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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

And once that illegal blockade is finished then there is no need of rulers to go with the aid ship.. Turkish PM is going to stop the illegal blockade of Israelis on Gaza and I support him in this step.....

What if in remote case the PM actually floats in the flotilla and come to Gaza and Israel let the flotilla through. But then all the others are stopped?

Israel is already allowing a certain amount of aid to go through after throughly checking the content. What if they keep doing it from the next trip onward. If nothing else, may be the scanning would be more severe and all the wrath will fall upon the poor people of Gaza.

Thats what I am pointing out since beginning, if Turkey is so concerned, then it should look for long term solutions not a token gesture like sending PM with the supply.
Well, First thing you said was Israel dont care about the world opinion because of the Big Daddy, So why do you think the situation has changed any bit. US is still the lone superpower, and its still putting that umbrella over Israel. So, nothing has changed since 1971. Well Can the trip of PM, Turkey change a thing? May be not, But ,May be its the beginning of the change.

About the PM going there, I highly doubt it. He would be already under tremendous back door pressure. I wont be surprised if the things change very soon and media will cover it intelligently.

Well that is exactly what I said when I wrote that even now the GOA will take care of the mess. Why do you think that they mellowed down the UN resolution. Precisely for the same reason, and also as we talk there definetly is back door pressure. But the one thing that had happened now is that the israelies have come very close to shooting themselves in the foot. And they cant afford to do that more often. As much as they would want to why do you think that so far we have not had an attack on Iran. For the very same reason that the US is too busy in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they cant afford to make more mess of things.

Situation will surely start to change, the israelies have shown that they are volnureable. They are not something invisible like people use to think that they were back in the days.

media will cover it intelligently

The only intelligence they will show is their portraying the Flotilla guys as hardliners and terrorists.

Also I had posted an article by Robert Fisk where he very nicely sums up the attitude of the media towards the whole incident.

What if in remote case the PM actually floats in the flotilla and come to Gaza and Israel let the flotilla through. But then all the others are stopped?

Israel is already allowing a certain amount of aid to go through after throughly checking the content. What if they keep doing it from the next trip onward. If nothing else, may be the scanning would be more severe and all the wrath will fall upon the poor people of Gaza.

Thats what I am pointing out since beginning, if Turkey is so concerned, then it should look for long term solutions not a token gesture like sending PM with the supply.

KB this the very recent report on the issues with humanitarian aid into GAZA and west bank.

May 2010


This Special Focus draws attention to the range of measures currently impeding the humanitarian community’s ability to provide assistance to vulnerable Palestinians. The delivery of principled humanitarian assistance requires an operating environment that is conducive to the regular and continued deployment of staff and supplies, and managed in accordance with the principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence. In the occupied Palestinian territory, however, the humanitarian community is facing a number of obstacles to the movement of staff and goods and other restrictions impacting day-to-day operations that limit its ability to efficiently and effectively respond to existing needs.

“When the delivery of humanitarian access is restricted, lives are lost and misery prolonged needlessly.”1
John Holmes, UN Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

The delivery of principled humanitarian assistance requires an operating environment that is conducive to the regular and continued deployment of staff and supplies, and managed in accordance with the humanitarian principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence. In the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), however, the humanitarian community is facing a number of obstacles to the movement of staff and goods and other restrictions impacting day-to-day operations that impede the provision of humanitarian aid to vulnerable Palestinians.

The current humanitarian operation in the oPt is one of the largest in the world; at the time of its launching in November 2009, the oPt Consolidated Appeal (CAP) for 2010 ranked fifth out of 12 appeals globally, in terms of requested assistance. Through the oPt CAP, UN agencies and international and national NGOs2 requested over US$ 660 million for 2010. This support is intended to help mitigate the worst impacts of on-going conflict on the most vulnerable Palestinians, who continue to face a human dignity crisis, characterized by the erosion of livelihoods and the continued denial of basic human rights; nearly 40 percent of the Palestinian population is food-insecure and unemployment levels in the West Bank and Gaza Strip remain high.3

