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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

But Kurds claim regions that are in Syria and Iraq too.

Secondly, Kurds in Turkey say that the Turkish state oppresses them. This I have posted with documentation in my previous posts.

I am only presenting a practical solution, something that will benefit not only the Kurds but also Iraq, Syria and Turkey.
Turks also claim balkans greece cyprus parts of hungary all the way to viena middle east central asia indian subcontinent east turkistan from china and big parts from northern russia where still turks live when all of this is given to turks then we can make some deal with kurds about their demands
This was equivalent to what you said
Now let’s be serious why should Turkey be divided just because minority(pkk kurds) out of minority(kurds) wants special rights
Do you know that pkk kurds every year change maps and add new cities that should belong to them??? How can you live with such people??? They now claim entire SOUTHERN TURKEY and according to you turks should be more soft??? Tomorrow they will give new fake name to istanbul and claim to be kurdish city....
You should seriously see either more objectively things or better not to talk about conflicts which you obviously lack knowledge
TURKEY RUSSIA FRANCE SPAIN GERMANY AND BRITAIN are states with established identity history traditions...
We can’t implement ethnicity division utopia(leftist/communist idea) on these old states because it won’t work only bigger conflict would be provoked
I don't really understand tho why ur quoting random Twitter shills constantly, if u want to bash them do that on twitter lol
Who wants to take the risk of flying in to a zone that is being jammed by Koral? Regime dogs can try their rusty russian things if they want..

It seems the "Koral" has no effect given the Syrian/Russian air forces keep bombing Idlib.

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It seems the "Koral" has no effect given the Syrian/Russian air forces keep bombing Idlib.

They did just send Koral to Idlib and also we dont know if its activated or not. Koral will probably be activated and especially after Erdogan said that from now on no planes will fly freely like before.
I don't really understand tho why ur quoting random Twitter shills constantly, if u want to bash them do that on twitter lol

Shills should be exposed no matter what. I also got banned on twitter many times.
We can’t implement ethnicity division utopia(leftist/communist idea) on these old states because it won’t work only bigger conflict would be provoked

I am not suggesting ethnic division. What I am suggesting is current states adopting a Progressive political system. If it worked in Libya and had a beginning in Venezuela ( until the current troubles there ) I don't see why it cannot work elsewhere.

Please read this document about how Jamahiriya theory works. It is a simple system which can work anywhere. It is a Direct Democracy Socialism system. Even Elon Musk has said that Direct Democracy is the most appropriate system for near-future Mars colonies.

You should seriously see either more objectively things or better not to talk about conflicts which you obviously lack knowledge

I accept that I don't have detailed knowledge about the troubles between the Turkish state and the Kurds ( especially the militant group PKK ) but it is this fact that allows me the advantage to be objective.

As I said in one of my previous posts, Abdullah Ocalan, the founder of PKK, wants a political solution to the Kurd issue, and there are non-Kurd Turkish citizens who are ready to talk to people like Ocalan. So what is the problem ??

The PKK is a Socialist movement and Jamahiriya aka Third Universal Theory is also a Socialist system. So why can't the Turkish establishment first adopt Jamahiriya theory and then tell the PKK ( and the rest of the Turkish Kurds ) that the Turkish establishment will no longer oppress them and will allow them to live within a Progressive nation.

Part of what I said above comes from Gaddafi's solution to the Kurd issue.

If this is not done, the Kurd issue will not be solved until the last vocal Kurd is alive.
No not misevaluate the mission profile of Koral. It firstly works with absorbing electromagnetic waves spreaded by enemy radars and later generats a counter-measure technics after the system solved the critical frequency, emmision classes information of enemy radars. With this way, The system starts emitting a very powerful counter electromagnetic interference covering a wide range of frequency bands where the enemy radars are detected for their operations. Wth this way, the radars lost situation awareness thanks to powerful emmissions coming from Koral like sources and can not distinguish between real and sanal echoes. PESA radars (Russian radars are PESA) are open to be jammed easily while AESA radars are difficult because of their ultimate frequency hopping capability in per second by feeding each T/R modules with a seperate phase shifter. The blindness of radars proceed Until they found a safe frequency where the EA/ET systems didn’t interfere. Frequency coverage capacity of systems is totally related with emission output power of system. More output power means better jamming and better coverage of frequency. As long as attack on enemy radar proceeds, The operator screen of radar will be totally covered with unneeded target echoes. If you jam a missile Rf link with this way, You may even alter the cource of missile by showing own platform as a target. Otherwise, Koral is not a SAM system so You can not shot down an enemy aircraft with electronic attack technics.
PKK is a terrorist group which has murdered 100,00 Turkish citizens, most of whom are Kurdish.

