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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Looks to me more of a political stunt, is he gonna escort every single flotilla sailing to Gaza? I think it will further escalate the situation, and in the end people of Gaza gonna suffer.
Yes they are suffering, but how this event gonna change anything?
There is a tipping point to everything. Once Israel's blockade of aid is breached, there will be no stopping it

Check this out, more aid makes its way to Gaza

You need a lot of inspiration to defy tyranny and violence that the Israelis are subjugating the Palestinians with. There is no excuse to deny food and clothing to Palestinians.

Palestinians will die either way, either fighting or by starving to death.

By all international norms a blockade is an act of war. So if the Turkish PM is blocked again Israel will be the one committing the act of war. The Turkish PM just wants to ensure there is a steady supply of aid with food, clothing and medicine that reaches Gaza.

Its as peaceful an act as it can get. Giving food to the needy!
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TEHRAN, June 6, 2010 (AFP) - Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards are ready to escort aid flotillas to Gaza if the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei orders this, a Khamenei aide said on Sunday.
"The Revolutionary Guards' naval forces are fully prepared to escort freedom and peace flotillas carrying humanitarian aid from all over the world to the oppressed people of Gaza," Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's naval representative, told the Mehr news agency.
"If the respected leader of the revolution (Khamenei) gives an order in this regard to the Revolutionary Guards' naval forces, it will take a practical step using its capability and equipment to escort flotillas to Gaza," he said.
I read a statement by Mr Qazi Hussain Ahmed, flashed by a television channel, that he will accompany the Turkish PM in Gaza aid mission.
Rumors are that Israel is backing off and will be allowing Erdogan's ship to pass through...
There is a tipping point to everything. Once Israel's blockade of aid is breached, there will be no stopping it

Check this out, more aid makes its way to Gaza

YouTube - Egypt fails to block Gaza tunnels

You need a lot of inspiration to defy tyranny and violence that the Israelis are subjugating the Palestinians with. There is no excuse to deny food and clothing to Palestinians.

Palestinians will die either way, either fighting or by starving to death.

By all international norms a blockade is an act of war. So if the Turkish PM is blocked again Israel will be the one committing the act of war. The Turkish PM just wants to ensure there is a steady supply of aid with food, clothing and medicine that reaches Gaza.

Its as peaceful an act as it can get. Giving food to the needy!

I don't think Israelis are fool enough to attack Turk PM boat, they will let him pass. But by any means it won't ensure steady supply of aids to Gaza. Turk PM should do whats really needed that is to bargain uncle and rest of Nato members to his and palestine's side if he really cares for Gaza. I'm really sorry but I see nothing but stunt in this, he will prove himself hero to turk people but then what?
I don't think Israelis are fool enough to attack Turk PM boat, they will let him pass. But by any means it won't ensure steady supply of aids to Gaza. Turk PM should do whats really needed that is to bargain uncle and rest of Nato members to his and palestine's side if he really cares for Gaza. I'm really sorry but I see nothing but stunt in this, he will prove himself hero to turk people but then what?

Dude the whole point of the blockade is to prove to the world that oh we can do what every we want to! And that attitude has to be shattered.

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