The humanitarian operations outlined in the oPt’s CAP occur within the context of a prolonged Israeli military occupation in which policies to alter the status and character of the territory continue to be pursued contrary to international law. The situation in the Gaza Strip, in particular, presents severe impediments to humanitarian operations. Sweeping import restrictions imposed by Israel since June 2007 have either prevented the implementation of planned humanitarian projects or resulted in significant delays. For example, UNRWA reports that it has had 24 construction and infrastructure projects, totaling some US$ 109 million in donor funds, frozen as a result of the blockade. Among the affected projects are schools, health facilities, housing units, and sewage infrastructure. Additionally, the ‘no contact’ policy of some donors, prohibiting contact with the Hamas authorities, continues to affect some humanitarian organizations, while Hamas’s requests for compliance with its administrative procedures from UN agencies and NGOs have intensified. This ‘two-way’ tension is narrowing the operational independence of some organizations and, at times, restricts on-going humanitarian operations.

In the West Bank, humanitarian organizations face ongoing restrictions on movement and access. Policies include a permit regime required for staff from the West Bank to enter East Jerusalem, and continued access difficulties stemming from the deployment of hundreds of closure obstacles, among others. In particular, agencies mandated with service provision are limited in doing so in Area C, due to the restrictive planning regime applied by Israel and restrictions to obtaining building permits and difficulties accessing certain areas.

The humanitarian community’s primary concern with the measures outlined in this report is that they impede its ability to meet the needs of vulnerable Palestinians whose livelihoods have been reduced or destroyed by years of continued occupation, conflict and the denial of basic human rights.4 More than ever, immediate steps are required to reverse this trend.

A complete lifting of Israel’s blockade on the Gaza Strip and improved Palestinian access to land and resources in the West Bank and external markets are just a few examples of measures that could significantly improve Palestinian livelihoods through a reduction in unemployment and poverty. Israel’s modest relaxation in recent months of some import restrictions, which have allowed for the entry to Gaza of a number of much needed, previously-restricted items, including glass, wood, and aluminum, among others, have been welcome improvements.

In addition, all parties to the conflict must abide by their international legal obligations to ensure the smooth passage of humanitarian relief and personnel, and that the humanitarian community is able to carry out its work effectively and efficiently. Additionally, there is a need for donor countries to strongly advocate for an improvement in the humanitarian situation and respect for humanitarian operations in their bilateral relations with the authorities concerned. Another necessary step is that relevant donor countries and affected humanitarian organizations re-evaluate their position vis-à-vis the ‘no contact’ policy, where humanitarian operations are concerned, as well as related funding restrictions. Finally, the humanitarian community needs financial support for initiatives designed to resolve or overcome access issues and other restrictions on humanitarian operations.

Impeding Assistance: Challenges to Meeting the Humanitarian Needs of Palestinians -- OCHA special focus (27 May 2010)

4 June 2010

Situation in Gaza

Christiane Berthiaume of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said that the United Nations Children's Fund and its partners were working in extremely difficult conditions to provide help to the approximately 800,000 children in Gaza, which represented more than half of the population living in the Strip. Development gains in Gaza were being reversed due to the blockade.

Together with the UN Secretary-General, UNICEF calls for an immediate lifting of the closure, and full, unimpeded access for humanitarian supplies and personnel, said Ms. Berthiaume.

The current situation was particularly affecting the youngest ones. Children in need of specialized care outside of Gaza had to navigate severe access restrictions and ten had died between 2009 and January 2010 due to delays in accessing critical care.

According to a study by Save the Children, chronic malnutrition in children had doubled from 1.2 per cent in 2006 to 2.4 per cent in 2008, said Ms. Berthiaume. Also, no new schools have been built due to the lack of construction material and the vast majority of schools had to operate in double shift in order to accommodate the sheer number of students.

Students wishing to pursue their studies abroad were regularly barred from leaving Gaza. Learning achievements within Gaza were plummeting, said Ms. Berthiaume. This year, only 46 per cent of fourth graders had passed their mathematics exams and 50 per cent their Arab language exams.

Ms. Berthiaume said that water and wastewater services have been rendered unreliable due to the lack of essential material for repair and maintenance work. Only around 10 per cent of the water in Gaza’s aquifer was fit for human consumption. Every day between 50 to 80 million of litres of partially untreated sewage were released into the Mediterranean.

