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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

You're motivated by nationalism, Turkish nationalism and you are telling non-Turks, Arabs in this case that we are bad for not having the same Turkish nationalism as you.

Do you see why you and your friends here should just **** off and quit crying. Yeah I see. Call baba cabatli and ban, this sub-forum is like a cult of nationalist kids. Deport all Syrians from Turkey and your housing market will be fucked with rent prices plummeting.

He just stated historical facts, of Arabs under Arab nationalism. But not all Arabs are to be painted with the same brush of course.

And who said deport all Syrians? First this is almost impossible at this point, secondly just deport the ones who do crime and serve literally 0 benefit to society. But, after all most are in need of help, and as Turks we are welcoming and warm hearted people.
He just stated historical facts, of Arabs under Arab nationalism. But not all Arabs are to be painted with the same brush of course.

And who said deport all Syrians? First this is almost impossible at this point, secondly just deport the ones who do crime and serve literally 0 benefit to society. But, after all most are in need of help, and as Turks we are welcoming and warm hearted people.
Deport all men so they can fight for their country instead of smoking shisha on the beach every day
As i mentioned many times before i have nothing against helping the Old, Children and Women... but a men should take a weapon and fight for his country.

@CamelGuy You mad, cuz can‘t stand the truth?
Deport all men so they can fight for their country instead of smoking shisha on the beach every day

There is no political will from AKP to do that. Think about it. Why is AKP so keen about keep Syrians in Turkey? They serve to islamize and Arabize Turkey. In couple of decades we won’t recognize Turkey anymore.
. .
I mean helping people in need should be our number 1 priority, HOWEVER why do we, the Turks, have to house majority of Syrian refugees when the West and all the other middle eastern countries are taking in very little, if any... Where is the fairness in that? And Syrians in Turkey... Work and earn your money like we do instead of accepting welfare checks from the government!!! This makes me sick!!
As i mentioned many times before i have nothing against helping the Old, Children and Women... but a men should take a weapon and fight for his country.

@CamelGuy You mad, cuz can‘t stand the truth?

You mean they should fight on behalf of the SAA and bomb the groups (terrorists) erdogan has organized right.

I mean helping people in need should be our number 1 priority, HOWEVER why do we, the Turks, have to house majority of Syrian refugees when the West and all the other middle eastern countries are taking in very little, if any... Where is the fairness in that? And Syrians in Turkey... Work and earn your money like we do instead of accepting welfare checks from the government!!! This makes me sick!!

Turkey was the main player in fucking up Syria, you own that problem. Did you have any of such problems before 2010? No but your AKP had to **** it up.
. . . .
Those Turks that made the revolt against Erdogan, 15th of July, will you be the enemy of their grand children too?
Come on guys. Arabs just got lied by westrn world for great future as the kurds today. or as CHP or others.. .
if you think they are wrong, prove them being wrong by explaining. there is no main issue between Arabs and Turks and i felt them very close to our culture.
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U can cry as much as u want - it doesnt change the fact that ur kind is being deported.

Syrians report deportations as Turkey takes harder line on refugees

Refugees and NGOs say hundreds of Syrians have been forcibly returned in recent weeks.


If u want these refugees in belgium go sign a petition with the belgian people and get them there Turkey is no longer an option for that many refugees.
Nobody has to like anyone cause of this or that reason. Just enjoy the mutual benefits of states If any. Otherwise, Turkey is not established as Int.HelpingOrganization to help the people coming all around the borders so All inside Turkiye will be sent to the place where they were born. Neither Palestinians, nor any other state from different nationality have a bigger value above the benefits of Turkish Republic and Turkish public. Harming the benefits of Turkiye in sake of protecting the others while spreading the public money to them in a climate that unemployment rates are climbing is an open insult to the future of Turkish public. Majority in this country, especially the people living in big industrial cities acknowledge the problem like that. The politicians acting otherwise will be punished in elections as well. That’s why they started to take action to deport some of them. Now, Stay on topic, Otherwise I will keep the people causing problem out of this thread.
Eski Müşterek Özel Görev Kuvvet Komutanı emekli Tuğgeneral Erdal Şener, Türkiye’nin Fırat’ın doğusuna yapmayı planladığı kara harekâtının masa başında engellendiğini söyledi. Askeri güç kullanmaya ABD’nin müsaade etmediğini anlatan Şener, “ABD, PKK/ PYD’nin yok olmasına müsaade etmez. Kapalı kapılar ardında TSK’nin kara harekâtını engellemeyi başardılar. Güvenli bölge açıklaması ve ortak harekât toplumun tansiyonunu düşürmeye yönelik bir açıklama” dedi.

