and businesses inside turkey increasing ...) let alone the betrayal of the Muslim world namely the Arab dictators and their followers, Turkey is in the verge of collapse socially, people are tired, they just want an end for all these wars, I think Erdogan is sensing that that is why he will not go further, and the hope we had that Turkish military will free Syria is gone with the smoke (and that goes along with the Hadith BTW)
We all know that cease fire will be violated and assad and ru will capitalize on it. Knowing this and preparing a full counter attack is different than wishing for the talks to fail.
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