Further, there was no specific list of what was allowed to enter Gaza or not. United Nations Children's Fund items have taken prolonged period for clearance into Gaza, including water pumps that had now spent seventeen months in the Ashdod warehouse, said Ms. Berthiaume. Math and science teaching kits had been stuck at customs since January because they contained periscopes and compasses.

Blockade's impact on children in Gaza - UNICEF/UNOG press briefing (Excerpts) (4 June 2010)
Repectivly bharti Stupid, Muslim didnt capture Jews land, before 1400 year there is no Islam, all arab are non muslim. All were Jews, Hindus, Christans, after the rise of Islam they mostly converted to Islam, all Muslim today were non-muslim before Islam, the Jews living in Plastine, were convert to Islam..
Well that is exactly what I said when I wrote that even now the GOA will take care of the mess. Why do you think that they mellowed down the UN resolution. Precisely for the same reason, and also as we talk there definetly is back door pressure. But the one thing that had happened now is that the israelies have come very close to shooting themselves in the foot. And they cant afford to do that more often. As much as they would want to why do you think that so far we have not had an attack on Iran. For the very same reason that the US is too busy in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they cant afford to make more mess of things.

Situation will surely start to change, the israelies have shown that they are volnureable. They are not something invisible like people use to think that they were back in the days.

media will cover it intelligently

The only intelligence they will show is their portraying the Flotilla guys as hardliners and terrorists.

Also I had posted an article by Robert Fisk where he very nicely sums up the attitude of the media towards the whole incident.


Look we both agreed on both the points.

1. Israel still is not giving a hoot , due to big daddy. But about invincibility, why do you think anyone else will ever attack Israel? What is the solid reason for which turkey will ever go to war with Israel? Any war will hamper their economic progress as well as they can kiss the seat in EU a goodbye. Dont tell me they will just fight with Israel for the people in Gaza. I seriously wont believe that. They must have a good enough reason to fight anyone.

2. Thats again what I said, Media has a huge power. If they can constantly portray Turkey as the villain then its the end game for them. Which I think will be another reason why Turkey wont like any misadventure to happen.
its stupid think i ever heared israel is one of powerful country so that's why till now they survive .they have high tech weapon,his strongest ally is america not even turkey strike on it. this is true.
Look we both agreed on both the points.

1. Israel still is not giving a hoot , due to big daddy. But about invincibility, why do you think anyone else will ever attack Israel? What is the solid reason for which turkey will ever go to war with Israel? Any war will hamper their economic progress as well as they can kiss the seat in EU a goodbye. Dont tell me they will just fight with Israel for the people in Gaza. I seriously wont believe that. They must have a good enough reason to fight anyone.

2. Thats again what I said, Media has a huge power. If they can constantly portray Turkey as the villain then its the end game for them. Which I think will be another reason why Turkey wont like any misadventure to happen.

I had made a point some where earlier and my personal believe is that Edgordan needs to work on his popularity and he can become the front man of the movement. The problem with all of OIC with not being able to stop israel is the disunity, and if a man can take them forward is this man the Turkish PM.
There is neither Israel nor Palestine state in the World before WWII.

Jews lived in present day Israel and Israel as a national existed long before your Qing, Ming, Jin dynasties existed.

I can't blame you for not knowing history. You know only the limit allowed by your communist party.

I don't know enough about what China is doing in Tibet or Sinkiang to comment on that.

May be you don't want to know so as to not offend your chinese brother in arms ?

Ugur muslims can get arrested even for carrying Quran or going to Mosque in XinXiang. Once Majority in XinXiang, Ugur muslims are now getting outnumbered by Mass-Migration of Han Chinese by Systematic state policy of Communist Party of China. That is far worst than Palestinian situation. Same is happening in Tibet.

It is amazing how Muslim countries keep their head in Sand when it comes to China. They angrily talk against West, but they go silent when it comes to China.
Jews lived in present day Israel and Israel as a national existed long before your Qing, Ming, Jin dynasties existed.

I can't blame you for not knowing history. You know only the limit allowed by your communist party.

