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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

How this all develops between Russia and Turkey (Akkuyu,Turkstream,S400 etc.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but the current build up of the TSK is way to large for a simple ceasefire.
Akkuyu and turkstream are not bad for Turkey even can be used as leverage against russia
S400 should be sold to third party if russians refuse to give promised partial ToT
Even if they give it we should wait until hisar U and siper are finished by 2025 after that S400 should be sold and F-35 should be taken from 2025 onwards
So 3 years left for Erdogan or the opposition will succsesfully capitalize on the situation and they might be asshats´s but the people will out of principle vote for them to finally put an end to the refugee situation in Turkey.
if turkey has a new leader who says "stop refugees, freeze to death not my problem" then there will be massive genocide in Syria. bc the Assadists will kill anything that walks and there is no way out for the Syrians, this would mean simply that Turks have chosen the side of Russia-Iran-Assad in besieging the Muslims of Syria. so let's hope Erdogan stays if only to save the Syrians from genocide
if turkey has a new leader who says "stop refugees, freeze to death not my problem" then there will be massive genocide in Syria. bc the Assadists will kill anything that walks and there is no way out for the Syrians, this would mean simply that Turks have chosen the side of Russia-Iran-Assad in besieging the Muslims of Syria. so let's hope Erdogan stays if only to save the Syrians from genocide
There’s already syrian genocide 500K killed by assad the dog...
Turkey is national state for turks yet it has hosted syrians for 9 years almost entire decade where’s other arab/islamic states?? syrian kids&women who wish to become turks are free to stay otherwise they will be deported too certainly turks won’t tolerate foreign identities inside Turkey
Those middle aged man who already have formed an identity will be one or another way removed from turkish soil
Either deported or armenian destiny
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if turkey has a new leader who says "stop refugees, freeze to death not my problem" then there will be massive genocide in Syria. bc the Assadists will kill anything that walks and there is no way out for the Syrians, this would mean simply that Turks have chosen the side of Russia-Iran-Assad in besieging the Muslims of Syria. so let's hope Erdogan stays if only to save the Syrians from genocide

And thats another topic, the Turks dont want to engage Syrian people. We have to take care of our own people who are still recovering from the 2018 crisis. We are not in a position to help them and we dont want to be those who help them- but I already wrote that. And erdo isnt going to help them either, see his latest statements.

If ur are concerned with them make urself active, the arab world active and help them.
I am not lecturing u guys, I know u have done more than all Arab and Muslim countries combined, I am just saying that the borders should be open for them to flee for Europe . Either way we can only hope for the best for Turks and Syrian Muslims in the coming years
There’s already syrian genocide 500K killed by assad the dog...
Turkey is national state for turks yet it has hosted syrians for 9 years almost entire decade where’s other arab/islamic states?? syrian kids&women who wish to become turks are free to stay otherwise they will be deported too certainly turks won’t tolerate foreign identities inside Turkey
Those middle aged man who already have formed an identity will be one or another way removed from turkish soil
Either deported or armenian destiny
Did you even read yourself?
I read and Hear all this "Armenian genocide Hoax" and here you are saying "Look guys Syrian faith in Turkey gonna be like Armenians"...
And then You call yourself Muslim?


To all the guys in this thread... Who Call the name of ALLAH and in the next post is "OPENLY" ok to call for murder/genocide of Innocents... May I Ask if you think it's a joke to kill? Did you think you will not be held accountable for your actions?

I can understand those who aren't Muslims... even though you do not need to be Muslim to have empathy... but still... What is this rotten attitude of you all... to call and speak of "Killing" as if you are wiping your A$$?

Now Everyone can understand the frustration of such refugee issue/Identity etc... But in what Shape or form you can utter those rotten words...
NOT EVEN going to say that most of those who utter such words are BORN/LIVE OUTSIDE OF TURKEY... therefore making it even more "Funny" as it is...

Hope Allah guide you... and May No one of you have to live like those unfortunate souls...


Everyone understand the position/difficulty... but this is not an excuse to make the life of innocent, less than an animal.
I am not lecturing u guys, I know u have done more than all Arab and Muslim countries combined, I am just saying that the borders should be open for them to flee for Europe . Either way we can only hope for the best for Turks and Syrian Muslims in the coming years
No way. If that happens Turkish economy would collapse in a day. And Erddoğan will lose its power.
Funny thing is the Syrians want Hatay one of Assad ministers pointed it out they will conquer it back one day hahahahaha

That can only happen in Total War games or Age of Empires. Isnt it funny how Armenians, Kurds, Assyrians and Syrians all dream about taking back their lands when in reality they will easily get obliterated.