Türkiye’nin Suriye’de gerçekleştirdiği Zeytin Dalı ve Fırat Kalkanı operasyonlarında görev yapan ve geçen hafta Yüksek Askeri Şûra’da normal bekleme süresini tamamlamadan kadrosuzluk nedeniyle emekli edilen Müşterek Özel Görev Kuvvet Komutanı Emekli Tuğgeneral Erdal Şener, Türkiye ve ABD arasındaki “Güvenli bölgeye” ilişkin Cumhuriyet’e konuştu. Türkiye’nin Fırat’ın doğusuna yönelik operasyonu için ABD ile bir senedir görüştüğünü anlatan Şener, “Amerika, PKK/PYD’ye 10-15 bin TIR silah, mühimmat ve askeri malzeme verdi. Onları orada bir ordu haline getirdi. Hem bizimle görüşüp hem PKK/PYD’yi güçlendirdi. Bizimkiler ise askeri güçle ele geçirir, kendi kuyruğumuzu kendimiz keseriz diyerek bölgeye Türkiye tarafından 5-10 komando tugayı yığıldı. Karşı tarafa da ben hazırım mesajı verildi. Aralık ayından bu yana da yığınak yapıldı. Bu arada görüşmeler sürerken önceki gün güvenli bölge anlaşması yapıldı. Bu açıklamadan Türkiye’nin askeri harekât yapmasına izin verilmediğini anlıyoruz. Kamuoyunun tansiyonunu düşürmek için de böyle bir açıklama yapıldı. Askeri güç kullanmaya ABD müsede etmedi çünkü orada PKK/PYD üzerinden yürüttüğü varlığının yok edilmesini göze alamaz” dedi.

‘ABD’nin çıkarına’
ABD’nin kendi tampon bölgesini oluşturduğunu kaydeden Şener, “ABD’de Fırat Kalkanı ve Zeytin Dalı Harekâtı’nı kaybetmenin acısı var. ABD, bu anlaşmayla Rusya’ya bölgede ben de varım mesajı verdi. Türkiye’nin orada askeri operasyon yapma yetkisi yok. Oyalama taktiği ile karargah kurup iş yapıyormuş gibi davranacaklar. Bu anlaşma Türkiye’nin değil, ABD’nin çıkarına oldu. Bekle gör politikası uygulanacak. Ortak harekât ve devriyeden bahsediliyor. Ben Fırat’ın batısında PKK/PYD’nin elinde tek olan Münbiç’te Amerikalılarla devriye yaptım. Bir gün Münbiç’e girmedik. Dostlar alışverişte görsün devriyesi oldu. Şimdi 30-40 km. derinlikten bahsediliyor. Tamamen hayal. O bölgeye Zeytin Dalı ve Fırat Kalkanı gibi müdahale olmadan PKK/PYD’yi söküp atamazsın. PKK/PYD’ye ve Kürt devletine yol açılmıştır” ifadelerini kullandı.

Translation : former joint task force commander said the new agreement with the us is bullshit

You're motivated by nationalism, Turkish nationalism and you are telling non-Turks, Arabs in this case that we are bad for not having the same Turkish nationalism as you.

Do you see why you and your friends here should just **** off and quit crying. Yeah I see. Call baba cabatli and ban, this sub-forum is like a cult of nationalist kids. Deport all Syrians from Turkey and your housing market will be fucked with rent prices plummeting.

The Truth is that Turkey accepted millions of Arabs with open arms with the bare minimum expectation that they would behave in a civilised and decent manner. Unfortunately not many have and therefore you have a situation like you see today.

Turks never had these kind of problems with Albanian refugees, Bosniaks, Gorani, Pomaks etc.. but usually with Arabs and Kurds. Care to wonder why?

Anyway, I don't think it's right for you to accuse others of nationalism when Iraq, is a country that openly discriminates against it's Turkmen minority.

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