May be you don't want to know so as to not offend your chinese brother in arms ?

Ugur muslims can get arrested even for carrying Quran or going to Mosque in XinXiang. Once Majority in XinXiang, Ugur muslims are now getting outnumbered by Mass-Migration of Han Chinese by Systematic state policy of Communist Party of China. That is far worst than Palestinian situation. Same is happening in Tibet.

It is amazing how Muslim countries keep their head in Sand when it comes to China. They angrily talk against West, but they go silent when it comes to China.

Yuan, Ming, Qing are Chinese history

But Palestine and Israel have been under Roman and Ottoman governing for a long time!

I ROC (Taiwan) side, even though some Taiwanese claim independence, but generally, Taiwanese have no different viewpoint from Mainlander, think that Tibet is legal part of China.

Why constitution of ROC (not PRC) claim Tibet is integral part of China! (This is not communist or non-communist problem, KMT also claim Tibet!)
Last edited:
Jews lived in present day Israel and Israel as a national existed long before your Qing, Ming, Jin dynasties existed.

I can't blame you for not knowing history. You know only the limit allowed by your communist party.

May be you don't want to know so as to not offend your chinese brother in arms ?

Ugur muslims can get arrested even for carrying Quran or going to Mosque in XinXiang. Once Majority in XinXiang, Ugur muslims are now getting outnumbered by Mass-Migration of Han Chinese by Systematic state policy of Communist Party of China. That is far worst than Palestinian situation. Same is happening in Tibet.

It is amazing how Muslim countries keep their head in Sand when it comes to China. They angrily talk against West, but they go silent when it comes to China.

Also, you Indian and Western Whites don't agree Tibet is part of China. Pakistani and World Muslim also don't agree Kashmir is part of India.

This is just a great game / political game among powers.

Power decides everything and truth!

We China is NOT 100-year-ago China.
salute to this brave man aftar a long time we are seeing some muslim leader
talking bravly against the israel .but where the arab cowerds ?
Qazi Hussain Ahmed has announced that he will also go to GAZA along with Turkish PM
Your knowlege of muslim history is at best pathetic. There were no treaties of muslim's with jew's that say, convert or be killed.

u say there were no treaties of muslims with jews that say convert or be killed.. then what else was there in those treaties...???
the point is not that ,uslims had any treaties with jews or not ,
the point is thousands and lacs of jews were massacared all over arabia and middle east by invading muslim armies.

All they muslim,s wanted from these jew's is to remain nuetral in case the Quresh tribe attacks madina, but as in there blood they tried to play double game and paid the price.

nobody attacked muslims first ever in the history.
its muslims who always initaited the wars , killed innocents.
ure saying jews paid the price...???
does paying the price means massacre all the men and the boys who have reached puberty and enslave and sell the women and children as vat muslims did with the Banu Qurayza?
Does paying the price means raid cities without warning, kill all able men who have gone out for their daily business,
enslave all the young women and rape them and take away their properties and put the elderly and sick to till the land and give to the invader HALF of the proceeds as muslims did with the Jews of Kheibar?
Does paying the price means say sleep with women you capture in wars even if they are married as is instructed to Muslims to do in Quran 4:24 or as was done with Safiyah the Jewess of Bani Nadir whose father, husbad and many relatives were killed and Ryhanah the Jewess of Babu Qurayza?
no jew ever conspired against u muslims.
these conspirace theories are the hallmark of islam.
Assuming the lies of conspiracy theories about the Banu Quraiza were true, did all the
men in this tribe deserved death? Did that warrant such punishment?
Muhammad ordered the inspection of the genitals of boys to determine if they
had grown pubic hair and if they had, he counted them amongst men and
beheaded them. Is this justice? What was the guilt of the women and children
who became slaves?

In 1979, the Pakistani soldiers and the Pakistani president committed despicable
acts of barbarity in Bangladesh, massacring 3,000,000 unarmed civilians and
rapping 250,000 women (God knows how many more did not report out of
shame or were part of those killed after being raped). This is a real crime, not
like the bogus accusations made by Muhammad against the Banu Quraiza. What
do you think should be done to the entire Pakistani nation? Should every
Pakistani man be put to death and all their women and children taken as slaves?
This is what Muhammad did to the Banu Quraiza. It is unconscionable to defend
those acts. Everything Muhammad did was egregious. Any person who can’t
see the evilness of this massacre must have evil in his or her heart.