There can be no peace deal with such people, they must be eliminated. Today they are the darlings of US, Russia, Israel, Germany, France, Iran, and Syrian Regime. Their objectives against Turkey are clear.

Vast majority of Kurds are oppressed by PKK in Northern Syria and Northern Iraq. Most Kurds are Sunni Muslims. Most of these PKK terrorists are from Yazidi and Atheist backgrounds.
I am not suggesting ethnic division. What I am suggesting is current states adopting a Progressive political system. If it worked in Libya and had a beginning in Venezuela ( until the current troubles there ) I don't see why it cannot work elsewhere.

Please read this document about how Jamahiriya theory works. It is a simple system which can work anywhere. It is a Direct Democracy Socialism system. Even Elon Musk has said that Direct Democracy is the most appropriate system for near-future Mars colonies.

I accept that I don't have detailed knowledge about the troubles between the Turkish state and the Kurds ( especially the militant group PKK ) but it is this fact that allows me the advantage to be objective.

As I said in one of my previous posts, Abdullah Ocalan, the founder of PKK, wants a political solution to the Kurd issue, and there are non-Kurd Turkish citizens who are ready to talk to people like Ocalan. So what is the problem ??

The PKK is a Socialist movement and Jamahiriya aka Third Universal Theory is also a Socialist system. So why can't the Turkish establishment first adopt Jamahiriya theory and then tell the PKK ( and the rest of the Turkish Kurds ) that the Turkish establishment will no longer oppress them and will allow them to live within a Progressive nation.

Part of what I said above comes from Gaddafi's solution to the Kurd issue.

If this is not done, the Kurd issue will not be solved until the last vocal Kurd is alive.
I understand now your views but Turkey is located in a sectarian shithole called Middle East
Ocalan has kurdish and turkish parent yet he has betrayed his homeland next time please don’t say nice words because it irritates me and 95% of people in Turkey
Pkk has ethnofasichsm view on other ethnicities also their history propaganda is fake news
Diyarbakir has been historically christian majority kurds are now majority thanks to stupid christians betraying Ottoman Empire
Actually SE was christian majority with strong muslim minority until WW1
Ottoman Empire was global state led by turks with wide range autonomy for other minorities and WE ALL KNOW THE END
Turkey is nationalistic state and we can’t approve wishes from certain minority
I have already said I don’t have problem with kurds or any other ethnic group as long as they are loyal to Turkey you can see previous conversation i took part in other threads
I will be short what pkk says on paper and what they do on the ground are two completely opposite things
Today kurds can freely sing in their native language there are kurdish-turkish marriages today you have turks employed at business owned by a kurd.... etc
You should know that turkish society and identity is much more complex than you think
Pkk kurds(minority) are killing pro-Turkey kurds( big majority) everyday
pkk kurds claim that pro-turkey kurds are assimilated yet it is the same pkk that uses turkish language as a lingua franca despite their so called kurdish nationalist stance they also listen turkish songs..etc and since 1990 they are situated in northern iraq so their propaganda about being forced to speak turkish is fake news
If there’s no common national identity then a state cannot stay alive that’s a FACT
I can continue and write tens of pages but I will tell you something in short pkk kurds don’t want coexistence they want to grab as much territory as they can(this is called greed and it is known since ancient times that people won’t settle down for one piece of land if they have chance for stealing more)
One thing is raw ethnic identity from 20th century another one is historical already developed identity in cultural economical political and other areas
Tell me why do you call yourself indian???
Because it’s common identity for 1B+ people
If you give almost state autonomy to all ethnic&religious groups i give less than one year before india goes into full scale civil war

PKK is a terrorist group which has murdered 100,00 Turkish citizens, most of whom are Kurdish.

There can be no peace deal with such people, they must be eliminated. Today they are the darlings of US, Russia, Israel, Germany, France, Iran, and Syrian Regime. Their objectives against Turkey are clear.

Vast majority of Kurds are oppressed by PKK in Northern Syria and Northern Iraq. Most Kurds are Sunni Muslims. Most of these PKK terrorists are from Yazidi and Atheist backgrounds.
Pkk leadership is of armenian origin who took kurdish identify after 1915
Ocalan is partially turkish...
Murat kaylan is turk at least he claims the ethnicity
Pkk is definitely not pro-kurdish organization as foreigners think
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