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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Someone who wants to go in wont knock on the door, dont expect anything, just saying.

It's the most difficult time to enter Syria in any major way, compared to all the previous years since 2011.

Erdogan should take the shame to save face, instead of making others die to save his face. He miscalculated a lot. I know others here want war but you online nationalist faggots aren't going to the frontlines, let's not forget that.
The momentum needs to be sustained until assad is defeated.

We know that Russia is behind it. Everyone knows that. Even tayyip knows it to. But they have no gut to say that out loud.
Who cares as long as they decimate assads army and the russian militia
Now is the time to speak less and do more
[QUOTE = "bosanski vojnik, post: 12114558, member: 173538"] Russian number of defeatist messages. **** off! [/ QUOTE]

I am not a Russian. Stop being paranoid here.
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I don't know what's wrong with some Turkish members here, I am in the side of Turkey , I am on the side of islam and on the side of the levant, this shows the division in this ummah, we can't even unite between ourselves, how can we unite against Russia @Trench Broom @Nein u guys are dead right, it's hopeless, All we can do is pray
So it was Russia or syria

I don't know what's wrong with some Turkish members here, I am in the side of Turkey , I am on the side of islam and on the side of the levant, this shows the division in this ummah, we can't even unite between ourselves, how can we unite against Russia @Trench Broom @Nein u guys are dead right, it's hopeless, All we can do is pray
@Trench Broom he is not Muslim.
If we believe his flag... then mostly a second gen Moroccan jew (mostly Atheist at this point)
If flag is fake... then... it's another Q...
Turkey has to act very wisely here so that what has been achieved could be lost. With the last two operations in Syria, Turkey has destroyed almost all of the European-American hope painting for the Kurdish occupation territories.

The Afrin operation was the strategically most important operation of the Turkish army. This put a stop to the breeding ground for a terrorist state for the next 100 years.

The goal of the Americans and Europeans was to provide the Kurds with access to the sea across Afrin so that the region was economically viable.

All of these brutal attacks by Syrians or Russians are an attempt to finally push the Turks out of Syria - that's the only reason for the Turks to be pinned down on Idlib.
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At first, Putin put a map on the table to make Turkish side accept a new territory which excludes M4/5 roads and Turkey refused their proposal and reminded Sochi borders to them. Actually, After US delivered Menbic, Kobane and other northern places to Russia, they established some bases there. With new bases, They need to control supply routes connecting North bases and lataika so Putin ordered his dogs to capture these roads even if this move violates the Sochi deal but Turkish backed groups captured Saraqib(M5 road) back by killing hundreds of Asadist dogs and closed strategic roads to them. With this way, Russi’s Idlib calculation was totally broken by Turkish backed forces. They bombed Saraqib 24/7 and have already bombing but they couldn’t succeed to recapture there. Asadist convoy that was sent there was totally destroyed by Turkish Army as well. Furthermore, Turkish backed forces captured 15-20 more location with marching towards South over the road and advancing is continuing on the same line. In this desperate situation, Russia created a big chaos plan over unprotected Turkish soldiers inside outposts to stop this advance. With this way, They would have hidden the defeat of Asadists in order to remain strong on the table. Each time, They are testing the reaction of Turkish side with applying dirty tactics to pull Turkish side on the table. If Turkey won’t take needed precuations, They will try similar attempts because they are losing strategic roads and Asadist dogs are not strong enough to carry out what they want. In paralel to this, Russia wants to keep Turkish Army out of the hot conflict because They don’t want a big humiliation in front of World community so trying to generate tactics (threatening with worst case scenarios, dropping bombs to an area close to our convoy proceeding frontlines) to keep Turkish Army stay at a safe distance to conflicts. They don’t want to totally confront against Turkish Army so they hides behind some excuses. What we are living at present is the results of chess maneuvrings on field but Unfortunately, Our land troops that was being sent to there without air coverage, frequently become an open target to dirty games of Russia/Asad forces and Our defenseless outposts are used as a bargain card.
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