Jew's were more killed and banished by christian than muslim's in history, go check early christian history.

does this make the crimes of muslims any less horrendous..???
get back to ure senses.

Jew's r like parasite's, they eat there host from inside untill its to late. (american's will know that very soon).

according to me muslims are parasites.
whichever contry muslims go to , the end breaking that country into parts , look at india , look at chechenya , look at britain , look at thailand , look at phillipines.

Just imagine no planted Israel in ME, will there be any conflict between Muslim's and chirstian.

just imagine no islam in world , will there be any conflict in the whole world..??
95 % of the conflicts and bloodshed will automatically be resolved , if islam dissappeared.

Jew's know that there survival depends upon Muslim/Chirstian confilit, otherwise they will be in deep trouble coz of there double's face nature.

jews know muslims wont let them survive untill they fight back n give them dose of thier own medicine.

Jesus christ was crucified coz of jewish informer.

does this automatically mean muslims are angels..???
Turkey hosts Eurasian summit amid Israel storm

Sun Jun 6, 2010 6:23am EDT

(Reuters) - Turkey, seething with anger after an Israeli raid on an aid ship bound for Gaza, hosts leaders from Russia, Iran, the Arab world and beyond this week for a Eurasian security summit that may further isolate Israel.

The guest list for the meeting in Istanbul of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), reads like a "who's who" of leaders from world hot spots, with participants from the Middle East, South Asia and the Korean Peninsula.

Israel is one of 20 members of the forum, but has decided to send a diplomat from its consulate, an Israeli embassy official said on Sunday, rather than expose a more senior figure to the fury generated by the killing of nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists in the Israeli commando operation last Monday.

Turkey is expected to try to raise pressure on Israel to end the four-year old blockade of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza during a conference on Monday which precedes Tuesday's full summit.

The diplomatic momentum will continue on Wednesday, as Arab League foreign ministers gather in Istanbul for the Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum.

Turkey, NATO's only Muslim member, has sought to raise its international profile in recent years. Positioned next to countries along the Gulf and Caspian Sea, where most of the world's oil and gas is found, Turkey holds geostrategic value in a conflict-prone region.
It wants to join the European Union and become a major regional power, shedding the straitjacket of its Cold War era role as ally of the West.

Critics caution that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's Islamist-leaning government risks tilting too far in trying to forge stronger ties with Middle East governments the West does not trust.


While CICA aspires to ideals of collective security to minimize threats of conflict within its region there are several hard core enemies of Israel among its diverse membership.

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas are among eight presidents participating in the Eurasian summit. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, though not a member, is attending as a guest.

Plenty of discussion is expected to focus on Israel and the blockade it says is necessary to prevent weapons from falling into the hands of Hamas militants in Gaza. But other topics, including Afghanistan, will also be debated.

"Afghanistan and Gaza are equally test cases for us," Turkish Foreign Ministry Deputy Undersecretary Unal Cevikoz told a news conference on Saturday.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is to meet Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi before the summit in a trilateral spearheaded by Turkey to build confidence between two deeply suspicious neighbors who are both fighting Taliban militants.

Cevikoz said he did not expect the meeting to focus much on Iran's nuclear program, despite momentum for a new sanctions resolution against the Islamic Republic in the U.N. Security Council.

Turkey, with Brazil's help, brokered an accord with Iran last month for a nuclear fuel swap, in the hope of heading off sanctions against a fellow Muslim neighbor, major trading partner and key supplier of gas.

There will be an inevitable focus on any exchanges between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Ahmadinejad, after the Iranian leader sharply criticized the Kremlin for supporting a draft sanctions resolution.

China will be represented at the Istanbul summit by State Councillor Dai Bingguo, a high-ranking foreign policy official, while India is sending a trade minister.

CICA was first established in the early 1990s by Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, whose country hosted the only two previous summits, the last one four years ago.

Turkey hosts Eurasian summit amid Israel storm | Reuters

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