Armenia is as poor as shit neither do I feel sorry at all for them. I recommend people watching Ruhi Cennets video where he visits Armenia.

People who dream of taking back lost lands while their country is in tatters will just easily make way for their destruction.

If assad and his assholes want Hatay back well you gotta fight for it. I highly doubt Russia will support this. Russia will say you are on your own good luck lmaoo
Did you even read yourself?
I read and Hear all this "Armenian genocide Hoax" and here you are saying "Look guys Syrian faith in Turkey gonna be like Armenians"...
And then You call yourself Muslim?


To all the guys in this thread... Who Call the name of ALLAH and in the next post is "OPENLY" ok to call for murder/genocide of Innocents... May I Ask if you think it's a joke to kill? Did you think you will not be held accountable for your actions?

I can understand those who aren't Muslims... even though you do not need to be Muslim to have empathy... but still... What is this rotten attitude of you all... to call and speak of "Killing" as if you are wiping your A$$?

Now Everyone can understand the frustration of such refugee issue/Identity etc... But in what Shape or form you can utter those rotten words...
NOT EVEN going to say that most of those who utter such words are BORN/LIVE OUTSIDE OF TURKEY... therefore making it even more "Funny" as it is...

Hope Allah guide you... and May No one of you have to live like those unfortunate souls...


Everyone understand the position/difficulty... but this is not an excuse to make the life of innocent, less than an animal.
very well said.

Did you even read yourself?
I read and Hear all this "Armenian genocide Hoax" and here you are saying "Look guys Syrian faith in Turkey gonna be like Armenians"...
And then You call yourself Muslim?


To all the guys in this thread... Who Call the name of ALLAH and in the next post is "OPENLY" ok to call for murder/genocide of Innocents... May I Ask if you think it's a joke to kill? Did you think you will not be held accountable for your actions?

I can understand those who aren't Muslims... even though you do not need to be Muslim to have empathy... but still... What is this rotten attitude of you all... to call and speak of "Killing" as if you are wiping your A$$?

Now Everyone can understand the frustration of such refugee issue/Identity etc... But in what Shape or form you can utter those rotten words...
NOT EVEN going to say that most of those who utter such words are BORN/LIVE OUTSIDE OF TURKEY... therefore making it even more "Funny" as it is...

Hope Allah guide you... and May No one of you have to live like those unfortunate souls...


Everyone understand the position/difficulty... but this is not an excuse to make the life of innocent, less than an animal.
Look i feel sorry for syrians i know how balkan muslims suffered but i am just saying the truth just because sometimes reality is harsh doesn’t mean we shouldn’t tell how it is
Regarding armenians i am proud of enver talat and djemal what have done to them
Have you read when i was talking about them during ottoman history how they had powerful positions yet they have betrayed and killed hundreds of thousands turks/muslims and what happened to them they were purged for good from anatolia so I don’t have any mercy for an armenian maybe for this i will be asked from ALLAH i accept every punishment but will never change opinion about them or any other traitor
Turks although living in nationalistic state have done 100x more for syrians than arabs pakistanis indonesians or bengalis
Now you say that Turkey must jeopardize its demographic balance and receive another 4 milion syrians i tell you even if that happen don’t get me wrong but syrians will be rejected pretty badly and most likely either they will leave or erdogan will leave that’s maybe harsh reality but it is what it is
Turkish economy cannot handle new refugee you don’t have to live there to understand(i have info from my aunt in istanbul about economy)
Poor kurds/turks/muslims who are erdogan staunch supporters will turn back to him only because life is unsustainable for them
Secularist/nationalist turks would use to up the nationalism and you have the result which I said and that is deportation
Turks won’t tolerate new identity that’s a fact it doesn’t matter whether they are pro or against erdogan
There are deluded pro erdogan turks who put religion before state(5% of total supporters)
despite all of this still all turks regardless of ideology have welcomed syrian refugees for 10 years yet one day this has to end and that day is very near
I am not calling for armenian destiny to happen for syrians
I am just saying that large scale attacks will happen that will lead to syrian deaths
This is going to happen unfortunately I would never cheer for death of a muslim but i am here just giving warning not to be surprised later
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Why are our outposts in SAA captured territory still active, this is one of many questions where i can't find a answer... sacrifice to declare war when attacked? saving face by not retreating? or something else?
Why are our outposts in SAA captured territory still active, this is one of many questions where i can't find a answer... sacrifice to declare war when attacked? saving face by not retreating? or something else?
By vacating them, TR is officially accepting that Idlib is lost. Therefore any military op has to be stopped.


From today advance.
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