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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Yeah I should better control myself
But I would say that egyptians hate turks that’s my opinion based on what egyptian people are writing here
Same can be said for uae users here
Other arab users are friendly
But arab states are run by those same dictators who are responsible for anti-turkish actions
My anger is usually directed towards arab states sometimes i do make mistake and mix those puppet states with ordinary population which is not good
Do you know that arab states are supporting kurdish terrorist separatist organization that is actually occupying 1/3 of syria just to irritate turks???
I never watched videos because I don’t want to make my day bad but there’s lots of them how pkk terrorists are doing worst kind of things to peope from deir er zorr(we all know the demographics there so the victim’s origin is clear)
Having good relationship with israel isn’t bad thing for turkey on the contrary boosts turkish foreign policy

No the Egyptians do not HAte Turks... Actually after the Maghrebis, The Egyptians are among the top.
As for those on PDF... they aren't representing the reality... if myself had to ONLY follow/beleive what is written here since I came on this forum... I wouldn't be very Pro-TR...
Regime would do anything to keep their "power"... that's the reality and if tmrw the geopolitical maiden change... Their stance will change, every country do so... Even TR. That's realpolitik... What is Right or Wrong, doesn't mean anything in that balance.
Having relation with Israel, is the same as having relation with Russia...China... The US etc... As long as you follow what they wish... everything is ok... the moment you think/behave for yourself... you get the knife back...
Siding with Israel in this specific moment, will impact TR influence around the world... Adn will make TR a "simple" country among others... The maiden that TR need to shine is among the Muslim world... Like the US is among the West or China among the East... TR can't outshine the leadership of the kings of those region for now...
To help clarify the current situation in terms of demographics and population in Syria. in 2011 Syria had a population of 22 million.

-3.6 Million in Tr
-3.8 Million in Idlib
-2 million in Kurdish held areas
-1.1 million in EU
-930,000 in Lebanon
-660,000 in Jordan
-570,000 in other Arab countries ( Egypt, Qatar, Sudan, etc.
-245,000 in Iraq
-60,000 in North America (Us and Canada)
= 12.8-13 million Syrians live outside of government controlled areas.

600,000 have been killed

At present, the Arab Republic of Syria has a population of 8 million- 9 million in the areas of their control.

Let that sink in.
To help clarify the current situation in terms of demographics and population in Syria. in 2011 Syria had a population of 22 million.

-3.6 Million in Tr
-3.8 Million in Idlib
-2 million in Kurdish held areas
-1.1 million in EU
-930,000 in Lebanon
-660,000 in Jordan
-570,000 in other Arab countries ( Egypt, Qatar, Sudan, etc.
-245,000 in Iraq
-60,000 in North America (Us and Canada)
= 12.8-13 million Syrians live outside of government controlled areas.

600,000 have been killed

At present, the Arab Republic of Syria has a population of 8 million- 9 million in the areas of their control.

Let that sink in.
600K is the "Official" numbers based on what they could "see"... Few months ago, Independent bodies said that 800K was mostly the most accurate number.
Among the 8-9Mil, you have to take into account the natural death, since 2011 and the low birth rate of Syrians under ASSad...
If we are lucky, Maybe 7ishMil are left in 2020.
Let's hope that Turkey capitalises on the moment and completely crushes Assad. The Turkish flag must be waved in Haleb and Damascus again.

However, even that would not settle the pain Muslims experienced after learning that 33 of our brothers had been killed.
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